Jury Member / ČLAN ŽIRIJA
Poet. She was born in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She lives in Salzburg, Austria and she is the winner Mili Dueli 2021/22.
Commitment through Mili Dueli’s mission
Zalaganje u Mili Dueli misiji
Sanja Balalić is the winner of Mili Dueli 2021/22, the most numerous contest season (739 authors in the category). She won the audience and the jury with her emotional poetry dedicated to her family, and the 2023 season is her debut on the jury. She is one of the most talented living poets of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sanja Balalić je pobjednica Mili Dueli 2021/22, inače najbrojnije sezone kontesta (u kategoriji 739 autora). Publiku i žiri je osvojila svojom poezijom posvećenoj njenoj porodici, a sezone 2023 je njen debi u žiriju. Spada u red najtalentovanijih živućih pjesnika Bosne i Hercegovine.