Mili Dueli 2020

MILI DUELI 2020: Third round results – DUEL 6 – Bulgaria

Mili Duels 2020 (8th season) had 739 entries from 52 countries. It is the largest and most popular online poetry contest in this area, which for the 8th year in a row brings together poets from the region, and lately from around the world. Mili Dueli is headquartered in Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The purpose of the contest is to encourage intercultural dialogue among artists from the Balkans and the world. Being one of the most sensitive regions in the world with a turbulent past, the aim of the contest is to build bridges of culture and mutual respect between the once war-torn areas.

The contest is traditionally composed of 5 elimination rounds. In each round, the number of authors decreases, and in the last, Fifth round, the winner is decided by a voting system based on the Eurovision Song Contest scoring system. The main responsible person of the contest is Nermin Delić, the idea creator and organizer of the contest. For 8 years in a row, Mili Dueli have been gathering authors and spreading the influence of poetry in everyday life.

Nermin Delić

Briefly about the First Round: The selection of all received applications (739) was performed by Nermin Delić. The organizer selected 476 authors for presentation in the Second Round.

Briefly about the Second Round: After the selection in the First Round by the organizer of the contest, Nermin Delić, 476 authors were selected and presented in the Second Round. In the Second Round, the authors are classified in 12 duels, according to the countries they come from. Due to the number of participants, Bosnia and Herzegovina had 2 duels (DUEL 1, DUEL 2), and Serbia 3 (DUEL 3, DUEL 4, DUEL 5). Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Bulgaria had one duel each (DUEL 6, DUEL 7, DUEL 8, DUEL 9). Due to the small number of participants, authors from Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Romania and Slovenia were presented in one duel (DUEL 10). Poets with Balkan roots, but with current residence outside the Balkans, are grouped together in one duel (DUEL 11). In the end, all authors coming from non-Balkan countries are grouped into one duel (DUEL 12).

The beginning of the presentation of the duel on the official Facebook profile of Mili Dueli was on July 12, 2020. Duels are presented in order, every 2-3 or 4 days according to the scope of the duel. For the first 15 days from the presentation of the duel, the followers of Mili Dueli were able to vote in the comments by entering the author’s number below the picture where her/his poem is presented. In addition to the readers, the members of the jury, composed of 12 renowned and important for Mili Duel artists from the Balkans, also voted. They selected 90% of the authors to pass to the Third Round. The other 10% is intended for the votes of the readers, for those who were not selected by the jury, and who have the great support of their friends and companions Mili Dueli.




How was the vote?

(1) Organizer: Nermin Delic
(2) President of the jury: Anđela Turukalo
(3) Additional member of the jury I: Danja Gašpar Đokić
(4) Additional member of the jury II: Nikola Ismail
(5) Readers (number of votes received): 944
(6) Common picture * (* The authors could achieve an additional grade of 5, if they send their picture with one of the participants of the 3rd round.)


  • In Duel 6, all authors from Bulgaria who passed the previous selection are presented. The number of participants in Duel 6 is 20.
  • How the votes were counted: The ratings of the additional members of the jury were added up to the average grade, and that with the grades of the President of the jury, and with the grades of the Readers and the grade of the Common Picture. The drawn average grade is summed with the grade of the Organizer and thus the final average grade is obtained on the basis of which the authors are ranked.
  • The President of the jury had the right to send one author directly to the Semifinals. The President of the jury in this duel used that option and sent Donko Najdenov directly to the next round.
  • In this duel, no author passed directly based on the votes of the readers. Only one Bulgarian author with a large number of readers’ votes was awarded a grade of 5. By the way, according to the rules of the 3rd round, Readers awarded the 3 authors with the highest number of votes in the Third Round – direct passage to the Semifinals, and another 22 authors received a grade of 5. 5 authors stood out significantly in terms of the number of readers’ votes in the Third Round, the organizer decided to release all five directly into the next round.
  • Mili Dueli 2020 – Treći krug – Duel 1 -Bulgaria – Reach
  • Common picture. The authors were entitled to an additional grade (5) if they sent a picture with some of the participants of the 3rd round of the Due Duels 2020. The goal of the pictures was to encourage social relations outside of online activities and socializing. 🙂
    Ekaterina Gluhova and Denis Olegov – Mili Dueli 2020
Ekaterina Gluhova and Georgi Slavov – Mili Dueli 2020
Ekaterina Gluhova i Steliana Petkova – Mili Dueli 2020


