mili dueli online balkan poetry contest
Mili Dueli 2020/21

Mili Dueli 2020/21: Organization of the Final round (Finals)!

The final round of Mili Dueli 2020/21 consists of TOP 60 authors from 739 originally registered for the contest. The selection process of these authors took almost 2 years; and the authors have so far gone through four elimination rounds. The fifth round is the final and the eighth season of Mili Dueli ends with it.

Organization of the final round

The final round is the fifth and also the last round of contests season. A total of 60 authors secured participation in the final round. These are the 60 authors who are the most representative for this season, after two years of following them, in the category of 739 authors who started the season.

For the first time in our history, the final round consists of two parts. In the first part, our 60 finalists will be divided into two finals (Final 1 and Final 2) with an equal number of participants (30 authors each). The schedule of participants was done by the Organizer (Nermin Delic).

Mili Dueli 2020/21: Schedule of final round participants in the first final!
Mili Dueli 2020/21: Schedule of final round participants in the second final!


Voting in the final round (Final 1 and Final 2)

  1. ORGANIZER. In Final 1 and Final 2, the Organizer votes in three categories.
    In the General Impression category, he gives points 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 25. The other 20 authors do not receive points. In this category, the Organizer evaluates the authors on the basis of the overall performance at the contest, including the previous four rounds, the achieved cooperation and his personal assessment, which of the authors deserves to take the title of the best in the contest.
    In the other two categories: Final round poem and Video-recitation of the Final round poem, he gives points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12. The other 20 authors do not get points. In the Final round poem category, the Organizer gives points based on the judgment of the poetry shown in the final, without emphasizing the author’s previous songs. The poem sent for the final round of the contest is exclusively evaluated. In the Video-recitation of the final round poem category, the Organizer gives points for the creativity of the authors who in the final round had the task of designing an audio-visual performance for our readers. On that occasion, he does not value the recited poetry, but the way of recitation, the quality and the art of the shown recording.
  2. Jury – Anđela Turukalo (MNE). Since our permanent member of the jury, Andjela Turukalo, this season showed an outstanding commitment to the contribution of the internationalization of the contest, and related to the translation of over two hundred poems from foreign to a language related to the peoples of former Yugoslavia (Montenegrin), her competencies in the finals increased. In the final round, she prepared over half of the authors as a mentor, and adapted to their daily lives and translated poems up to date, gave ideas for videos and selflessly helped with their realization. She will, in Final 1 and Final 2, evaluate the authors in only one category: General Impression. In this category, in the case of Final 1 and Final 2, the authors will be given points: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 25. The parameter for its evaluation will, at the suggestion of the Organizer, be primarily the poem of the final round, then a video recitation and an objective assessment of who could be the winner of this contest season.
  3. Jury – Danja Gaspar Djokic (BiH), Enea Hotic (BiH), Lela Zjao (GER), Milco Misoski (MKD), Simo Golubovic (SRB), Zdravko Odorcic (CRO). These are permanent members of the jury of Mili Dueli, people who are the closest team of the Organizer in the organization and implementation of this project. This season, they worked hard on a two-year selection of authors with their grades. In the final round, everyone was in the role of mentor, therefore, preparing a certain number of authors in the final. Their role during the previous rounds was crucial when it comes to the choice of authors, especially those from the country they came from. In Final 1 and Final 2, the category in which they vote is called General Impression. On that occasion, the parameter for their evaluation, at the suggestion of the Organizer, will be the poem of the final round, video recitation, and an objective assessment of who is the one who could be the winner this season. The organizer approved that they, as mentors, can also vote for the authors they mentored; noting that this should not be their guiding thread in judging the poetry presented in the final. The points that each member, anonymously and separately, awards in Final 1 and Final 2 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12. The other 20 authors do not receive points from them.
  4. Jury – Sarah Isufi (ALB) and Lena Kyropoulos (GRE). Since they are permanent members of the jury of Mili Dueli who do not understand the language related to the peoples of the former Yugoslavia, due to the lack of translation of poms into English by Balkan authors from the former Yugoslavia, these two members of the jury will distribute their points in Final 1 and Final 2 in the category called Video-recitation of the final round poem. The points awarded, each individually and anonymously, are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12. The remaining 20 authors will be left without points. The parameter for their evaluation, at the suggestion of the Organizer, is the artistic impression left by the author’s audio-visual performance. In the Grand Final, when all the poems of the grand finalists will be translated into English, these two permanent members of the jury will vote in the category: General Impression. According to the decision of the Organizer, they will be able to vote for the authors they mentored, with the remark of the Organizer, that this should not be their guiding principle in making decisions about the distribution of points.
  5. Readers. In the final round, Readers vote on 3 social platforms: Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

