Angola is an African country. It is located in the southwest of the continent. It is the 22nd largest country in the world. It has about 33 million inhabitants.
Until 1975, Angola was a Portuguese colony. After gaining independence, the country entered a period of constant civil wars between two regimes: a supporter of communism and a supporter of democracy, until 2002.
Precisely because of this, it is one of the poorest countries in the world, although it is rich in oil and ores of gold and diamonds. The money from the sale of these energy sources is in the hands of the minority.
Namely, the country was captured for 38 years by the government of one leader, the communist Eduardo dos Santos. His daughter Isabel is the richest woman in Africa with $ 3.2 billion. At the same time, three-fifths of Angolans live without a home. In 2016, the population faced a major food shortage. In 2017, Eduardo resigned as president for health reasons, and appointed his relatives to leading positions in the state and passed a law preventing them from being removed from those positions. Also, the new president is from his Communist Party.
Over 40% of the population lives below the poverty line. The population is expanding, with an average of five or six children per family.
Exclave Cabinda
Another problem for Angola that has led to a series of conflicts is the Cabinda exclave located in the north. The exclave wants independence since 1975. That area, along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, is one of the richest areas in Africa when it comes to oil.
The mission of Mili Dueli is to hear the voice of Angola, the emotion of its people, to convey to the world the message of its artists (poets) and to try to influence its artists to be even louder.
Angola je afrička država. Nalazi se na jugozapadu kontinenta. Po površini je 22. zemlja na svijetu. Ima oko 33 miliona stanovnika.
Do 1975. godine, Angola je bila portugalska kolonija. Nakon stjecanja nezavisnosti, država ulazi u period stalnih građanskih ratova između dva režima: pristalica komunizma i pristalica demokratije, sve do 2002. godine.
Upravo zbog toga, spada u red siromašnih zemalja svijeta, iako obiluje naftom i rudama zlata i dijamanata. Novac od prodaje ovih energenata je u rukama manjine.
Naime, država je 38 godina bila zarobljena vlašću jednog vođe, komuniste Eduarda dos Santosa. Njegova kćerka Isabel je sa 3,2 milijarde dolara najbogatija žena u Africi. Istovremeno, tri petine stanovnika Angole živi bez stuje. 2016. godine se stanovništvo suočilo sa velikom nestašicom hrane. 2017. godine, Eduardo se povlači sa mjesta predsjednika iz zdravstvenih razloga, a na čelna mjesta u državi postavlja svoju rodbinu i donosi zakon kojim sprječava da oni budu smijenjeni s tih pozicija. Također, i novi predsjednik je iz njegove komunističke stranke.
Preko 40 % stanovnika živi ispod granice siromaštva. Broj stanovnika je u ekspanziji budući da se po porodici rađa petoro ili šestoro djece u prosjeku.
Eksklava Kabinda
Još jedan problem za Angolu koji je doveo do niza sukoba jeste eksklava Kabinda koja se nalazi na sjeveru. Eksklava želi nezavisnost još od 1975. godine. To područje, uz obalu Atlantskog okeana, jedno je od najbogatijih područja Afrike kada je nafta u pitanju.
Misija Mili Dueli jeste čuti glas Angole, emociju njenih ljudi, prenijeti svijetu poruku njenih umjetnika (pjesnika) i pokušati utjecati na njene umjetnike da budu još glasniji i da se izbore za mir i osnovna ljudska prava.
List of participants
Lista učesnika
Angola – Participation in Mili Dueli (Table of poets)
No. |
Name and surname |
Born |
Country |
Place |
Season |
Achievement |
Best place |
1. |
Fernando Masunga |
1995 |
Luanda |
No. 8 (2020/21) |
All authors are listed alphabetically. Some author information is missing since it was not even requested during participation. The same will be inserted later. Since this is a licensed project, all rights are reserved.
Autori su poredani po abecednom redu. Neki podaci o autorima nedostaju budući da nisu ni traženi tokom učešća. Isti će biti naknadno umetnuti. Budući da se radi o licenciranom projektu, sva prava su pridržana.