Mili Dueli 2020/21

Mili Dueli 2020/21: Results of the Finals and all about Grand Final!

In the last round of the eighth season of Mili Dueli, 60 authors were presented. They were presented in two separate finals, with 30 authors each. From both finals, 15 authors passed to the Grand Final. We bring you the names of the authors who made it to the Grand Final!


Mili Dueli 2020/21 – TOP 15 from the Final No.1



Mili Dueli 2020/21 – TOP 15 from the Final No.2

Detailed insight into the voting in Final 1 and Final 2 by the organizers, jury, readers and finalists will be available to all readers after the Grand Final! Until then, the results achieved are known only to the organizer and are kept secret in order to prevent the possibility of favoring certain authors immediately before the announcement of the winner.


Authors who did not make it to the Grand Final

These are the authors who finished in the Final 1 and Final 2 in the positions from 16th to 30th. All of them will receive special plaques after the contest for placement in the finals of the contest. Also, in the Grand Final they will have the opportunity to vote and thus directly participate in the selection of the winner.

Authors who made it to the Grand Final

These are the authors who finished in the Final 1 and Final 2 positions from 1st to 15th place. All of them gain the right to participate in the Grand Final and continue their march towards numerous contest prizes. Also, in the Grand Final they will have the opportunity to vote and thus directly participate in the selection of the winner. Therefore, I advise them to study the text below well so that they can follow the Grand Final in the right way.


Mili Dueli 2020/21- List of participants in the Grand Final (* Authors are ranked alphabetically by country they represent)


The 30 best authors of the eighth season of the contest will have the opportunity to participate in the Grand Final. These are authors who come from a record 19 countries in the Balkans and the rest of the world.


GRAND FINALS – Organization and rules of voting

In the Grand Final vote:

1. Organizer
2. International jury
3. Readers
4. This season’s finalists

1. Voting of the organizer.

The organizer, Nermin Delic, votes in 3 categories: Best Final Poem, Best Final Audio-Visual Performance and General Impression.

Points are awarded as follows:

In the Best Final Poem category, the 10 best authors are awarded the following points: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120.
In the Best Final Audio-Visual Performance category, the 10 best authors are awarded the following points: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120.
In the General Impression category, it awards the 15 best authors with the following points: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500.

The organizer is a person who in the past 2 years worked on the presentation of poetic works of all 739 authors-participants, and directly participated in the selection of the best poems through the rounds of the competition.


2. Voting of the international jury.

This season’s international jury of Mili Dueli consists of: Simo Golubović, Danja Gašpar Đokić, Enea Hotić, Anđela Turukalo, Lela Zjao, Ljubica Petrović Kosor, Milčo Misoski, Sarah Isufi, Lena Kyropoulos and Zdravko Odorčić. These are prominent Balkan artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Croatia, Greece and Albania, as well as the winners of previous seasons of Mili Dueli.

All of them, except Anđela Turukalo, vote for the 10 best authors by awarding them the following points: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120.

Since she has worked on translations of more than a hundred poems by foreign authors this season, and with her engagement helped Mili Dueli to achieve international cooperation with many authors, Anđela Turukalo votes for the 15 best authors by awarding them the following points: 10, 20, 30 , 40, 50, 60,70, 80, 90, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500.

International Jury Voting Rule: An international jury cannot vote for multiple authors representing the same country, but could choose only one. (e.g. if Portugal has 3 representatives in the Grand Final, if there is a will, a member of the jury may give some of his points to only one or none representative of Portugal).


3. Readers’ voting.

Readers have the right to vote in the Grand Final. As of today, January 9, when the Organizer officially opened the Grand Final, they have the opportunity to vote in the next 14 days (until January 23, at 12:00) on all social platforms on which they voted earlier.

Voting rules:

  1. Readers vote on the Mili Dueli Facebook page, the Mili Dueli Poetry YouTube channel and the milidueli Instagram profile.
  2. Voting continues on the existing ones, started in the final round. So on Facebook and Instagram people vote with likes and views, and on YouTube only with views. As a note, when voting with likes, we will count only likes who arrived from those who liked our official Facebook page, or Instagram profile, according to where they vote.
  3. All votes received so far in the final round (through Final 1 and Final 2) are also valid in the Grand Final!

In each of the 5 categories, points are awarded for the 10 best authors according to the following points scales:

  • Facebook likes: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 200, 240.
  • Facebook views: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120.
  • Instagram likes: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120
  • Instagram views: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120.
  • YouTube views: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120.


4. Finalist voting

60 authors of the final round will have the opportunity to vote in the Grand Final. All finalists will have the opportunity to vote, regardless of whether they made it to the Grand Final or not. They all vote by giving Eurovision points (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12).

Voting rules:
1. All participants in the final round (60 in total) have the right to vote, regardless of whether they made it to the Grand Final or not.
2. From the 30 Grand Finalists offered, the 10 best are selected to be awarded Eurovision points (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12). Points cannot be repeated!
3. A Grand Final participant may not vote for himself or herself or for Grand Final participants coming from his / her country.
4. A finalist who has not made it to the Grand Final may vote for all participants in the Grand Final, except those who come from the same country as him / her.
5. If the finalist does not use the right to vote in the Grand Final, voting outside the scheduled voting deadline will not be possible.

Any finalist vote that deviates from the above rules will not be included in the scoreboard.

The organizer will contact all finalists in a private message on Facebook. They will be provided with a link to vote, as well as the voting time, which will be 7 days from the day the message was sent.


G O O D    L U C K    T O    A L L   O F    U S ! 🙂



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