Ahmet Işler


Jury Member / ČLAN ŽIRIJA

Poet from Turkey who lives in Istanbul. He finished on 5th position in Mili Dueli 2021/22 and it is the best placement of Turkey ever.

Commitment through Mili Dueli’s mission

Zalaganje u Mili Dueli misiji

Ahmet Işler is a Turkish poet, the best placed author in Mili Dueli from this country (5th place in the category of 739 authors). In the 2023 season, he will have the role of a jury-consultant for the Turkish-speaking area, since there in Turkey has been an expansion of the popularity of Mili Dueli.

Ahmet Işler je tuski pjesnik, najbolji plasman u Mili Dueli, iz ove zemlje (peto mjesto u kategoriji 739 autora). U sezoni 2023 će imati ulogu žirija-konsultanta za tursko govorno područje, budući da je došlo do ekspanzije popularnosti Mili Dueli u ovoj zemlji. 


