Mili Dueli 2020

Mili Dueli 2020/21: Poezija američkih autora (Polufinale)

Mili Dueli je najpopularniji online balkanski kontest poezije sa sjedištem u bh gradu Jajcu. Kontest je osmišljen i inspirisan idejom Nermina Delića. Kontest se sastoji od pet krugova. Četvrti, pretposljednji, krug se tradicionalno naziva i Polufinale.


Mentor: Anđela Turukalo

Zarobljeno srce

Ako slika dovoljno govori,
ako lice lansira hiljadu brodova,
možeš li uopšte zamisliti moj dodir?
Nježna, svilena glatkoća;
privlačnost i opijenost?
Pristup je suptilan, proračunat,
a takođe i koketan i neodoljivo spokojan..
Dvoje stranaca u gustoj gomili,
oboje se brzo kreću u suprotnim
pravcima, sa ciljem; namjerno.
Mekoća moje kože dok prstima
pratim cijelu dužinu tvoje ruke,
u suptilnom prolazu, nasuprot
oštrim noktima koji grebu
i stružu, kako bi privukli pažnju.
I ja te tako kratko stisnem za ruku,
najnežnijim taktilnim zagrljajem.
Tada smo oboje brzo smeteni
usred beskrajne rijeke čovječanstva.
A udarac nadahnuća koji sam dala,
čiste senzacionalne radosti, kako se zadržava…
Ali do tada? Prekasno je, tvoj gubitak!
I zarobiću tvoje srce.
Odložena reakcija, pogled iza sebe.
Budući da sam tako umanjena, topim se.
Kao da nestajem u vazduhu pod velom,
grli me prepuni životni prostor.
Ali, moj nesvjesni, naivni, fantomski ljubavniče;
kad su nam se putevi ukrstili, kradom sam
ugrabila, i pametno sam ti ušuškala srce,
sigurno u gornjem lijevom džepu na grudima.
Oh, vjeruj da ćeš i dalje živjeti i disati,
ali život će biti neraskidivo promijenjen.
Brinuću ti o srcu dobro, štitiću ga,
staviti u zaključanu kutiju za uspomenu.
Ključ, na lancu omotanom oko mog vrata.
(Da li bi bilo previše transparentno za pjesnika
da kažem, “gušilac”, a ne “lanac?”)
Povremeno ću uzeti tvoje srce,
pomilovati ga i šapnuti slatko ništa,
kao da posjedujem vudu lutku.
U tim trenucima, pamti moje riječi …
doživjećeš emotivni slajd
u ekstatičnu, euforičnu, blaženu želju
neviđenog intenziteta, u ushićenje!
I nikada nećeš tačno znati zašto …
na mom kraju, slatka ljubavi? Kikoćem se.
“The Captivated Heart”

If a picture can speak volumes,
a face launch a thousand ships,
can you even imagine my touch?
The delicate silken smoothness,
the allure, and the intoxication?
The approach is subtle, calculated
and also flirtatious, yet so serene.
Two strangers are in a thick crowd,
both swiftly moving in the opposing
direction, with intention; deliberate.
The softness of my skin as my fingers
trace the entire length of your arm,
in sweet subtle passing, juxtaposed
with my sharp fingernails, traipsing,
scraping, all to garner your attention.
And I clasp your hand so very briefly
with my most gentle tactile embrace.
Then we are both quickly swept away
amid the river of unending humanity.
However, the jolt of inspiration I gave,
of pure sensational Joy, how it lingers.
But by then? It is too late, your loss!
And I will have captivated your heart.
Delayed reaction, you glance behind.
But being so diminutive, I melt away.
I am as if I disappeared into veiled air,
the crowded space of life envelops me.
But, my clueless, naive phantom lover,
when our paths crossed, I did stealthily
snatch, and I cleverly tucked your heart
securely into my top left breast pocket.
Oh, trust you will still live and breathe,
but your life will be inextricably altered.
I will tend to your heart well, protect it,
deposit it into a keepsake box, locked.
Key, on a chain wrapped ’round my neck.
(Would it be too transparent of the poet
to say, “choker,” rather than “chain?”)
On occasion, I will retrieve your heart,
stroke it, and whisper sweet nothings,
as if I am in possession of a Voodoo Doll.
During those moments, mark my words…
you will experience an emotional slide
into an ecstatic, euphoric, blissful desire
of unprecedented intensity, a Rapture!
And you will never know exactly why…
on my end, sweet love? I’ll be giggling.
©Ellen S. Breiling/Anne Thrope/360° Poetry
Your biography
Ellen S. Breiling, aka Anne Thrope, is a multiple award-winning, published poet appearing in various poetry anthology books and magazines. Her solo debut book is entitled, “Full Circle: 360° Poetry.” Ellen was born on December 14, 1964, and she was raised in a small, coastal town in the State of Connecticut, U.S.A. After graduating High School, she attended Keene State College in Keene, NH, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Her professional career included a number of occupations, including several years canvassing for the environmental group, “Greenpeace.” She is happily retired now, enjoying a quiet, rural life, where she can focus her time and energy on writing and poetry-related engagements. Ellen often incorporates her scientific background into the poetry she creates.

