mili dueli online balkan poetry contest
Mili Dueli 2020

Mili Dueli 2020: Third Round Organization

The main feature of Mili Dueli has always been a FREE REGISTRATION that is sent from the comfort of your home, which is a great advantage given the fast pace of life and the presence of social networks in them. This is a kind of opportunity to meet new people in the world of poetry and to give poetry, as our common sphere, greater importance compared to other days of the year.

LOCATION OF MILI DUELI: The comfort of your home. All you need to do is follow the placement of your poem and the comments it received from the social media.

HEADQUARTERS OF MILI DUELI: Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Putovanja za svakoga: Vodič kroz Jajce, Bosna i Hercegovina - šta ...
Grad Jajce – Bosna i Hercegovina – Mili Dueli 2020


ORGANIZER: Nermin Delic, writer and doctor of medicine.

Mili Dueli 2020 – an online Balkan poetry contest, gathered 739 registered authors from 52 countries in the First Round. The contest was inspired by the idea of Nermin Delic, and this time it presented an interesting concept from the very beginning. In the first round, which lasted from June 1 to June 30, 2020, the organizer of the contest Nermin Delic had the task to review all applications and select approximately 500 applications that will be presented to the jury and readers of Mili Dueli on the social network Facebook. .

On July 4, 2020, it was published a list of selected authors to be presented in the Second Round of Mili Duels 2020. According to the list compiled by the organizer, 477 authors were selected for the further course of the contest. The second round lasted from July 12 to August 24, 2020. At the beginning of September, the results were published, and in the middle of September, the authors who passed sent poems for the next one – the Third Round, which is in front of us. You can see more about the organization of the Second Round here:

Mili Dueli 2020: Organization of the Second Round!



The start date of the Third Round will be announced later.

Number of duels and participants: 9 duels will be presented in this round. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia now have one duel each, compared to the previous round when they had 2 and 3, respectively, due to the number of participating authors. In the Third Round, we have the TOP 250 best authors out of 739 registered this year.

Jury members: The members of the jury were presented at the beginning of the season and there were no changes in the Third Round. Unlike the previous round, when they judged only one duel, in the Third Round, the obligations of the jury are complicated and judged in several duels. The exceptions are jury consultants for Greece and Albania, who judge only authors from those countries. You can see all the details about our jury members here:

Jury I Žiri


A Third Round poem? In the Third Round, the authors will be presented with ONE POEM that they sent to participate in the Third Round of Mili Dueli 2020. If they failed to send the poem within the deadline, the organizer will use the poem they sent as part of the application for Mili Dueli 2020.

The Third Round of Mili Duels 2020 will feature a total of 257 authors, divided into 9 national duels. The duels are composed on the basis of the geographical distribution of the authors, whether the authors live in the Balkans or are from the Balkan diaspora, or whether they are foreigners.

The schedule of the duel is as follows:

DUEL 1 – 🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina
DUEL 2 – 🇷🇸 Serbia
DUEL 3 – 🇭🇷 Croatia
DUEL 4 – 🇲🇪 Montenegro
DUEL 5 – 🇲🇰 Northern Macedonia
DUEL 6 – 🇧🇬 Bulgaria
DUEL 7 – 🇦🇱Albania, 🇬🇷Greece, 🇽🇰Kosovo, 🇷🇴Romania and 🇸🇮Slovenia
DUEL 8 – Balkan Diaspora
DUEL 9 – Non-Balkan countries

DUEL 1 – 🇧🇦 Bosna i Hercegovina

DUEL 2 – 🇷🇸 Srbija

DUEL 3 – 🇭🇷 Hrvatska
DUEL 4 – 🇲🇪 Crna Gora
DUEL 5 – 🇲🇰 Sjeverna Makedonija
DUEL 6 – 🇧🇬 Bugarska

DUEL 7 – 🇦🇱Albanija,🇬🇷Grčka, 🇽🇰Kosovo, 🇷🇴Rumunija i 🇸🇮Slovenija
Ostatak Balkana – Mili Dueli 2020 – Treći krug – Tabela učesnika
DUEL 8 – Balkanska dijaspora
Balkanska Dijaspora – Mili Dueli 2020 – Treći krug – Tabela učesnika
DUEL 9 – Vanbalkanske zemlje



In the Third Round, both the jury and the readers vote. For each of the 9 duels of the Third Round, a President of the Jury (one or two) was appointed, and one or two Additional members of the Jury, who will perform further selection of authors.

The president of the jury was the primary selector of authors for participation in the Second Round. Additional members of the jury were added in order to evaluate the poems as authoritatively as possible.

