mili dueli online balkan poetry contest
Mili Dueli 2020 Pravila i organizacija glasanja

Mili Dueli 2020: Organization of the Second Round!

The main feature of Mili Dueli has always been a FREE PARTICIPATION that is sent from the comfort of your home, which is a great benefit for fast life’s tempo and the presence of social networks in our daily routine. This is a kind of opportunity to meet new people in the world of poetry and to give poetry, as our common sphere, more importance compared to other days of the year.

LOCATION OF MILI DUELI: The comfort of your home. All you need to do is follow the placement of your poem and the jury comments received through social networks.

HEADQUARTERS OF MILIH DUELS:   bosnia_and_herzegovina_heart_icon_256.pngJajce Town, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Putovanja za svakoga: Vodič kroz Jajce, Bosna i Hercegovina - šta ...
Jajce Town – Bosna i Hercegovina – Mili Dueli 2020


ORGANIZER: Nermin Delić, writer and student of medicine. More about Nermin, you can see HERE.

Mili Duels 2020 – online Balkan poetry contest, in the First Round gathered 739 registered authors from 52 countries. The contest was inspired by the idea of Nermin Delic, and this time he presented an interesting concept from the very beginning. In the first round, which lasted from June 1 to June 30, 2020, the organizer of the contest Nermin Delic had the task to review all applications and select approximately 500 applications that will be presented to the jury and readers of Mili Duel on the social network Facebook.

On July 4, 2020, the list of selected authors that will be presented in the Second Round of Mili Dueli 2020 was published. According to the list compiled by the organizer, 477 authors were selected for the further course of the contest. It is time to introduce you to the organization of the Second Round, which will include selected authors.



The poem of the Second Round? In the Second Round, the authors will be presented with ONE POEM from the application they sent to participate in the Mili Dueli 2020 and which has already been revised by the organizer Nermin Delic, during the First Round. Since two poems were sent in the application for participation, the organizer, after reading each author, assessed which poem would bring greater success to the author and chose that poem to participate in the Second Round. So, for the Second Round, the authors do not send new poems, but present themselves with one poem that they originally sent in the application for participation in the contest.

In the Second Round of Mili Dueli 2020, there will be a total of 477 authors, divided into 12 duels. The duels are composed on the basis of the geographical distribution of the authors, whether the authors live in the Balkans or are from the Balkan diaspora, or whether they are foreigners. For each of the 12 duels of the Second Round, a President of the Jury was appointed, and one or two Additional members of the Jury, who will perform further selection of authors.

The president of the jury is the primary selector of authors for participation in the Third Round. An additional member of the jury has a supportive and observational role during the entire judging process and in most duels, this role belongs to the organizer and the jury – consultants. The president of the jury will select 60% of the participants for the Third Round, and 30% of the participants will choose an additional member of the jury, while 10% of the participants will be chosen by the Readers with their votes.

Tabular presentation of all 12 duels with the jury schedule:

Spreadsheet - Judging in the Second Round Mili Duels 2020 - Schedule
Spreadsheet – Judging in the Second Round Mili Duels 2020 – Schedule

Duel schedule

The Balkan countries with the highest number of applications (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) will have several national duels each, while Croatia, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria will have one separate national duel each. Authors from other countries were subsequently assigned.


Due to the large number of applications from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the host country of Mili Dueli 2020, the selected participants of the Second Round from this country were divided into two duels: DUEL 1 and DUEL 2.

Selection was made by birth years where they are divided into two duels.

DUEL 1 – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Part 1

Duel 1 will present all selected authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina who were born between 1945 and 1990. The number of participants in Duel 1 is 41.

Bosna i Hercegovina - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 1 - Predsjednik žirija Danja Gašpar Đokić - MD
Bosna i Hercegovina – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 1 – President of the Jury Danja Gašpar Đokić – MD Copyright

DUEL 2 – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Part 2

Duel 2 will present all selected authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina who were born between 1991 and 2007. The number of participants in Duel 2 is 40.

Bosna i Hercegovina - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 1 - Predsjednik žirija Enea Hotić- MD Copyright

Both duels of Bosnian authors will have 20 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 12 authors, an additional member of the jury chooses 6 authors, while the readers choose 4 authors with their votes.

In total, there will be 40 authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round).


Participants from Serbia, due to the largest number of received and selected applications, will be presented through three duels: DUEL 3, DUEL 4 and DUEL 5.