She is the Regional Director – Operations of the US/Canada region for Motivational Strips, the world’s largest writer’s forum, the founder of Full Circle Poetry, and she manages 360° Poetry, a personal poetry blog. All can be found on Facebook. Ellen is an approving editor for the Bharath Vision website, affiliated with Motivational Strips. She is also a co-author of the poetry book, “Chasing Zephyrs.” She belongs to an intimate band of poets who publish poetry anthologies under the name, “Voices of Freedom.” Ellen was recognized by The Government of Peru as one of the world’s foremost contemporary writers and awarded accordingly. And, on the occasion of India’s 74th Independence Day in 2020, Ellen was among the world’s most highly respected poets to receive an award directly from the Government of Gujarat and the Gujarat Sahitya Akademi, in celebration. She was also one of only ten writers to be awarded the “Order of Mahatma Medal” for her overall contributions to the global literary community.
A list of published book:
1. Full Circle: 360° Poetry, poetry collection (2020)
2. Chasing Zephyrs, collaboration (2019)
3. Dreamer, anthology (2019)
4. Rhapsody in Red, guest poet (2020)
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
The contest process has been fascinating. I love the anticipatory nature of how the contest has proceeded. It has been my great honor to be included, as well, to have progressed this far. Thank you so much to the administration and jurors, my mentor, and the readers for this wonderful opportunity. I cannot wait to see how it all plays out!
Do you expect to win the contest?

Mentor: Anđela Turukalo

Mentor: Anđela Turukalo

Ljubav, vrijeme i smrt

Ljubav se rađa našim rođenjem.
Ljubav nam pružaju roditelji.
Ljubav se, vremenom, „gradi“.

Ljubav nas čini boljim ljudima.
Ljubav je ono zbog čega vjerujem
u bolje dane za čovječanstvo.

Vrijeme je dobar saveznik
za one koji ga koriste mirno i pametno.
Vrijeme nas prati u svako doba:
od našeg rođenja, rasta
i prelaza u gornju ravan.
Iskoristite vrijeme sasvim u svoju korist
i u korist drugih.

Smrt je samo karta za duhovnu ravan.
Mi smo stvoreni od duše
a tijelo naseljavamo na određeno vrijeme.
Ovo vrijeme može biti duže ili kraće,
prema ličnim postupcima i osjećanjima.
Volite više, uživajte u svom vremenu,
dođite do kraja
i znajte da je bilo nevjerovatno iskustvo
doći na ovaj svijet.


Amor, tempo e morte

O amor nasce junto com nosso nascimento.
O amor nos é oferecido pelos nossos pais.
O amor também é “construído” com o tempo.

O amor nos faz pessoas melhores.
O amor é o que me faz acreditar
em dias melhores para a humanidade.

O tempo é um bom aliado
para quem usa de forma calma e inteligente.
O tempo nos “acompanha” a todo o momento,
desde o nosso nascimento, crescimento
e passagem para o plano superior.
Use o tempo de maneira correta a seu favor
e a favor dos outros.

A morte é só uma passagem para o plano espiritual.
Somos feitos de uma alma
e habitamos um corpo por determinado tempo.
Podendo este tempo ser maior ou menor,
de acordo com suas ações e sentimentos.
Ame mais, aproveite bem seu tempo,
para chegar ao fim da vida
e perceber que foi incrível vir a este mundo.
Your biography
Thiago Winner umjetničko je ime Thiago Rezende Soares. Rođen je 1983. godine u gradu Viçosa, država Minas Gerais, u zemlji Brazil.

Thiago je diplomirao informatiku, gdje je učitelj i bavi se održavanjem računala.

Od malena se strastveno bavi književnošću, posebno poezijom.
A list of published book:
1. Jednostavna životna pravila, knjiga o samospoznaji (2016).
2. Smjela poezija, zbirka poezije (2020).
3. Oslobađajuća poezija, zbirka poezije (2020).
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
Mili Dueli nevjerojatan je događaj koji nudi mogućnosti nezavisnim pjesnicima iz cijelog svijeta. Čestitamo organizatorima događaja na njihovim ciljevima i prijedlozima.
Do you expect to win the contest?

More about organization of the Semi-Final round (4th Round):

Mili Dueli 2020: Organization Of The Fourth Round





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