Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Abdul Zagbour – Meridijan i sjena (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Name and surname:
Abdul Zagbour
Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO MONTENEGRIN + YOUR NATIVE / ENGLISH LANGUAGE )

Dan me iznenađuje.
Moja sjena me prelazi
dok meridijan
raste iza mene
kada hodam kao stranac
po poznatim ulicama.
Iz sebe izgonim sjenu,
ovu prostranu sjenu
koja prati poput pitomog psa
svaki moj korak
u osvijetljenim selima i livadama.
Štitim se u tebi
bježeći od svoje prostrane sjene
od te produžene crnine
koja nema nikakav izraz vječnosti.
Naglo nestane
okrene se oko mene
preteče me
ne mogu je stići
nastani se u suncu
i bezobraznim treperenjima ulica
izgonim je iz sebe
kada se pronađemo
pod drvetom na cvjetnoj zemlji.

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić
Me sorprende el día.
Mi sombra se me adelanta
cuando el meridiano
crece detrás de mí
mientras camino extranjero
en calles conocidas.
Expulso de mí la sombra
esta sombra extensiva
que me acompaña como un perro domesticado
con todos mis pasos
en las villas y praderas alumbradas.
Me protejo en ti
huyendo de mi sombra extensiva
de esa negrura alargada
que no tiene ninguna expresión de eternidad.
Súbitamente se desaparece
gira alrededor de mí
se me adelanta
no la puedo alcanzar
habita el sol
y los destellos descarados de las calles
la expulso de mí
cuando nos adherimos
bajo un árbol en la tierra florecida.

Something special about you!
I hold a PhD in Philosophy and am proficient in translating between Spanish, Arabic, and German. My passion for various forms of art, such as music, theater, and painting, drives me to explore and appreciate their beauty. Being an avid reader, I continually expand my knowledge base. I love traveling and have visited numerous countries, making for a diverse range of experiences.
What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry?
As a Syrian, I can tell you that the situation is far more complex than can be summarized in a few sentences. While it is true that solutions are not found solely within the realm of poetry, it can serve as a powerful tool to raise awareness among the masses. However, achieving peace requires more effective and realistic approaches.
List of the published books:
1.مطر القلب, Poetry Collection (2002)
2.أنطولوجيا شخصية,Poetry Collection (2019)
3.El Meridiano y a Sombra, Poetry Collection (2007)
4.El Ruido De Las Palabras, Poetry Collection (1995)
5.Antologia personal, Poetry Collection (2020)
I have also translated more than 30 books, ranging from poetry and novels to short stories and biographies.
Do you expect to win the contest?

You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:



Mili Dueli 2023 – Fifth Round (Grand final)



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