Selection was made by birth years where they are divided into three duels

DUEL 3 – Serbia – Part 1

Srbija - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 3 - Predsjednik žirija Simo Golubović - MD Copyrights
Srbija – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 3 – Predsjednik žirija Simo Golubović – MD Copyright

DUEL 4 – Serbia – Part 2

Srbija - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 4 - Predsjednik žirija Nikola Ismail - MD Copyright
Srbija – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 4 – Predsjednik žirija Nikola Ismail – MD Copyright

DUEL 5 – Serbia – Part 3

Srbija - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 5 - Predsjednik žirija Ljubica Petrović Kosor
Srbija – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 5 – Predsjednik žirija Ljubica Petrović Kosor

DUEL 3 and DUEL 4 of Serbian authors will have 25 authors each after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 15 authors, an additional member of the jury chooses 8 authors, while the readers choose 3 authors with their votes.

DUEL 5 Serbian authors will have 5 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 3 authors, an additional member of the jury and the readers choose 1 author each.

In total, there will be 55 authors from Serbia in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round).

DUEL 6 – 🇭🇷 Croatia

Participants from Croatia will be presented in one duel, DUEL 6. The number of participants in the duel is 48.

Hrvatska - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 6 - Predsjednik žirija Zdravko Odorčić - MD Copyright
Hrvatska – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 6 – Predsjednik žirija Zdravko Odorčić – MD Copyright

DUEL 6 Croatian authors will have 25 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 15 authors, an additional member of the jury chooses 8 authors, while the readers choose 3 authors with their votes.

In total, there will be 25 authors from Croatia in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round).

DUEL 7 – 🇲🇪 Montenegro

Participants from Montenegro will be presented in one duel, DUEL 7. The number of participants in the duel is 38.

Crna Gora - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 7 - Predsjednik žirija Anđela Turukalo - MD Copyright
Crna Gora – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 7 – Predsjednik žirija Anđela Turukalo – MD Copyright

DUEL 7 Montenegrin authors will have 20 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 12 authors, additional members of the jury choose 6 authors (3 x 2), while readers choose 2 authors with their votes.

In total, there will be 20 authors from Montenegro in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round).

DUEL 8 – 🇲🇰 North Macedonia

Participants from North Macedonia will be presented in one duel, DUEL 8. The number of participants in the duel is 24.

Sjeverna Makedonija - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 8 - Predsjednik žirija Milčo Misoski - MD Copyright
Sjeverna Makedonija – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 8 – Predsjednik žirija Milčo Misoski – MD Copyright

DUEL 8 of Macedonian authors will have 15 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 9 authors, an additional member of the jury chooses 5 authors, while the readers choose 1 author by their votes.

In total, there will be 15 authors from North Macedonia in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round).

DUEL 9 – 🇧🇬 Bulgaria

Participants from Bulgaria will be presented in one duel, DUEL 9. The number of participants in the duel is 38.

Bugarska - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 9 - Predsjednik žirija Anđela Turukalo - MD Copyright
Bugarska – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 9 – Predsjednik žirija Anđela Turukalo – MD Copyright

DUEL 9 of Bulgarian authors will have 20 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 12 authors, an additional member of the jury chooses 6 authors, while the readers choose 2 authors with their votes.

In total, there will be 20 authors from Bulgaria in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round).

DUEL 10 – The rest of Balkan 🇦🇱🇬🇷🇽🇰🇷🇴🇸🇮

Participants from Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Romania and Slovenia, will be presented in one duel, DUEL 10 The number of participants in the duel is 38, of which 13 authors are from Albania, 4 authors from Greece, 7 authors from Kosovo, 4 authors from Romania and 5 authors from Slovenia.

Ostatak Balkana - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 10 - Predsjednik žirija Nermin Delić - MD Copyright
Ostatak Balkana – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 10 – Predsjednik žirija Nermin Delić – MD Copyright

DUEL 10 of Slovenian, Albanian, Greek, Romanian and Kosovo authors will have 20 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 12 authors, an additional member of the jury chooses 6 authors, while the readers choose 2 authors with their votes. Due to the number of countries participating in this duel, the national principle applies, during which no more than 50% of the authors of these participants can be eliminated in the Second Round.

A total of 20 authors from Slovenia, Albania, Romania, Greece and Kosovo will be in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round).

DUEL 11 – Balkan diaspora

Diaspora participants will be represented in one duel, DUEL 11. The number of duel participants is 24.