TOP 100 – Authors who entered the TOP 100 went directly to the Semifinals Mili Dueli 2020. Each of them will be assigned a mentor at the discretion of the Organizer, and the names of their mentors will be announced later. The mentor can only be one of the members of the Mili DuelI 2020 jury. All the details related to the preparation and sending Semifinals poems (ROUND 4) will be received in a private message in the inbox. Please be patient!

TOP 120 – Authors who entered the TOP 120 did not go directly to the Semifinals of the Mili Dueli 2020. They will, after the announcement of the all results, be offered to the members of the jury to choose them to be their mentors. If none of the members of the jury expresses their will to be their mentor, the authors will not make it to the Semifinals. If one member of the jury responds, that member of the jury will automatically become a mentor. If more than 2 members of the jury apply, the Organizer will, in cooperation with the authors, select one of the offered members of the jury as a mentor to the author.

TOP 250 – Authors who remained in the TOP 250 did not make it to the Mili Dueli 2020 Semifinals. Their contribution to the spread of the project and poetry will be rewarded by receiving electronic recognition for their participation as they represented their countries in a bright light (TOP 250 from 739 registered !!!), and will accordingly receive recognition for the intercultural dialogue of the Balkan countries and the countries of the world in which they participated.

All the presented poems will be represented in a electronic collection which, apparently, will have its own printed edition (summer, 2021), when MILI DUELI BALKAN TOUR awaits us. More on that soon!

Also, all authors who are 2000 or younger will be presented at the MILI DUEL JUNIOR ONLINE POETRY CONTEST which will start a few days after the end of the eighth season of Mili Duels 2020 – Online Balkan Poetry Contest!



Organizator: NERMIN DELIĆ

nermin delic

Dear friends,
In anticipation of the announcement of the list of semi-finalists Mili Duels 2020, we will make a recapitulation of everything published so far – in the eighth season. This year we had 739 authors from 52 countries around the world. This is not only a record number of participants in this contest since its founding, but generally a record number of authors participating in an online poetry event in the region – the Balkans, and definitely in Europe where the Balkan countries geographically belong. In addition to the Balkan countries, almost all European countries took participation, as well as some countries of North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia did that too.
Experience has taught me that a lot of participation is incidental – while competing, they hang out until then, and later disappear. But year after year has shown that in each there are those who stay and sign eternity with us. Mili Duel as a way of thinking. Mili Dueli as a school of writing. Mili Dueli as psychotherapy. Mili Dueli as a generation of people in an insanely difficult history with which we are both gifted and crippled. Mili Dueli as a revision of the past. Mili Dueli as the Rise of the Present. Mili Dueli as the birth of the future. There is something, people … And that something was built by you who stay with me every year, with us – this bulwark of love for man and his ability to write. Mili Dueli is the only project in the Balkans that gave the poems, not the authors, a chance to succeed. That is why we have encountered a number of condemnations that “anonymous people without a published book” win, and decorated “diplomats with Indian and Bhutanese electronic achievements from Paint”, “gods”, “champions” of poetry, no. A porter and a tinsmith can really write better poetry than two professors of literature whose title only indicates that they are lovers of poetry, not necessarily excellent writers.
Mili Dueli as a lifestyle. Indeed, they have changed the lives of many. Some have the wind in their backs, some miss the reason why they walled up their windows. The jury of Mili Dueli from year to year votes transparently, completely objectively, each for himself and from their homes in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, North Macedonia, Germany, Greece and Albania. What people really appreciate is that we are not like the majority that just declares a winner, without any explanation. People need explanations. And life needs them. And conscience needs them the most. In our country, everything has always been “black and white”. So many comments have changed the ways of thinking and writing to many authors. We educated writers and opened the door to thoughts we would never knock on. We have helped many to write solidly, which is why they are now far more respected in society. Indeed, a large percentage of books are published after participation, precisely because Mili Dueli showed the authors how important what they write is.
A diploma is not everything in life, I tell you, who has more significant diplomas than those from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, etc … Those diplomas they get did not receive, only who did not ask. My people – I am also a doctor of medicine. But I have a feeling that in Mili Dueli I treat the most – because I have made so many authors, together with my team, happy, completely free of charge. And is there anything more expensive than free stuff ?! With my ideas, I detoxify the poisons we drank every day because we were just thirsty. Only with Mili Dueli can I erase boundaries and live in a world of letters and images – the perfect ones, the ones from the head.
As you know, the Balkans have a desert climate for literature. With minimal exceptions, most of the competition is hilarious – inspired by personal earnings and promotions, a debatable jury and non-innovation. In such an environment, Mili Duelihave sprung up and have been growing for 8 years. Mili Duelli, about which the most famous business magazine in the world, a world media such as Forbes wrote and rated them “the most popular in the former Yugoslavia”.
Mili Dueli have given birth to tens of thousands of online contacts, fostered many friendships and international encounters – in short: they have achieved a lot, and those who stay – will see how much is left to happen to us. Because we found the way. A path that does not tread on others, to exist. Let’s believe in the future, because this miracle will exist as long as there is one person who wants to become better by helping others to be better.
I appeal to all authors and friends to experience these results of the Third Round in the right way. One song was judged, the one you chose and sent yourself. If the poem is “unimpressive”, at the very least, you didn’t get any positive comments, not even the best ratings. But that does not mean that you are bad authors and that all your contribution to poetry is valued by that assessment. Write, write and write … because we have so little time.

