Australija je država koja se nalazi na istoimenom kontinentu. Po površini je 6. zemlja na svijetu. Glavni grad joj je Kanbera, ali najviše stanovnika živi u gradu Sidneju.
1901. godine je stekla nezavisnost od Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Međutim, ove dvije države i danas imaju snažne veze. Aboridžani su starosjedioci države, ali su danas manjina u odnosu na stanovništvo evropskih korijena.
Australija spada u red razvijenih zemalja svijeta. Misija Mili Dueli se ogleda u poticanju interkulturalnog dijaloga ove zemlje sa ostalim zemljama svijeta, prevashodno balkanskim zemljama, budući da u Australiji živi dosta balkanske dijaspore.
Australia is a country located on the continent of the same name. It is the 6th largest country in the world. Its capital is Canberra, but most residents live in Sydney.
In 1901, it gained independence from the United Kingdom. However, the two countries still have strong ties today. Aboriginal people are natives of the country, but today they are a minority in relation to the population of European roots.
Australia is one of the developed countries in the world. The mission of Mili Dueli is reflected in the promotion of intercultural dialogue of this country with other countries of the world, primarily the Balkan countries, since Australia has a large Balkan diaspora.
List of participants
Lista učesnika
Name and surname |
Born |
Country |
Place |
Season |
Achievement |
Best place |
1. |
Ridvan Hadžić |
1960 |
Perth |
No. 7 (2019) |
2nd ROUND |
2. |
Suada Sokolović Suljić |
1955 |
Melbourne |
No. 5 (2017) |
1st ROUND |
3. |
Mladen Perić |
1970 |
– |
No. 1 (2012) |
3nd ROUND |
4. |
Elif Sezen |
1981 |
Melbourne |
No. 8 (2020/21) |
11th PLACE |
Table of achievement poets from Australia (Pictorial Display):
All authors are listed alphabetically. Some author information is missing since it was not even requested during participation. The same will be inserted later. Since this is a licensed project, all rights are reserved.
Autori su poredani po abecednom redu. Neki podaci o autorima nedostaju budući da nisu ni traženi tokom učešća. Isti će biti naknadno umetnuti. Budući da se radi o licenciranom projektu, sva prava su pridržana.