Austria is a country in Central Europe. It has about 8.5 million inhabitants, and the capital is Vienna, where 20% of the population lives. Austrians make up 88.8% of the population, and a significant part of the Balkan diaspora lives in this country.
Since 1995, it has become a member of the European Union (EU) and since then it has been slowly rising to the most economically developed countries in Europe.
Mili Duel’s mission is to enable the connections of the Balkan diaspora from Austria with the Balkans, through poetry, and to encourage other Austrian poets to join us.
Austrija je država u Srednjoj Evropi. Ima oko 8.5 miliona stanovnika, a u glavni grad je Beč u kojem živi 20 % stanovnika. Austrijanci čine 88,8% stanovnika, a u ovoj državi živi značajan dio balkanske dijaspore.
Od 1995. godine je postala članica Evropske Unije (EU) i otada se polako uzdiže u ekonomski najrazvijenije države Evrope.
Misija Mili Dueli je omogućiti konekcije balkanske dijaspore iz Austrije sa Balkanom, putem poezije, te potaknuti i druge austrijske pjesnike da nam se priključe.
List of participants
Lista učesnika
Name and surname |
Born |
Country |
Place |
Season |
Achievement |
Best place |
1. |
Edin Šarić |
1965 |
Leonding |
No.5 (2017) |
1st ROUND |
2. |
Jovica Letić |
1958 |
Innsbruck |
No.6 (2018) |
3rd ROUND |
3. |
Mersida Grahović – Dida |
1979 |
Leonding |
No.6 (2018) |
2nd ROUND |
4. |
Milena Čović |
1974 |
No.7 (2019) |
3rd ROUND |
5. |
Milkica Milaković |
1968 |
Linz |
No.6 (2018) |
1st ROUND |
6. |
Nevena Džaja |
1954 |
Vienna |
No. 3 (2014) |
4th |
7. |
No.2 (2013) |
2nd ROUND |
8. |
Sanja Golić |
1969 |
Salzburg |
No.7 (2019) |
2nd ROUND |
9. |
Sreto Stojaković Lužanski |
1957 |
Kufstein |
No.7 (2019) |
2nd ROUND |
No. 8 (2020/21) |
3rd ROUND |
10. |
Vesna Eschenlor |
1964 |
Vienna |
No.7 (2019) |
3rd ROUND |
Table of achievement poets from Austria (Pictorial Display):
European Youth Award Festival 2018
The Austrian city Salzburg is the capital of the EYA Festival. The festival is dedicated to the impact of young people on the community through digital technologies. Sweet Duels (orig. Mili Dueli) organizer, Nermin Delić, applied the project in the category Connecting Cultures where Sweet Duels has been named as the (TOP 5) Best Youth Projects in Europe.
Austrijski grad Salzburg, prijestolnica je EYA- festivala. Festival je posvećen utjecaju mladih na zajednicu putem digitalnih tehnologija. Organizator Milih Duela, Nermin Delić, aplicirao je projekt u kategoriju Connecting Cultures. Mili Dueli su proglašeni kao TOP 5 najboljih projekata mladih u Evropi.
All authors are listed alphabetically. Some author information is missing since it was not even requested during participation. The same will be inserted later. Since this is a licensed project, all rights are reserved.
Autori su poredani po abecednom redu. Neki podaci o autorima nedostaju budući da nisu ni traženi tokom učešća. Isti će biti naknadno umetnuti. Budući da se radi o licenciranom projektu, sva prava su pridržana.