Mili Dueli 2019

Semi-finalist Chandrama Deshmukh: Love is comfort! (Mili Dueli 2019)

In the next posts, we will meet you with our semi-finalists. We will show you their semi-final’s poem and interview about them and their impressions about Mili Dueli. Also, you will see what they answer on some interesting situations.

Note: Semi-final duels starts in September, 5. We have two semi-finals where we will show 25 authors in each one. So, this is TOP 50 poets in competition where have been presented 545 authors.


Mentor:Icons and illustration of flag of Bosnia and HerzegovinaNermin Delić


Fotografija Chandrama.



Koliko puno ljubavi
je previše ljubavi?
I kako znate
da li je dovoljno
ili ti treba više?
Kako mjerite
njen intenzitet, obilje
i kako joj
razaznajete granice?
Kad se dva sazviježđa
sudare u zvjezdani prah
kako identifikujete
koje je prvo
a koje drugo?

Naši dlanovi
spojeni u mape
udaljenih krajeva;
naše bodlje
granaju se
iz istog korijena…
Preobražavamo se
jedno u drugo,
u nerazdvojne
dvije polovine
jednog univerzuma

Nakon svega ovoga
i dalje čeznemo
za više.
Koliko puno ljubavi
je previše ljubavi?


How much love
Is too much love?
And how do you know
whether it’s enough
Or you need more?
How do you gauge
it’s intensity, abundance
And how do you
mark it’s boundaries?
When two clusters of stars
collide into stardust
How do you identify
which is one
and how much is the other?

Our palms
merge into maps
of distant lands
Our spines
are branching
from the same root
We are transforming
into each other
two halves
of one universe

And after all this
we still keep longing
for more.
How much love
is too much love?

Name and Surname
Date and the year of birth
12 1983
Nationality (Write the name of the country whose passport you have in UPPERCASES)
Name of the city where you live (Write in uppercases. If you live in the village, write the name of the city that place belongs to, then the name of the village in brackets)
When did you start writing poetry?
I started writing poetry at the age of 12.
Which elementary school were you attending? Were you a good student?
Yes, i was a good student. Attended St. Joseph’s convent school.
Which high school have you finished (or which high school are you attending)?
I attended St. Joseph’s Convent high school, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.
Do you have a college degree? Enter your academic title, if any. If you go to college, write down what year you are on. If you are not going while planning to enroll, enter which colleges you are interested in! *
I have a masters degree in English literature.
Are you employed? If you are: what is your job and where are you working?
I am working as a content head for a media company in Bangalore, India.
Books you’ve published:
Moonlit Monochrome
Your poetry awards:
Award for contribution to literature by the Karnataka Writers Association.
What does poetry mean to you?
Poetry for me is that one streak of silver lining amidst the chaos of life.
Make a list of your five favourite writers:
Amitav Ghosh.
Haruki Murakami.
Jane Austen.
Khalil Gibran.
How did you hear about our contest, and decided to apply?
I heard about it online. Decided to apply because it felt like a window to enter the world of poetry.
Fotografija Chandrama.
What are your experiences with the contest so far? What do you like the most, and what would you change?
I’ve had all good experiences so far. I love the fact that there are these volunteers you’ve assigned to every poet who translates their work. That, according to me is an amazing initiative. I would not like to change anything. I love it.
Who’s your mentor? What’s your opinion about her/him?
I don’t have a specific mentor. Different people have inspired me in different ways. Experiences have mentored like none other.
I am grateful for every mentor who has touch my life in indescribable ways.
Were you expecting to enter the semi-final stage as one of the TOP 50 among 545 people who applied?
Are you expecting to enter the final stage?
Do you expect winning this competition?
Tick the three groups that describe you the most:
talking in front of the audience without problem
not afraid to express his/hers opinion
dedicated to what they do
Tick the three groups that describe you the least:
risk talking
sport spirit
always ready for action
Are you a hunter or a gatherer?
What is your definition of love?
Love is comfort. It is like despite being with someone else, you feel like being in your own skin.
Fotografija Chandrama.
If you were a plant- which plant would you be and why?
I’d be a wildflower plant. African Daisy. I love how they bloom without a reason. Like stars in the forest.
Somebody gave you an anteater. What are you doing with the gift?
I will read poems to it.
Describe the colour yellow to a blind person.
Have you ever stood under the sun and felt the rays on your body? Now imagine coming back in your cozy room, leaving all the glitter behind. What is left of the sun on your skin then, is the colour Yellow.
Tell us something we don’t know about you.
I love telling stories to kids. The curious look in their eyes is precious.
Also, I do theatre.
Make a list of ten things you can do with a pen (except for writing)
Make signs in the air for someone to read
Open close the cap to reduce stress and anxiety
You can spin a pen and play truth or dare
Show you love someone by placing pen in their pocket
Leave it on the desk of someone who you wish to speak to again
Trace the lines on your palm with a closed pen
Keep it on your desk as a reminder to keep pouring your thoughts out
Use pen for finger gymnastics
Use pen to scratch the back.
Fotografija Chandrama.



More about Semi-final organization:


Mili Dueli 2019: Organization of The Semi-Final (English version)


All rights reserved.
Mili DUELI (by Nermin Delić)
Online Balkan Poetry Contest
Town Jajce
71 202
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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