Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Lora Mladenova – Tajna večera (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Ime i prezime autora:
Lora Mladenova
Pjesma za 4. i 5. krug (Finale / Veliko finale):

нали не съм аз, Господи
снощи с блудния син
се напихме на кучета
до паметника на греховете си
и той си тръгна с немити крака

да дава на ближния

не на войната
не на страха
се четеше по устните ми
докато пръв хвърлях камък

с апостолите се надвиквахме
за философия на битието
през крадливо озъртане
има ли кой да ни увековечи
в картина

когато никой не ме гледаше
смирено обрах бакшиша от сметката
след Тайната вечеря

да има

за ближния

нали не съм аз


Is it I, Lord

along with prodigal son
we wasted ourselves yestereve
next to the shrine of our sins
then he left with his feet still unclean

to gift alms to thy neighbor

war – nay
fear – nay
were discerned on my lips
as I threw the first stone

the apostles and I
we outcried one another
over trivial matters of day-to-day life
through malicious eyeshifts
should someone etch us forever
with a brush and some paint

and as I stood unobserved
I modestly claimed the tip
in the wake of the Last Supper

to feed
thy neighbor

Is it I


zar nisam ja, Gospode

sinoć sa bludnim sinom
pila kao pas
kod spomenika sagrešenja
i on ode nijemim korakom

dati bližnjem

ne ratu
ne strahu
čitaše mi se sa usana
dok bacah prvi kamen

sa apostolima se nadvikivah
o filozofiji postojanja
kroz prikriveni pogled
ima li ko da nas ovekovječi

dok niko ne gledaše
ponizno uzeh bakšiš sa računa
poslije Tajne večere

da ima

za bližnjeg

zar nisam ja

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić

Nešto posebno o Vama!
I was born on the 14th of June 1990 in my mother’s home town Pleven. I grew up between Pleven and Varna, I’ve studied five languages, out of which I managed to learn three and a half. Then I graduated in both Journalism and Law, resectively from Sofia University and from New Bulgarian University. My minor programme was Oriental Studies. I then specialised in Media Law and the role of the media in armed conflicts in Sarajevo and I am pretty sure that my deep interest in the volume and meanings of free speech and in the unattainable simplicity of life was born there and then. Later on, I participated with some of my short stories in the Almanac ‘New Bulgarian Literature’ Prose 2018. A few years ago, I finally managed to leave corporations, corporate ideals, and the stereotyped idea of ​​success and happiness. I am currently the Chief Editor of a feminist online media, I am engaged in social activism and I share anti-authoritarian views. Interested in feminism, ecology, human rights, controversial art, anti-pop culture, mental issues, the origins of languages, the world beyond the status quo, people with presence and history, the phenomenons of entropy… and probably how to make what I just wrote sound less poseur. I consider myself an ambivert and I could not survive without earphones.
Šta je po Vašem mišljenju glavni problem miru u Vašoj državi? Predložite nam rješenja, te kako poezijom donijeti i očuvati mir u svojoj zemji?
In my opinion, the main problem with peace in my country is a systematic one. There’s social, economic, cultural and political segregation that has been cultivated and reciprocated on purpose over the years by the ruling system, no matter who in particular had represented it by the time. There’s fake news, there’s targeted propaganda, there’s a lot of social injustice and all of this prevents most people from being empathetic critical thinkers. I don’t see this as a problem in my country solely. These days, the solid distinction between countries and nations is more of an issue that is being artificially fed and maintained due to the fact that people are easier to be manipulated and governed if there’s some kind of antagonism between them.
For me, poetry itself and art in general are a subtle way to reach to people’s hearts and relate to everyone’s personal narrative in a way that would find common ground between different approaches to the same basic human values. Poetry expands one’s own personal borders, makes them more flexible and soft. A poem can reach parts of our souls that science and facts cannot. No matter how smart, logical and educated we think we are, our major drive in life is always emotion-related.
In view of all this, I believe that the worldwide distribution of a digest with all poems in this competition, divided by topics and not by nations, would be a good idea to demonstrate the variety of approaches and interpretations to the same values and issues, to remind us how similar we can be, and to send a clear political message of peace.

You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:



Mili Dueli 2023 – Peti krug (Veliko finale)



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