As you can see, I gained a positive impression for most of the poems, because, among other things, they are about the 20 best authors that Bulgaria has in this competition. However, I made the gradation of the grades based on the comparison of the poems, in order to respect the propositions of the contest.

Greetings from Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina for the whole of Bulgaria! 🙂

Nermin Delic, organizer


Predsjednik žirija: ANĐELA TURUKALO

Dmitar Dzhenev, quote lovely and vivid. I like the depth of this poem and I really appreciate that way of “painting with words”. Well done.

Denitsa Mineva, I’m not too amazed with this poem. It’s probably because of the difficulty of the group. It’s not bad, it just wasn’t striking enough.

Valentin Popov, I loved it. It’s deep and emotional and touching. This author just gets better and better. This poem contains such powerful imagery, it has to leave a mark on the reader. Really well done.

Ninko Kirilov… As I started reading, I found it quite interesting. But, the ending is truly beautiful. Loved this poem, loved the previous one… So, I truly hope I’ll love the next one. Well done and good luck.

Yana Radilova, this was very sharp and precise. This poem is a statement, and a powerful one. I love your expression and the life you bring into the poetry.

Lyubomir Kyuchukov, this was written quite well. But, this group is filled with amazing authors, so everything has to count. This poem lacked one single statement in the very end- something strong, powerful and meaningful- to give it the ending it deserved. Nevertheless, I find it very good.

Tanya Mirtcheva, I found this quite pale- compared to the rest of the group. It seemed like the author tried to make the poem energetic, but the product was quite chaotic and imprecise. The motives could be more personal and more creative.

Kaloyan Hristov, I like this poem. It’s interesting and pleasant. The ending is soft, but it balances the poem and really makes it whole. Well done.

Denis Olegov, I loved the imagery and energy of this poem. The meaning is profound and clear. Motives are creative and very touching… So, well done.

Georgi Slavov… A bit rebellious, a bit chaotic… Lots of emotions, though concealed. I did find a couple of questionable moments here, but the rest of the poem simply beats it all. So, I really like it.

Alex Arnaudov… This was quite unusual. Not something I expected. And that’s a good thing. It’s quite mistified, yet emotional. The ending is lovely. The only thing I find troublesome is that it feels somehow disconnected. Like the verses aren’t quite naturally merged…

Ioana Hristova, this poem was quite picturesque. I do think you needed to focus more: to accentuate some parts more, other less. It feels a bit unnatural in some parts, and this kind of poetry should be written in such manner that it feels completely fluent.

