Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Magdalena Kapuścińska – Vidim mrak (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Name and surname:
Magdalena Kapuścińska
Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO MONTENEGRIN + YOUR NATIVE / ENGLISH LANGUAGE )

Svijet gubi boje,
uprkos intenzivnoj crvenoj
koja se slijeva po okupiranom tlu.

Žarulja sunca
sa plave nebeske površine
baca svjetlo na divljaštvo i zločine.

Klokotanje dječjih stojaka
i užasnuti jecaji majki spajaju
se sa zvukom pušaka i tutnjavom bombi.
Strah im dopušta
da na trenutak zaborave glad.

Iscrpljeni bijegom,
stižu do granice čovječnosti.

Neka Poljakinja im je pružila utočište i hljeb,
ali ne može zamijeniti oca i majku.

Nekadašnji život je srušen.

Roditelji postoje,
djetinjstvo traje
samo na posivjeloj fotografiji,
zamagljenoj suzama.

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić


The world is losing color
despite the intense red
flowing over corpses
in occupied land.

Sun bulb on the blue sky
sheds light on bestiality and crime.

The rumbling bellies of children
and the shrill lamentation of mothers
merges with the sound of guns and the roar of bombs.
Fear makes them forget about hunger
only for a while.

Exhausted from their escape, they reached the edge
of humanity.

Some Polish woman gave them shelter and bread
but she will not replace father and mother.

The old life lay in ruins.

Parents exist,
childhood lasts…
only in a faded photo
washed away with tears.

Translated by Magdalena Kapuścińska


Świat traci kolor
pomimo intensywnej czerwieni
spływającej po zwłokach
na ziemi okupowanej.

Żarówka słońca
na błękitnej tafli nieba
rzuca światło na bestialstwo i zbrodnie.

Burczenie z brzuchów dzieci
i przeraźliwy lament matek
zlewa się z odgłosem karabinów i hukiem bomb.
Strach pozwala im zapomnieć o głodzie
jedynie na moment.

Wyczerpani ucieczką dotarli na granicę

Jakaś Polka dała im schronienie i chleb,
lecz nie zastąpi ojca i matki.

Dawne życie legło w gruz.

Rodzice istnieją,
dzieciństwo trwa…
już tylko na rozmytej od łez
poszarzałej fotografii.

Something special about you!
A poet, prose writer and publisher with true passion. He comes from Działdowo and lives in Wieluń. Born in an Orwellian year on a leap day. Poet, writer, satirist, columnist, playwright and publisher. He writes for both adults and children. She participated in national and international collective publications. Her poems, dramatic miniatures, columns and essays have been published in many literary magazines in the country (including Gazeta Kulturalna, My space of Culture) and worldwide) and presented in Polish (Radio Poznań, Radio Ziemi Wieluńska) and English (Radio Banita ) and Irish radio. Winner of the 5th Gdynia Satirical Tournament “about Strusie Egg” (2014), the Award in the Field of Culture awarded by the Lodz Voivodeship Assembly (2017) and winner of the intercontinental poetry competition organized by the International Forum of Creativity and Humanism (Washington/USA) on the occasion of the Peace Day celebration (for the English version of the poem entitled Playing God, in my own translation). For her literary contribution to the global building of a culture of peace and justice, in June 2022 she was awarded an honorary distinction by the international literary organization “The Dream of Equality”, and was also awarded an American creativity certificate for creating peace in the world through poetry by The Dream of Equality USA in Washington. For the poem “Autuumn Mrs Kapuścińska” she received the Golden Pen laurel from the International Creativity Forum (October 2022) in Syria. The author of dozen books and editor over a hundred.
What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry?
In my opinion, the biggest problem in maintaining peace in the world is the lack of tolerance and multicultural dialogue, the abuse of power against the weaker, as well as excessive ego and lack of awareness. Through poetry we can create a better, more beautiful world. If only people would stop in their rush and devote a little bit of their attention to poetry.
List of the published books:
Moja alchemia (poetry 2015),
Dziennik Snów (poetry, 2016),
Ja gęgole! (satiric ,poems 2016)
W poszukiwaniu siebie (poetry, 2017),
Dokarmianie motyli (poetry, 2018),
Magiczne pióro (fairy tale 2018),
Sztuczki (miniatures of drama, 2019)
Aneks do rzeczywistości (poetry, 2019),
Santa City (fairy tale, 2019),
Pieśń Nocy bilingual monodrama, 2020)
Sztuczki (2021, republished),
Gizela de Livre (tragicomic trilogy, 2021).
Spokojnie, to tylko… wiersz (bilingual poetry, 2023)
Do you expect to win the contest?

You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:



Mili Dueli 2023 – Fifth Round (Grand final)



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