Balkanska dijaspora - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 11 - Predsjednik žirija Lela Zjajo - MD Copyright
Balkanska dijaspora – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug – Duel 11 – Predsjednik žirija Lela Zjajo – MD Copyright

DUEL 11 diaspora authors will have 15 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 9 authors, an additional member of the jury chooses 5 authors, while the readers choose 1 author by their votes.

A total of 15 authors from the Diaspora will be in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round). In the third round, the name of the 5 best authors from the Diaspora will be found out, who will represent it in the semifinals and finals of Mili Dueli 2020.

DUEL 12 – Non-Balkan countries

Participants from non-Balkan countries represent participants from the rest of Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America and Australia. Due to the small number of selected applications, they will be presented in one duel, DUEL 12. The number of participants in the duel is 62.

Vanbalkanske zemlje (Non-Balkan countries) - Mili Dueli 2020 - Drugi krug - Duel 12 - Predsjednik žirija Anđela Turukalo - MD Copyright
Vanbalkanske zemlje (Non-Balkan countries) – Mili Dueli 2020 – Drugi krug / The Second Round – Duel 12 – Predsjednik žirija Anđela Turukalo / The President of Jury Angela Turukalo – MD Copyright

DUEL 12 non-Balkan countries will have 35 authors after the Second Round. The president of the jury chooses 21 authors, an additional member of the jury chooses 11 authors, while the readers choose 3 authors with their votes. Due to the large number of countries participating in this duel, the continental principle applies, during which no more than 50% of authors from a certain continent can drop out in the Second Round.

There will be a total of 35 authors from non-Balkan countries in the Third Round. In the Third Round, they will face the final selection for the last two rounds – Semifinals (Fourth Round) and Finals (Fifth Round). In the Third Round, the name of the 15 best authors from these countries will be found out, who will represent her in the semifinals and finals of Mili Duel 2020.



How does the jury vote?

The president of the jury and an additional member of the jury vote, traditionally, in the web-survey system, where they will be presented with all the songs by the authors of those duels in the Second Round that they are judging. Voting is based on the principle of selection, that is, the selection of authors who go further, through the selection of the YES / NO option depending on their decision of the jury. The president of the jury votes first in a few days, and after sending the results, an additional member of the jury votes and subsequently supplements the list of authors who passed.

How do readers vote?

Readers’ voting is via the social network Facebook, where, in the description of the picture, the participants will be presented with their poems. Votes are counted only from friends or followers of the Facebook profile Nermin Delić (Mili Dueli), where the poems will be published, so if you are not, follow our profile or send us a friend request, to ensure the correct voting in time. Voting will be in the COMMENT below the picture in which the author is presented in the description under a certain ordinal number. The manner of voting is to type in the comment ORDER NUMBER of the author, which will be assigned to him in the description of the posted picture.

The duels of the Second Round will be published gradually on the social network Facebook, therefore, not all duels will be published on the day of the beginning of the Second Round of Mili Dueli (July 12). However, from July 12, the jury will be provided with links to the author’s poems, so that the voting of all members of the jury, all duels of the Second Round, will start on July 12. When it comes to readers, they will have equal voting time for each of the 12 duels, because voting for duels that started before will end sooner.


SECOND ROUND END DATE: (not defined, but what is certain is that the Second Round will last approximately one month)

A total of 250 authors are going to the Third Round. The selection will continue according to the established rules for the Third Round, and the organization of the Third Round will be presented at the end of the Second Round.


  1. All authors who are 2001 or younger, regardless of the result in Mili Duel 2020, will be subsequently invited to a new project of Mili Dueli, dedicated to young poets. The project will start with the realization in the autumn, after the completion of Mili Dueli 2020.
  2. All authors participating in the Second Round who do not make it to the Third Round will subsequently be awarded for their participation and contribution to the international cooperation of artists in the Mili Dueli project, during the 2020 season.
  3. The results of the Second Round will be published on the official website of Milih Duel.

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All rights reserved.

Mili DUELI (by Nermin Delić)cropped-mili_dueli_logo_11.jpg
Online Balkan Poetry Contest
Town Jajce
71 202
Bosnia and Herzegovina


3 thoughts on “Mili Dueli 2020: Organization of the Second Round!”

  1. Svaka čast na ideji, organizaciji i mogućnosti da svi mi koji celog života nosimo poeziju u svom srcu, možemo je javno pokazati, i povezati se sa sličnim ljudima.Volela bih i lično upoznati ljude iz organizacije i odati im priznanje.Svim srcem podržavam ovo takmičenje, koje je samo skup istih duša, ma gde bile i ma koje starosti bile.Svaka čast!


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