Donko Naydenov… I think this round deserved a better choice of writing subject. It feels somewhat pale compared to others. Yet, I’m happy that I find this author getting better and better. And, I do appreciate this poem, it’s quite good. I like it. But, I’m hoping for something deeper next time.

Rolanda Stefanova, I like the ending. But, it seems like the rest of the poem shouldn’t be so…simplified. It lacks a bit of mystery, some drama. This way, it feels like a flat line.

Kremena Kirilova, this poem is too simple, too naive. It lacks strength and some powerful motives to make it stand out.

Steliana Petkova: the start of the poem and it’s ending- it was great. But, the middle part was too simple. If you made the middle part stand out more, the poem would probably be perfect.

Ekaterina Gluhova-Dimitrova, I understand the theme of this poem, but this is really too chaotic. There has to be balance, to make it pleasant for the reader. Also, some innovative metaphors could be very useful.

Geno Nedyalkov, this is interesting and likeable. Yet, it lacks a bit of clarity, some strong point, some effective ending that would make it whole. It feels like it’s incomplete.

Vesela Haltakova, I must say it’s interesting. Yet, it’s too plain and simple. It should be a bit deeper and more emotional. First part is the one that feels too naive.

Ruzha Velcheva, it’s almost like I’m seeing it in my head- while reading your words. I really like it, though it does seem a bit pale compared to other poems of this group- because of the energy and the very subject, probably. Yet, I’m satisfied with this.


Dodatni član žirija I: DANJA GAŠPAR ĐOKIĆ


DIMITAR DZHENEV great reflective poem, not even the translation diminished its beauty, it has beautiful rhythm, it has meaning, beautiful lyrical images and metaphors, everything a poem should have

DENITSA MINEVA has something in this poem, but not enough for me to delight me or throw me out of my shoes … average poem

VALENTIN POPOV when it comes to war issues, a man can’t be immune and run out of emotions … very nicely woven and I believe that in the Bulgarian language it sounds nicer, here the rhythm creaks a little, as if there are no spaces to calm emotions and start again like an avalanche

NINKO KIRILOV great poem, it has meaning and great rhythm and the poet performed it great to the end

YANA RADILOVA is another great poem to which nothing can be taken away or added … great

LYUBOMIR KYUCHUKOV an average poem in which the reader cannot read anything new, it seems too sterile to me, maybe some special stylistic figure of the poem would give strength and beauty, like this, just mediocrity

TANYA MIRTCH’S poem was beautifully realized in the beginning, but the very end simply suffocated its beauty … much more could be given and said from this

KALOYAN HRISTOV is a poem that didn’t particularly touch me, I think it needs more work

DENIS OLEGOV an interesting poem, which was promising at the beginning, as if the author got a little tired at the end … and the verse “abyss without bottom” … if it is abyss, this is superfluous – without bottom, I think it’s a mistake came in rendition, but that doesn’t change my assessment and impression

GEORGI SLAVOV this poem has great moments, but it is too long and fragmented … this would be great if two or three poems were made from the material … there is simply a lot of stuff in the poem and it makes it extensive and unrelated

ALEX ARNAUDOV’s author nicely analyzed the thoughts, divided them into miniature cycles and thus the song gains in beauty, nothing is crowded and accumulated … I like the way the song, ie these cycles flow and how they are rounded at the end

JOANA HRISTOVA again a war theme, but in my opinion very unsuccessfully performed, there is something there, but the end itself is completely meaningless to me..needs a lot of work

DONKO NAYDENOV an average landscape poem that didn’t say anything new, a clean description of the mountain … maybe some special stylistic figure should be inserted to make the poem stand out from the average

ROLANDA STEFANOVA poem is well thought out and there are great moments in it, the comparison of life and restaurants is successful, I think there was a little more work to be done on the poem, but in any case, the poem is very impressive

KREMENA KIRILOVA I didn’t feel anything special or impressive in this poem… like purely giving lessons, which the poem can’t really stand … the average poem

STELIANA PETKOVA another average poem in which nothing new is offered, and nothing special … there is still a lot of work to be done

