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Ime i prezime autora: |
Milan Šelj
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Pjesma za 4. i 5. krug (Finale / Veliko finale): |
Kosmatice, 13. maj 2022 Napisala je, da imata 75 litrski nahrbtnik in veliko prtljage. Popoldne ju pripelje z železniške postaje. Marina? vprašam prvo, ker se mi zdi starejša. Ah, rečem, Katerina in Marina! Potem objamem eno in drugo, Kosmatice, 16. maj 2022 Vztrajata, da danes onidve pripravita večerjo. Sedimo za mizo. Jemo v tišini. Marina je odsotna; njene misli plavajo kdo ve kje, Karkoli poje, reče nasmejana, vedno je suha I must show something, se nenadoma spomni. You away from me only two weeks, |
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Nešto posebno o Vama! |
Rođen sam 1. aprila 1960. godine u Postojni, Slovenija. Diplomirao sam na Filozofskom fakultetu u Ljubljani sa diplomom komparativne književnosti i sociologije. Živim i radim u Londonu preko 30 godina, ali poslednjih deset godina provodim pola godine u Sloveniji i pola godine u Londonu. Pored pisanja, poezije i književnosti, moja velika strast je i klasična glazba.
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Šta je po Vašem mišljenju glavni problem miru u Vašoj državi? Predložite nam rješenja, te kako poezijom donijeti i očuvati mir u svojoj zemji? |
Glavni problem je populizam, koji obećava jednostavna rješenja za izuzetno složene probleme. I netolerancija prema svim manjinama, migrantima, izbjeglicama. Do svega, koje se smatra “drugačije”.
U svojoj poeziji pokušavam dati glas svima koji su obično bez glasa i inače bi ostali nevidljivi. |
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Popis objavljenih samostalnih knjiga: |
1.Darilo, zbirka poezije (2006.)
2.Kristali soli, zbirka poezije (2010.) 3.Gradim gradove, zbirka poezije (2015.) 4.Slediti neizgovorjenemu, zbirka poezije (2018.) 5.Tracing the Unspoken, zbirka poezije na Engleskom prevodu (2019.) 6.Kosmatice, ilustrirana zbirka poezije za djecu (2020.) 7.Draperije v neslišno, zbirka poezije (2022.) 8.Jezik je ključ, zbirka poezije (2023.) |
Glasati možete i pregledom video snimka koji je postavljen na zvaničnu Facebook stranicu Mili Dueli:
Marina wrote in her message they have a 75L rucksack
and lots of luggage.
Peter empties the car boot before he goes to collect them.
In the afternoon he brings them from the train station.
He parks under the walnut tree,
and two tired young women get out of the car
with a shy smile on their faces.
Marina? I ask the first one, because she seems older.
No, Katerina.
I could also call her Katya, she says,
and they both burst out laughing.
Ah, I say, Katerina and Marina!
I hug the first one, then the other,
lift the rucksack,
which is almost taller than me,
and with it on my shoulders
walk towards our house.
They both insisted they would cook dinner tonight.
Katya is making borsch, Marina is frying siriniki for dessert.
We sit around the table.
With the prepared delicacies
they have created a moment of peace,
mementos of their home.
We eat in silence.
Marina’s mind is absent; her thoughts are god knows where.
Katya helps herself to another ladle of soup.
Whatever she eats, laughing, she says she is always skinny,
showing us her long, bony little finger.
I must show something, she suddenly remembers.
She takes her mobile phone,
and reads her husband’s message:
You away from me only two weeks.
Already you cook for other men 😊
After dinner Katya is alone in the garden.
Very thin, almost translucent,
like a ghost
walking in the twilight.
She stares in the distance absentmindedly,
not aware that I am looking at her through the window.
The moon is rising in the sky.
When she comes inside,
Katya sits opposite me
at the table.
She looks into my eyes and whispers:
All our life now is just a long wait.