The Philippines is an island country in Southeast Asia. The state has a population of about 100 million. The capital is Manila. The official languages are Filipino and English. Volcanic eruptions are common in the country. Owing to its volcanic origin, the islands are rich in ores and it is estimated that the Philippines, after South Africa, is second in gold reserves. In the last century, the state was under the rule of dictators, and now it is democratic.
Filipini su otočna država u Jugoistočnoj Aziji. Država ima oko 100 miliona stanovnika. Glavni grad je Manila. Službeni jezici su filipinski i engleski. U državi su česte erupcije vulkana. Zahvaljujući svom vulkanskom porijeklu otoci obiluju rudama i procjenjuje se da su Filipini, nakon Južnoafričke Republike, na drugom mjestu po rezervama zlata. U prošlom stoljeću je država bila pod vlašću diktatora, a sada je demokratska.
List of participants
Lista učesnika
Name and surname |
Born |
Country |
Place |
Season |
Achievement |
Best place |
1. |
Mari Felices |
1978 |
Palawan |
No. 7 (2019) |
2nd ROUND |
2. |
Russel Edles |
1987 |
General MacArthur |
No. 7 (2019) |
3rd ROUND |
No. 8 (2020/21) |
TOP 250 |

All authors are listed alphabetically. Some author information is missing since it was not even requested during participation. The same will be inserted later. Since this is a licensed project, all rights are reserved.
Autori su poredani po abecednom redu. Neki podaci o autorima nedostaju budući da nisu ni traženi tokom učešća. Isti će biti naknadno umetnuti. Budući da se radi o licenciranom projektu, sva prava su pridržana.