EKATERINA GLUHOVA – DIMITROVA a good title for a poem like this … fragments that make up a day, a year, a whole life, but there is still a lot missing to make the poem shine

GENO NEDYALKOV well thought out, but poorly realized … one quite average poem

VESELA HALTAKOVA another average poem in which I did not read anything new, nothing in particular impressed me

RUZHA VELCHEVA I was not particularly impressed by this poem either, there is something in it, the ending is beautiful, but I think it could have been written much better

DIMITAR DZHENEV odlična refleksivna pjesma, ni prepjev joj nije umanjio ljepotu, ima ritam, ima smslenost, prelijepe slike i metafore, sve ono što jedna pjesma treba imati

DENITSA MINEVA ima u ovoj pjesmi nešto, ali meni nedovoljno da bi me oduševila ili izbacila iz cipela…prosječna pjesma

VALENTIN POPOV kad je ratna tematika u pitanju, čovjek ne može biti imun i ostati bez emocija…vrlo lijepo istkano i vjerujem kako na bugarskom jeziku zvuci ljepše, ovdje mi malo škripi ritam, kao da nedostaju razmaci da se emocije slegnu i opet krenu kao lavina

NINKO KIRILOV odlična pjesma, ima i smislenost i odličan ritam i pjesnik ju je odlično izveo do kraja

YANA RADILOVA još jedna odlična pjesma kojoj se baš ništa nema ni oduzeti, a ni dodati…sjajno

LYUBOMIR KYUCHUKOV prosječna pjesma u kojoj baš ništa novog čitatelj ne može iščitati, previše mi izgleda sterilno, možda bi neka bravura pjesmi dala snagu i ljepotu, ovako, samo prosječnost

TANYA MIRTCHEVA pjesma je u početku lijepo realizirana, ali sam kraj naprosto joj je ugušio ljepotu…moglo se iz ovoga puno više dati i izreći

KALOYAN HRISTOV pjesma koja me baš ničim nije posebno dirnula, mislim kako treba više rada

DENIS OLEGOV interesantna pjesma, koja je na početku bila obećavajuća, kao da se autor malo umorio pri kraju…i sam stih “bezdan bez dna”…ako je bezdan, suvišn je ovo – bez dna, mislim kako je do greške došlo u prepjevu, ali to ne mijenja moju ocjenu i dojam

GEORGI SLAVOV ova pjesma ima sjajne momente, ali je previše dugačka i rascjepkana…ovo bi bilo odlično da su se od materijala napravile dvije, tri pjesme…naprosto je puno toga zgurano u pjesmu i čini je opširnom i nepovezanom

ALEX ARNAUDOV autor je lijepo raščlanio misli, razdijelio ih u minijaturne cikluse i time pjesma dobija na ljepoti, ništa nije zgurano i nagomilano…sviđa mi se način kako pjesma, odnosno ovi ciklusi teku i kako su zaokruženi na kraju

ЙОАНА ХРИСТОВА opet ratna tematika, ali po meni veoma neuspješno izvedena, ima tu nečega, ali sam kraj mi je putpuno besmislen..treba tu još puno rada

DONKO NAYDENOV jedna prosječna pejzažna pjesma koja baš ništa novo nije rekla, čisti opis planine..mozda bi tu trebalo ubaciti neku bravuricu da bi pjesmu izdiglo iz prosječnosti

ROLANDA STEFANOVA pjesma je dobro zamišljena i u njoj ima odličnih momenata, poređenje života i restorana je uspješno, mislim kako je još malo trebalo raditi na pjesmi, ali u svakom slučaju, pjesma je vrlo dojmljiva

KREMENA KIRILOVA ništa posebno, a ni dojmljivo ne osjetih u ovoj pjesmi…kao čisto davanje lekcija, što pjesma baš i ne podnosi…prosječna pjesma

STELIANA PETKOVA još jedna prosječna pjesma u kojoj se ne nudi ništa novo, a ni posebno…treba tu još dosta rada

ЕКАТЕРИНА GLUHOVA – DIMITROVA dobar naslov za ovakvu pjesmu…fragmenti od kojih se sastavlja dan, godina, cijeli život, ali nedostaje tu još puno toga da bi pjesma zablistala

GENO NEDYALKOV dobro zamišljeno, ali loše realizirano…jedna sasvim prosječna pjesma

VESELA HALTAKOVA još jedna prosječna pjesma u kojoj ništa novo nisam pročitala, ništa me posebno nije dojmilo

RUZHA VELCHEVA ni ova me pjesma nije posebno dojmila, ima nešto u njoj, kraj je lijep, ali mislim kako se moglo daleko bolje napisati.


