
ARGENTINA / República Argentina / Argentina

Argentina is a country in South America. It is the eighth largest country in the world. It has about 45 million inhabitants, and almost a third of the population lives in the capital, Buenos Aires.
Over 80% of the population is of Spanish or Italian descent.

The name of the state was given by the Europeans when they colonized it. Because its area is rich in silver, the name comes from the Latin word “argentum” which means “silver”. It gained independence from Spain in 1816.

Numerous military coups and the removal of its leaders took place in Argentina in the 19th century. The most prominent leader was Juan Domingo Perón, and later his wives Eva Perón and Isabel Perón.

In 1982, President Galtieri started Argentina’s war against Great Britain. The reason for the war was the Falkland Islands. The war ended with the defeat of Argentina.
In 1994, the problem around the Beagle Sea Channel in the far south, between Chile and Argentina, was resolved. Chile retained 3 islands, and the sea belt of the canal belonged to Argentina.
Disputes are underway for Antarctica, where Chile, Argentina and Great Britain are fighting for large oil deposits.

The mission of Mili Dueli is to encourage and promote the poetry and intercultural dialogue of Argentine poets with the rest of the world. Also, the goal is to encourage connections between Argentines of Balkan (especially Croatian) roots. One of them is the popular actress Gabriela Spanic. Also, we are looking for some new J. L. Borges who is certainly the most famous Argentine writer in the world.

Argentina je država u Južnoj Americi. Po površini je osma zemlja na svijetu. Ima oko 45 miliona stanovnika, a gotovo trećina stanovništva živi u glavnom gradu, Buenos Aires-u.
Preko 80% stanovnika ima španjolsko ili talijansko porijeklo.

Naziv državi su dali Evropljani kada su je kolonizirali. Budući da je njeno područje bogato srebrom, naziv potječe od latinske riječi “argentum” što znači “srebro“. Nezavisnost od Španije stječe 1816. godine.

U 19. stoljeću su se u Argentini desili brojni vojni udari i smjene njenih lidera. Najistaknutiji vođa je bio Juan Domingo Perón, a kasnije i njegove žene Eva Perón i Isabel Perón.

Predsjednik Galtieri je 1982. godine započeo rat Argentine protiv Velike Britanije. Povod za rat su bila Falklandska ostrva. Rat je završen porazom Argentine.
1994. godine je riješen problem i oko Beagle morskog kanala na krajnjem jugu, između Čilea i Argentine. Čile je zadržao 3 otoka, a morski pojas kanala je pripao Argentini.
U toku su sporovi za Antarktik, gdje se za velika nalazišta nafte bore Čile, Argentina i Velika Britanija.

Misija Mili Dueli je potaknuti i promovisati poeziju i interkulturalni dijalog argentinskih pjesnika sa ostatkom svijeta. Također, cilj je potaknuti konekcije Argentinaca balkanskih (naročito hrvatskih) korijena. Jedna od njih je i popularna glumica Gabriela Spanic. Također, u potrazi smo za nekim novim J. L. Borgesom koji je zasigurno najpoznatiji argentinski književnik u svijetu.

List of participants

Lista učesnika

Argentina – Participation in Mili Dueli (Table of poets)


Name and surname






Best place


Nicole Epp



Buenos Aires

No. 8 (2020/21)


TOP 500


Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


All authors are listed alphabetically. Some author information is missing since it was not even requested during participation. The same will be inserted later. Since this is a licensed project, all rights are reserved.

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Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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