    a) FACEBOOK. Since Mili Dueli are primarily related to the social network Facebook, the points will be the highest there. Voting on Facebook will be evaluated in two separated categories: Facebook – Likes and Facebook – Views. All videos of the final poems will be posted on the official Facebook page of Mili Dueli. When posting a video, the following parameters will be measured: received likes and received video views. In terms of Facebook likes, only likes (“Like” with all associated emoticons) from people who followed our official Mili Dueli Facebook page will be counted. If the person is not a follower of our Facebook page, the likes will not be counted. Therefore, be careful when inviting your friends to give you a vote by liking your video, you should also mention that they need to like (follow) the official Mili Dueli page where the videos of the finalists will be posted. After 14 days of voting, the organizer will make a cross-section of the received likes and based on that, in the Facebook-Likes category, award the authors the following points: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 25. In the Facebook-Views category, after 14 days from the beginning of Final 1 / Final 2, the Organizer will make also a cross-section of the received views of the video and based on that award the authors the following points: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 points. The suggestion to the finalists, in order to get as many views as possible, is to share their videos with friends, in groups where they think it would be significant.

    Important note: Videos of the finalists from Final 1 or Final 2 who passed to the Grand Final will NOT be re-posted. Counting of likes and views will continue. Again, in the next 14 days the cross-section of votes (likes and views) will be made by Organizer and then new points will be awarded respecting the rules of the Grand Final’s voting procedure.

    b) INSTAGRAM. All videos will also be posted on the social network Instagram, on the official Instagram profile of Mili Dueli. The rating parameter will be the number of views and the number of likes on the video. Authors are allowed to sponsor their video in order to achieve more views and likes. The points to be awarded in the Instagram category – Views / Likes are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12.

    Important note: Videos of the finalists from Final 1 or Final 2 who passed to the Grand Final will NOT be re-posted. Counting of likes and views will continue. Again, in the next 14 days the cross-section of votes (likes and views) will be made by Organizer and then new points will be awarded respecting the rules of the Grand Final’s voting procedure.

    c) YOUTUBE. All videos will also be posted on the YouTube platform, on the official Mili Dueli channel. The rating parameter will be the number of views on the video. Authors are allowed to sponsor their video in order to gain more views. The points to be awarded in the YouTube-Views category are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12.

    Important note: Videos of the finalists from Final 1 or Final 2 who passed to the Grand Final will NOT be re-posted. Counting of likes and views will continue. Again, in the next 14 days the cross-section of votes (likes and views) will be made by Organizer and then new points will be awarded respecting the rules of the Grand Final’s voting procedure.

  1. Authors – finalists. All participants in Final 1 and Final 2 will receive a survey with the names of the finalists from their final (if they are in Final 1, then it will be a list of Final 1 finalists, and if they are in Final 2, they will receive a list of Final 2 finalists). Each of them will have to choose 15 of the 30 authors of their final, which they believe should go to the Grand Final and to which they will award 1 point. The only remark is that the author-finalist cannot vote for himself. Finally, all votes will be added up and the authors will be scored on a scale: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12.

    Authors-finalists will receive a private message on Facebook from the Organizer, to vote in the poll for the 15 best finalists of their final. They will have 14 days to vote.

    Note: If more than one author receives the same number of votes, the author who received more votes from different countries will have the advantage on the points scale. If they are equal here as well, the author who received more votes than his country of non-neighboring countries has the advantage.


About getting to the Grand Final

All received points will be included in the summary table with votes, and at the end, a list of authors will be made with the final placement and the total number of points won. Based on that order, the first 15 authors from both Final 1 and Final 2 will go to the Grand Final.

Note: If the fifteenth-placed on the list has the same number of points as the sixteenth-placed on the list, the author who is the only representative of his country in the final will have the advantage.

The list of those who made it to the Grand Final will be published without the number of points won, in order to avoid predicting the results of the Grand Final and favoring certain authors, before the final distribution of votes in the Grand Final. Detailed insight into the points won in Final 1 and Final 2, the authors will have the opportunity to see on our official website the day after the announcement of the results of the Grand Final.

In the Grand Final, there will be a Eurovision voting principle for 30 authors who choose to participate. The organization of the Grand Final with a detailed insight into the voting will be announced later, after the end of Final 1 and Final 2. What is already known is that the Organizer and the permanent members of the jury will vote. All poems of the grand finalists will be translated into English, if they have not already been, and all members of the jury will be able to vote equally. Readers will continue to vote via Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, and their competencies will be significantly increased.
What will be a novelty in relation to Final 1 and Final 2, is that all authors who entered the final round, a total of 60 of them, will have the opportunity to participate in the selection of the winner of this season’s Mili Dueli contest. They will award points according to their own criteria beyond any suggestion of the Organizer. Therefore, many callings around the world await us … because the World chooses the winner!

When does the final round begin?

Since the epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in my town where I work as a doctor of medicine has worsened, and therefore I am much more engaged in that field, I thank everyone for their patience. The final round will start very soon.






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