Mili Dueli 2019

Semi-finalist Mduduzi Ndwandwe: When I was searching for challenges in poetry, then I found MILLI DUELI – free of entry! (Mili Dueli 2019)

In the next posts, we will meet you with our semi-finalists. We will show you their semi-final’s poem and interview about them and their impressions about Mili Dueli. Also, you will see what they answer on some interesting situations.

Note: Semi-final duels starts in September, 5. We have two semi-finals where we will show 25 authors in each one. So, this is TOP 50 poets in competition where have been presented 545 authors.


Mentor:Icons and illustration of flag of MontenegroAnđela Turukalo 


Fotografija SilentSpeakera Zwide.



Smrtonosna noć
vrtlogom glasova
budi paniku
i drhtanje.

Kakvo je ovo mjesto?!
Zjene se šire u nevjerici:
stojim nad lobanjama.

Nažalost, okliznuh se:
zglob gubi ravnotežu
dok se tup zvuk koraka

Vidjeh mačetu kako se izdiže
i primiče:
tada sam otkrio…
Desna ruka je mrtva,
modrica je novi izazov.

Tada sam spazio sijenku:
cijepala mi je noge.
Zazvonilo je posmrtno zvono.
Bilo je ili kapija pakla…
Nebeska kapija se nije ni otvarala…
Morao sam izgovoriti posljednje riječi

Death Strikes!

the deadly night
had a ripple of voices
that arouse panic
and trembling.

What is this place!
my eyes widened up,
still gullible that
i’m standing on top
of skulls.

Unfortunately i slipped
sending my wrist to balance,
a scampering sound of footsteps
approached my spot.

I saw a raised
shiny machete advancing,
then i discovered that
my right hand was dead,
the bruise was a challenge too.

I then detected a shadow
that shred my legs
a bell of death rang,
it was either the gate of hell
nor heaven gate was to open,
i had to say my last words
to God.

Name and Surname
Date and the year of birth
Nationality (Write the name of the country whose passport you have in UPPERCASES)
Name of the city where you live (Write in uppercases. If you live in the village, write the name of the city that place belongs to, then the name of the village in brackets)
When did you start writing poetry?
in 2014 when i was doing my last year in secondary high school.
Which elementary school were you attending? Were you a good student?
Matsapha Government Primary School
Which high school have you finished (or which high school are you attending)?
Swazi National High School
Do you have a college degree? Enter your academic title, if any. If you go to college, write down what year you are on. If you are not going while planning to enroll, enter which colleges you are interested in! *
No, i’m currently pursuing my last year at the Advance School of Information Technology(ASIT).
Are you employed? If you are: what is your job and where are you working?
Books you’ve published:
Your poetry awards:
What does poetry mean to you?
Freedom of Speech.
Make a list of your five favourite writers:
William Shakespeare
John Grisham
Monica Barrie
Douglas Rees
Paul Langan
How did you hear about our contest, and decided to apply?
I got it from the internet when i was searching for challenges in poetry, then i found MILLI DUELI free of entry.
What are your experiences with the contest so far? What do you like the most, and what would you change?
Deep writing and description, the mentors are always straight to the point to help you sharpen your skill.
Who’s your mentor? What’s your opinion about her/him?
Andjela Turukalo, she is brave and analytical.
Were you expecting to enter the semi-final stage as one of the TOP 50 among 545 people who applied?
Are you expecting to enter the final stage?
Do you expect winning this competition?
Tick the three groups that describe you the most:
motivating others
dedicated to what they do
Tick the three groups that describe you the least:
talking in front of the audience without problem
sport spirit
Are you a hunter or a gatherer?
i’m a gatherer.
What is your definition of love?
Trust , Loyalty and Peace.
If you were a plant- which plant would you be and why?
Grape plant, because it uses friends to support itself before it bears grapes, and so that is being amiable to me.
Somebody gave you an anteater. What are you doing with the gift?
i’m teaching it to adapt to domesticated environment.Fotografija SilentSpeakera Zwide.
Describe the colour yellow to a blind person.
it impossible, because to see a color you need the presence of light, so when you are blind you don’t have that privilege.also to see a color you need the sense of sight too.
Tell us something we don’t know about you.
i’m a male Swazi citizen age 21 years,currently pursuing an Advance diploma in Cyber Security and Network Forensics.I Live with my Mother and four Siblings a brother and three sisters.I like business adventures because my dream is to become an entrepreneur within 5 years from now and i’m also partnering with a friend in Light_lover Investment where we work as a team to establish an aluminium steel company, hence i’m still a silence partner though. i love reading and writing from daily basis.
Fotografija SilentSpeakera Zwide.
Make a list of ten things you can do with a pen (except for writing)
Creating a gun
Scraping out your ear and nose
Spreading Peanut Butter
Making drum beat
Making clicking sounds
Creating Magic tricks



More about Semi-final organization:


Mili Dueli 2019: Organization of The Semi-Final (English version)


All rights reserved.
Mili DUELI (by Nermin Delić)
Online Balkan Poetry Contest
Town Jajce
71 202
Bosnia and Herzegovina


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