Mili Dueli 2019

Semi-finalist Loris Avella: Love is a wonderful creature! (Mili Dueli 2019)

In the next posts, we will meet you with our semi-finalists. We will show you their semi-final’s poem and interview about them and their impressions about Mili Dueli. Also, you will see what they answer on some interesting situations.

Note: Semi-final duels starts in September, 5. We have two semi-finals where we will show 25 authors in each one. So, this is TOP 50 poets in competition where have been presented 545 authors.


Mentor:Icons and illustration of flag of MontenegroAnđela Turukalo 


Fotografija Lorisa Avelle.



Olovne cigarete,
u punim pepeljarama:
poput metaka.

Slomljeni diskovi zveče
u slabo osvijetljenom baru.
Crveno, blicajuće svijetlo
osvjetljava lica
tužnih pokrovitelja,
utopljenih i udubljenih
u tople napitke
sa ukusom licemerja.
Ukus sapuna
čisti usta
od prećutanih riječi.

Spasimo se pred zoru,
prije nego munja sjajem
presiječe noć na pola.
Sačuvaj me prije nego sjećanja:
pijani od ljubavi u Sorentu,
okupani morem
i… kroz večernji vazduh,
doživljavam sve kao film.

U svakom randevuu
tražim dio tebe,
koju sam imao,
i da postoji …
I ja nestajem
u novoj čaši:
neproziran i prljav…

Niz mračne ulice
žvaćem pjesme.

Verzija na engleski jezik: 
REQUIEMLead cigarettes,
in full ashtrays:
like bullets.Broken disks rattle
in a dimly lit bar.
Red, flashing light
illuminates the faces
sad patrons,
drowned and recessed
into hot drinks
with a taste of hypocrisy.
The taste of soap
cleans the mouth
from the silent words.

Let’s save before dawn,
before the lightning shines
cuts the night in half.
Save me before memories:
drunk with love in Sorrento,
bathed by the sea
and … through the evening air,
I experience everything as a movie.

At every rendez vous
I’m looking for a part of you,
that I had,
and that there is …
I’m missing too
in a new glass:
opaque and dirty …

Down the dark street
I chew songs.

Verzija na talijanski jezik:
Sigarette al piombo,
in posacenere pieni:
come proiettili.
I dischi rotti vibrano
in una bar
scarsamente illuminato.
Luce rossa lampeggiante
illumina i volti
di tristi avventori,
annegati e ubriachi
in bevande calde
con un sapore di ipocrisia.
Il sapore del sapone
pulisce la bocca
dalle parole silenziose.
Salviamoci prima dell’alba,
prima che il lampo brilli
e taglia la notte a metà.
Salvami prima dei ricordi:
ubriaco d’amore a Sorrento,
bagnata dal mare e …
attraverso l’aria della sera,
Vivo tutto come un film.
Ad ogni rendez vous
sto cercando una parte di te
che avevo e che c’è …
Anche io mi manca
Mi perdo in un altro bicchiere:
opaco e sporco …
In fondo alla strada buia
mastico canzoni.

Name and Surname
Date and the year of birth
Nationality (Write the name of the country whose passport you have in UPPERCASES)
Name of the city where you live (Write in uppercases. If you live in the village, write the name of the city that place belongs to, then the name of the village in brackets)
When did you start writing poetry?
I started writing at the time of high school, I attended art school and the paintings, sculpture and stories related to them pushed me to create.
Which elementary school were you attending? Were you a good student?
I have always been a very good student, especially in artistic subjects and in literature even though I was very rebellious and a little out of the box since I was little.
Which high school have you finished (or which high school are you attending)?
I attended art school.
Do you have a college degree? Enter your academic title, if any. If you go to college, write down what year you are on. If you are not going while planning to enroll, enter which colleges you are interested in! *
no, I don’t go to a university and I’m not a member of a college.
Are you employed? If you are: what is your job and where are you working?
I’m a chef aide in a bar / restaurant in Naples center.
Books you’ve published:
Groviglio. Book sprint edizioni
Fotografija Lorisa Avelle.
Your poetry awards:

1 classified young section “city of Galateo” verbumlandiart

2 ranked Partenope prize in Naples

2 classified at the international poetry prize “the voice of poets”

2 ranked poetry contest “the golden rose”

Fotografija Lorisa Avelle.

What does poetry mean to you?
poetry is my anger, my word, my love, my slaps and my ranks, the screams and the silence. is what I feel during a day, what I observe and what I listen to. it is my reality, it is those that I touch with my hands and that does not make me sleep at night because it wants to be written.
Make a list of your five favourite writers:
Alda Merini
García Lorca
Erri De Luca
Emily Bronte
Alessandro Baricco
How did you hear about our contest, and decided to apply?
online, initially I wasn’t sure I wanted to participate, but then I said to myself: “it must be fun and I want to try a new experience putting myself on the line”
What are your experiences with the contest so far? What do you like the most, and what would you change?
I had fun and kept me glued to the computer to read the poems of the other participants. I would change the way of voting on facebook because it is difficult to read and make translated poems read to those who are not close to the world of poetry. I would publish the poems online only for the pleasure of sowing art and informing, not for voting.
Who’s your mentor? What’s your opinion about her/him?
Andjela, I loved working with her, sometimes I thought I’d always known her because we immediately understood each other about translations and poetry choices. I hope to meet you one day.
Were you expecting to enter the semi-final stage as one of the TOP 50 among 545 people who applied?
Are you expecting to enter the final stage?
Do you expect winning this competition?
Tick the three groups that describe you the most:
adventurous spirit
not afraid to express his/hers opinion
Tick the three groups that describe you the least:
risk talking
sport spirit
Are you a hunter or a gatherer?
hunter, absolutely!
Fotografija Daniele Maraniello.
What is your definition of love?
Love is a wonderful creature from a planet unknown to us, an invisible and alien substance that captures us and we are blessed in this chaos made of looks, caresses, embraces of fire and tears. Love is something invisible and necessary but we must know how to lose it, because he also knows how to be a great thorn in his hand.
If you were a plant- which plant would you be and why?
A sunflower.
1) because it’s yellow and yellow is my favorite color
2) because it’s warm, its color reminds me of sand, beaches and bread
3) I’m a big Van Gogh fan
Somebody gave you an anteater. What are you doing with the gift?
I would ask myself the reason for that gift for the rest of my life!
Describe the colour yellow to a blind person.
A hug, the heat that forms between the two chests and that rises to the lips and goes down towards the knees, that is the warm yellow color.
Fotografija Lorisa Avelle.
Tell us something we don’t know about you.
I am an actor, I play in a theater company and thanks to this art form I have taken courage and started to let my poems read to others.
Make a list of ten things you can do with a pen (except for writing)
to draw
drum on the table
chew the cork
give it away
use it in the best way


More about Semi-final organization:


Mili Dueli 2019: Organization of The Semi-Final (English version)


All rights reserved.
Mili DUELI (by Nermin Delić)
Online Balkan Poetry Contest
Town Jajce
71 202
Bosnia and Herzegovina


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