
TAIWAN / Republic of China / 中華民國 / Tajvan

Taiwan is a small island country in East Asia. It is officially called the Republic of China, but it does not belong to the People’s Republic of China, which is commonly referred to as “China”. The People’s Republic of China is trying to put Taiwan under its authority and does not recognize Taiwan as a state at all. There are no direct flights between the two countries for over 60 years. Taiwan has a population of 24 million. The capital is Taipei. The state is democratic, which is confirmed by the fact that they are the first Asian countries to legalize same-sex marriage. Mili Dueli’s mission is to present Taiwan and Taiwanese literature for the purpose of promoting peace in Taiwan.

Tajvan je malena otočna zemlja u Istočnoj Aziji. Službeno se zove Republika Kina, ali ne pripada Narodnoj Republici Kini, na koju se obično misli kad se kaže “Kina”. Narodna Republika Kina pokušava da Tajvan stavi pod svoju vlast i uopće ne priznaje Tajvan kao državu. Preko 60 godina nema direktnih letova između ove dvije države. Tajvan ima čak 24 miliona stanovnika. Glavni grad je Taipei. Država je demokratska što potvrđuje i činjenica da su prva azijska zemlja koja je legalizovala istospolne brakove. Misija Milih Duela je prezentovati Tajvan i tajvansku književnost u svrhu promocije mira u Tajvanu.

List of participants

Lista učesnika


Name and surname






Best place


Zhao Lun Ma s. Ryan Clark




No.6 (2018)



Taiwan – Participation in Mili Dueli (Table of poets)
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


All authors are listed alphabetically. Some author information is missing since it was not even requested during participation. The same will be inserted later. Since this is a licensed project, all rights are reserved.

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Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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