In the next posts, we will meet you with our semi-finalists. We will show you their semi-final’s poem and interview about them and their impressions about Mili Dueli. Also, you will see what they answer on some interesting situations.
Note: Semi-final duels starts in September, 5. We have two semi-finals where we will show 25 authors in each one. So, this is TOP 50 poets in competition where have been presented 545 authors.
Mentor:Nermin Delić
/Bosnian translation/Ne razumijem ljude koji ćute, kad zapravo žele vrištati; kada žele upaliti svoj automobil i otići nekome, jer im nedostaje jer su se tamo osjećali sretnim. Ne razumijem kad ljudi ćute Mrziš li se toliko Hoćeš reći nekome da nisi upravu? Priznati da si griješio Brinuti o svom emotivnom svijetu. Sramiš se? Kada kažete ‘Da, pogriješio sam’ YOUR HEART WANTS TO TALK, DON’T BE SILENT I don’t understand the people who keep silent, I don’t understand people who keep silent Do you hate yourself so much You mean to tell someone that you were wrong? Because to admit you were wrong Taking care of your own emotional world. You are ashamed? When you say ‘Yes, I made a mistake’ СЪРЦЕТО ТИ ИСКА ДА ГОВОРИ, НЕДЕЙ ДА МЪЛЧИШ Не разбирам хората, които мълчат, Не разбирам хората, които мълчат, Толкова много ли мразиш себе си, Искаш да кажеш на някой, че си сгрешил? Защото да признаеш, че си сгрешил Грижа за собственият ти емоционален свят. Срамуваш се? Когато кажеш ‘Да, аз сгреших’ |
Name and Surname |
Date and the year of birth |
Nationality (Write the name of the country whose passport you have in UPPERCASES) |
Name of the city where you live (Write in uppercases. If you live in the village, write the name of the city that place belongs to, then the name of the village in brackets) |
When did you start writing poetry? |
I started writing poetry two years ago (2017).
Which elementary school were you attending? Were you a good student? |
From 1st to 12th grade I studied at “Hristo Botev School” – Kubrat. In high school, I had a Business Economics profile. Yes, I have always been a classmate and a class organizer. I performed best in the disciplines: literature, philosophy and market economics.
Which high school have you finished (or which high school are you attending)? |
I graduated from “Hristo Botev High School” in Kubrat , Bulgaria. My education was with a “Business Economics” profile.
Do you have a college degree? Enter your academic title, if any. If you go to college, write down what year you are on. If you are not going while planning to enroll, enter which colleges you are interested in! * |
I have a Bachelor’s degree in “Marketing and Management”. I completed this higher education at the University of Economics – Varna (Bulgaria).
After that I studied another qualification degree – “Social Business Entrepreneurship” with English language training. I finished this at the “Dimitar A. Tsenov Academy of Economics” – Svishtov (Bulgaria). |
Are you employed? If you are: what is your job and where are you working? |
Marketing specialist in a marketing company.
Books you’ve published: |
I still dont’ have my own book, but two months ago my poetry was published in the book “At the foot of Vitosha”.
Your poetry awards: |
I participated in the poetry competition “At the Foot of Vitosha” – 2019. The prize I received was that my poetry was published in a book, along with poetry and other authors.
What does poetry mean to you? |
I strongly believe that poets are the surgeons of the human soul. Poetry is not just ordered words that are written in rhyme. No, no. This is not poetry. Poetry is a treatment for people with emotional problems. Sometimes poetry can understand your pain, sometimes it can show you where you are wrong or why you need to keep your heart more. Sometimes when you feel unhappy reading poetry you will be sure that somewhere someone understands you and has gone through the same. Poetry is Love. Feeling. Depth. Poetry is the best doctor for the human soul. Because it is magic to find so much beauty in words.
Make a list of your five favourite writers: |
1. Ernest Hemingway
2. Romain Gary 3. Wayne Dyer 4. Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi 5. Kahlil Gibran |
How did you hear about our contest, and decided to apply? |
In April this year, I saw that a Facebook page for culture shared a post about the competition. I opened the link and after reading the requirements I immediately decided to participate. I have always been curious about different cultures and wanted to see how in different countries around the world people write about love, about pain, about family, about the meaning of life. I wanted to get to know different different type of writing. The second reason I decided to participate was because I wanted to challenge myself – to understand how other people outside Bulgaria perceived my thinking and my emotionality. I wanted to feel my writing boundaries and how flexible I could be as a writer.
