In the next posts, we will meet you with our semi-finalists. We will show you their semi-final’s poem and interview about them and their impressions about Mili Dueli. Also, you will see what they answer on some interesting situations.
Note: Semi-final duels starts in September, 5. We have two semi-finals where we will show 25 authors in each one. So, this is TOP 50 poets in competition where have been presented 545 authors.
Mentor:Nermin Delić
RASHODI Sada šetamo obalom. Berba je cvijeća, Ne volim je. РАЗХОДКА Сега по брега се разхождаме двамата. |
Name and Surname |
Kaloyan Hristov
Date and the year of birth |
Nationality (Write the name of the country whose passport you have in UPPERCASES) |
Name of the city where you live (Write in uppercases. If you live in the village, write the name of the city that place belongs to, then the name of the village in brackets) |
When did you start writing poetry? |
When I was in middle school.
Which elementary school were you attending? Were you a good student? |
I was in school “St. Cyril and Methodius”. I was good student in some school subjects. 🙂
Which high school have you finished (or which high school are you attending)? |
I finished one of the bes high shools in my country and the oldest shool in Bulgaria.
It’s name is National Aprilov High School |
Do you have a college degree? Enter your academic title, if any. If you go to college, write down what year you are on. If you are not going while planning to enroll, enter which colleges you are interested in! * |
I am student in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
I lern Bulgarian filology in 4th year. |
Are you employed? If you are: what is your job and where are you working? |
At this moment I don’t have a job.
I work in our literary platform |
Books you’ve published: |
In 2018 I published poetry bokk “Съвпадения” – “Coincidences”
Your poetry awards: |
I dont have awards.
What does poetry mean to you? |
My permanent love.
Make a list of your five favourite writers: |
Dimitar Talev
Nabokov Petur Tchouhov Sergey Esenin Anton Tchehov |
How did you hear about our contest, and decided to apply? |
I saw in one site about literature.
What are your experiences with the contest so far? What do you like the most, and what would you change? |
Every round I can present new poem.
It is great. Every time I wait results and it is interesting poetry contest. |
Who’s your mentor? What’s your opinion about her/him? |
My mentor is Nermin Delic.
He is very responsible, he help me, he is good translator and he is organizer of contest. It is hard work and I support his activities about contest. |
Were you expecting to enter the semi-final stage as one of the TOP 50 among 545 people who applied? |
Are you expecting to enter the final stage? |
Do you expect winning this competition? |
Tick the three groups that describe you the most: |
adventurous spirit
sport spirit
Tick the three groups that describe you the least: |
like to spend a lot of time alone
dedicated to what they do
Are you a hunter or a gatherer? |
I am a gather and a hunter.
🙂 |
What is your definition of love? |
You have to give for your love, so then you can use your love with symbiosis
оф отхер хуман |
If you were a plant- which plant would you be and why? |
Evergreen shurb
Somebody gave you an anteater. What are you doing with the gift? |
I will not grow ants.
Describe the colour yellow to a blind person. |
Color of sun.
Tell us something we don’t know about you. |
I love literature, i spend time in environment, I love reading books.
Make a list of ten things you can do with a pen (except for writing) |
1o x writing
🙂 |
More about Semi-final organization:
Mili Dueli 2019: Organization of The Semi-Final (English version)