India is a country in South Asia. It has a population of about 1.4 billion. It is the second most populous country in the world. Its name comes from the Ind River. The main religion is Hinduism. The most populated areas are Mumbai and Calcutta. The most famous Indian is Mahatma Gandhi as he has given a lesson to the world by fighting India’s independence through non-violent revolution. On this behalf, Milli Dueli gladly host Indian authors.
Indija je zemlja u Južnoj Aziji. Ima oko 1,4 milijarde stanovnika. Druga je najmnogoljudnija zemlja na svijetu. Ime joj potječe zahvaljujući rijeci Ind. Glavna religija je hinduizam. Najnaseljenija područja su Mumbai i Kalkuta. Najpoznatiji Indijac je Mahatma Gandi budući da je dao lekciju svijetu tako što je nenasilnom revolucijom izborio nezavisnost Indije. U to ime, Mili Dueli rado ugoste indijske autore.
List of participants
Lista učesnika
Name and surname |
Born |
Country |
Place |
Season |
Achievement |
Best place |
1. |
Chandrama Deshmukh |
1983 |
Bangalore |
No. 7 (2019) |
TOP 50 |
2. |
Niladri Mahajan |
1977 |
Kolkata |
No. 7 (2019) |
TOP 50 |
3. |
Sethi Krishan Chand |
1952. |
Daman |
No.6 (2018) |
1st ROUND |
4. |
Wani Nazir |
1976 |
Pulwama |
No. 7 (2019) |
2nd ROUND |
5. |
Krishnasankar Acharjee |
1978 |
Kolkata |
No. 8 (2020/21) |
2nd ROUND |
6. |
Arisha Siddiqui |
2003 |
Uttar Pradesh |
No. 8 (2020/21) |
2nd ROUND |
7. |
Ratan Gosh |
1978 |
Kolkata |
No. 8 (2020/21) |
2nd ROUND |
8. |
Ishfaq Majeed |
1993 |
Kasmir |
No. 8 (2020/21) |
2nd ROUND |
All authors are listed alphabetically. Some author information is missing since it was not even requested during participation. The same will be inserted later. Since this is a licensed project, all rights are reserved.
Autori su poredani po abecednom redu. Neki podaci o autorima nedostaju budući da nisu ni traženi tokom učešća. Isti će biti naknadno umetnuti. Budući da se radi o licenciranom projektu, sva prava su pridržana.