This season’s jury evaluation in the Third Round of Mili Dueli will be performed in compliance with the following rules:

  • All songs will be judged by 4 members of the jury.
  • The grading method is grades 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
  • Each member of the jury has the right to give the grade he/she wants, regardless of how many times it will be repeated in the duel he is judging. The only exceptions are grades 1 and 2, which can only be used once in one duel.
  • Each duel, out of a total of 9 duels, will have a different jury, according to the decision of the Organizer.
  • The voting format looks like this:
    Organizer – Jury President – Additional jury member (2x)
    or in the case of Duel 1, Duel 2 and Duel 7 as follows:
    Organizer – Jury President (2x) – Additional jury member
  • The role of the Additional Jury members is defined as follows: The Additional Jury member gives his / her grade and comment on the poem. Giving a grade is mandatory, and giving a comment is not.
  • The role of the President of the Jury is defined as follows: The President of the Jury gives his grade and comment on the poem. Giving a grade is mandatory, as is giving a comment. If the Jury President fails to write comments on the poems, his grades will be verified as the grades of the Additional Jury Member.
  • The role of the Organizer is defined as follows: The Organizer gives his assessment and comment on the poem and the perspective he sees in the authors when it comes to collaboration with Mili Dueli, as well as based on the reviews of the jury that form the backbone of Mili Dueli. Giving both ratings and comments is mandatory, for each author. If he notices that no one has given a comment to any author, the organizer is obliged to send a review of the poem by the author of the same name.

This season’s readers’ evaluation in the Third Round of Mili Duels will be performed in compliance with the following rules:

  • All poems will be posted on the social network Facebook, on the official Mili Dueli page.
    * So, unlike the last round when voting was on the official profile, this time voting will be possible on the official Mili Duels Facebook page.
  • The poems will be placed in the description of the pictures of the duel.
  • Readers vote in the comments by entering the ordinal number under which the author is presented with the poem.
  • Only the votes / comments of those who liked the page are counted !.
    * To ensure that your vote is valid, you can already like the page here:
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  • At the end of the Third Round, the Organizer reviews all comments and records only those received from readers who liked the page.

Method of selection TOP 100

  • The grades of the President of the Jury and the Additional Members of the Jury will be added up and the average grade will be drawn from them. To this average grade will be added the Organizer’s grade and the overall grade will be determined by the TOP 100 authors who pass to the next, Fourth Round (Semifinals).
  • The president of the jury, if he/she follows the voting rules and sends his/her comments and ratings on the poems has a special right to send ONE author directly to the Semifinals. He/she may not use that right.
  • Readers reward a total of 25 authors with the highest number of votes. The 3 authors with the highest number of votes will be awarded DIRECT passage to the Semifinals / Fourth Round, regardless of the votes of the jury. In addition, 22 more authors, in addition to the evaluation of the Organizer and the evaluation of the President of the Jury and the Additional Jury Member, will have a grade (5) by readers, which will certainly be of great help in the final selection as the maximum grade will improve their average.
  • During the selection of the TOP 100, the national and continental principle will be valid, so that from the first 6 duels, a minimum of 5 authors must pass from each duel, and from Duel 7 at least 2 authors from each country. A minimum of 4 authors must pass from Duel 8 (Balkan Diaspora), and from Duel 9 (Non-Balkan countries), the Organizer is obliged to strive to respect the national and continental principle.

SPECIAL FIVE! The point is that we will reward all our authors who are close, from the same or neighboring city, and establish mutual cooperation in terms of socializing, with an additional grade 5 that will add up with other grades and thus help the authors reach the Semifinals (TOP 100) . All you have to do is send a photo from the gathering to the Organizer in the inbox and both authors from the photo will get a grade 5.

Note: Mili Dueli remind the authors that we are in the COVID pandemic season, and therefore, physical distance is recommended during the meeting, as well as wearing a mask and using disinfectants, and the author’s behavior in accordance with current regulations of the country in which they live.

Tabular presentation of all 12 duels with the jury schedule:

Shema glasanja – Mili Dueli 2020 – Treći krug


The results will be published on our official website.


After the Third Round, the list of TOP 250 authors will be reduced to the TOP 100 authors. Those hundred best authors will participate in the Semifinals – the penultimate round of our contest. The organization of the Semifinals will come out when the time comes, but what is known from the very beginning is that the semifinal round will be a mentoring round. This means that our top 100 authors will be given the opportunity to be mentored by our jury members. So, the authors will have the opportunity to work with one of our members on the selection and eventual correction of the poem for the Semifinals.

The semifinal round will surpass the one from the previous year. A spectacular organization is expected that we still keep secret.



All rights reserved.

Mili DUELI (by Nermin Delić)cropped-mili_dueli_logo_11.jpg
Online Balkan Poetry Contest
Town Jajce
71 202
Bosnia and Herzegovina


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