What are your experiences with the contest so far? What do you like the most, and what would you change? |
I am thrilled with the whole competition and the whole organization. 1. I like that we work with mentors who help us be better guided for everything. |
Who’s your mentor? What’s your opinion about her/him? |
My mentor is Nermin Delic. In life, i interact with really many people. But rarely met such a dedicated person as Nermin. I know he studies medicine and this is very responsible. It also takes up a huge amount of time in learning and practicing. However, he is the organizer of this competition and I don’t even know how he manages to handle it with all. I realize that we are many different authors and he must pay attention and time to each of us. While he working with all the poems and things he is responsible for as an organizer, Nermin is: I don’t know if he has free time, but in the time he is busy – I see a really dedicated person to his mission. |
Were you expecting to enter the semi-final stage as one of the TOP 50 among 545 people who applied? |
Are you expecting to enter the final stage? |
Do you expect winning this competition? |
Tick the three groups that describe you the most: |
good friends
motivating others
dedicated to what they do
Tick the three groups that describe you the least: |
talking in front of the audience without problem
risk talking
sport spirit
Are you a hunter or a gatherer? |
When it comes to my goals and dreams there is a part of the hunter in me. It is the energy with which I am motivated. I keep trying to catch my own spirit, my own wisdom, to capture myself and do my best. But in all my life first I’m a collector in – i like to collect moments, memories, lessons in myself. I often inspire others with them. I reassure them. I gather the sights in my mind. When someone cries or is happy I collect it. As an emotion. I think about him. I’m trying to get into his shoes and figure out what he’s feeling. If only I could help him by understanding it. I like to collect universes in myself.
What is your definition of love? |
The most beautiful love is the one that is ‘although’, not ‘because’. To stay out of ‘desire’ and not of ‘need’.
It is love to feel that the person you love is enough. Holding the same hands every day, falling asleep staring at the same eyes every night. And don’t get bored. And to be grateful. It is love when you are angry and sad and know that the only thing that can calm you down is the voice of the person you love. It is love when you are in conflict, but you cover him with a blanket at night so it doesn’t get sick. Love is care. Love is when you get the good news and you want to ring it first, because you know that when you are happy, so he is happy too. Love is when it is hard and someone grabs your arm to split the pain in half. Love is when you feel that the silence with your lover one is pleasant and not boring. And most of all … the safest thing you love is to stay. Despite the storms, though, it’s sometimes difficult and you have to be more patient. Love is when you stay. Because ONLY true and beautiful love is the one that doesn’t leave after some problem. She STAYS … because she wants to get older with you. |
If you were a plant- which plant would you be and why? |
If I could be born as a plant I would certainly be an apple tree. Apples are one of the most useful foods (not just fruits) in the world. They have an enormous amount of vitamins and fiber and play a role in the exchange of many processes in our body. They work great for detoxification of the body, very useful for children and adults. It is even believed that daily consumption of apples goes back years and can rejuvenate the functions of all organs in the body. I will help to so many people to live healthy.
And also as a tree – I will always purify the air for people to live better. |
Somebody gave you an anteater. What are you doing with the gift? |
In this moment have a dog and can’t raise another pet. If someone presents me with an anteater, the first thing I will do is ask all my friends and relatives if they want to raise and care for him. If no one wants, I will ask the vet where is the most appropriate place where I can leave it in nature – a park, forest or other such place and give him this freedom.
I don’t like zoos and I don’t think animals need to live in cages. Therefore, I will not leave him at the zoo, but in nature or in a person who really wants to care for him. |
Describe the colour yellow to a blind person. |
I would tell him the following:
Imagine it’s raining and it’s very cold. You dare not go outside because you will get sick. You’re standing inside and not feeling well. But suddenly the rain stops and you decide to go out to breathe the fresh air. You feel some peace of mind. You can feel the warmth caressing your skin. This heat passes through your face and makes you smile. No reason. You feel different energy. It’s warm. You begin to feel the heat even more. It looks like something really good is about to happen. These is actually sunlight. She is yellow. Are you still smiling? |
Tell us something we don’t know about you. |
Lately i’ve noticed how much garbage there is on the streets and in the parks. Especially plastic – bottles, boxes and other packaging that pollute the air, prevent the plants from growing freely and sometimes the animals intertwine. One day I just decided that from that day forward – I would throw away 21 garbage EVERY DAY. That number popped into my head by accident. When I’m in a park or just junk on the road I throw it in the trash. It doesn’t take much time and effort, but there is a result and I fall asleep more calm in the evening. Very often I collect several bags at a time and they are much more than 21, but it doesn’t matter. Sometimes people look at me weird and maybe they laugh at me picking up stranger’s garbage from the ground, but i don’t care about this. I don’t do it for myself, or for others firstly. Make it the first place for the UNIVERSE we all live in. it is our home and I think we owe it to her.
Make a list of ten things you can do with a pen (except for writing) |
1. I would throw the pen in the air while with my dog for a walk to catch him – a toy for the dog.
2. I can make a hole in the soil with the pen and it will be easier to put in a plant. 3. As a bookmark when i reading a book. 3. I can hold my hair back with pen 4. If I miss something between two cabinets, wardrobes or other tight spaces with pen i can back them. 5. I can tie a yarn for a pen and it will become a cat toy. 6. I can push the buttons with pen. 7. If i can show something to someone (like the teachers in classroom). 8. If I have a problem closing the goalkeeper or the window, I can put the pen in there to stop it from closing. 9. I can use ink to paint an interesting picture. 10. I think the psychologists who need to make hypnosis can use pen for this goals. |
More about Semi-final organization:
Mili Dueli 2019: Organization of The Semi-Final (English version)
2 thoughts on “Semi-finalist Rolanda Stefanova: I strongly believe that poets are the surgeons of the human soul! (Mili Dueli 2019)”