Dodatni član žirija II: NIKOLA ISMAIL

Član žirija do kraja roka za slanje glasova nije glasao. 



You can watch the entire duel on the social network Facebook, where it is on the official profile Mili DuelI.

ORAHU zelenom lišću
kroz koje dišeš svjetlost
i u tvojoj kraljevskoj kruni
kojom dodiruješ nebo,
samo vrhovi prerastaju
zemaljske želje.Nevidljiv očima zaslijepljenim
sočnim i nezasitim mesom grana,
samo ti se proročki boriš
sa oblaka da vidiš
šta je na horizontu –
svepraštajuća kiša milosti
ili gnijev grmljavine.Onog trenutka kada grom udari:
da li je dostojnije biti na tvom vrhu
ili, skriven u korijenu,
u zemljinoj kori, nadati se?Da li ćemo ikad saznati
šta je pod tvrdom korom
gdje plod ti živi:
klica zabranjenih strasti
ili novo orahovo drvo?THE WALNUT TREE

In the green leaves,
that you breathe light with
and in the royal crown,
that you touch the sky with,
only the tips outgrow
worldly desires.

Invisible to the eyes blinded
by the lush and insatiable flesh of the branches,
you are the only one who prophetically tries
to guess from the cloud,
what’s set on the horizon –
the all-forgiving rain of mercy
or the wrath of another thunderstorm.

When the lightning strikes,
is it nobler
to be the top of the tree,
or hide in its roots
relying on the earth’s crust for shelter?

Shall we ever know what’s hidden
under the hard shell
which your nut survives in –
the embryo of some forbidden passions
or the germ of a new walnut tree?


В зелените листа, с които дишаш
и в царствената ти корона,
с която се докосваш до небето,
единствено върхът надраства
земните желания.

Невидим за очите заслепени
от сочната и ненаситна плът на клоните,
единствен той пророчески се мъчи
по облака да разгадае,
какво от хоризонта се задава –
всеопрощаващият дъжд на милостта
или гневът на гръмотевичната буря.

В мига, когато мълнията пада,
дали е по-достойно да си връх
или, във корените скрит,
на земната кора да се надяваш?

Ще разберем ли някога под твърдата черупка
на плода ти оцелял,
зародишът на забранени страсти
или познатият растеж
на ново орехче се крие?


Toliko je tišina
na koju obratiti pažnju
ostavljam ih
kroz čašu viskija
a led je dovoljan
da upije nečuveno
i topi pukotine
a poslije čaše dva puta
koji ostaju
onaj sa kojim razgovaram
tako slatko
i mašu repovima
opet tišine


тишините са толкова много
на коя да обърна внимание
оставям ги
да изтекат
в чаша с уиски
и ледът е достатъчен
и попива нечутите
и разтапя пропуканите
и след чаша две време
остават онези
с които разговарям
така мило
и помахват с опашки
пак тишините


Perseide lete dalje
i u stazama ostavljaju
neostvarene želje.
Ispred ukrštanja prolazi dijete,
držeći igračku,
želeći da se igra,
trulog mesa
i propalog djetinjstva:
vojnik povlači obarač.
Slomljena igračka
leži na ulici,
bombama rastrgana.
Perseide lete dalje:
„Neka nađe cipele u raju“.
On pali cigaretu,
peku ga oči.
Dok ih trlja, misli na Perseide:
ostavile su mu želju, neispunjenu,
da čuje odgovor „Da!“.
Sad leži u vrućini,
znoji se,
pucajući na sve što vidi.
„Želim novu igračku“,
zavapi drugo dijete,
u drugom svijetu,
netaknuto ratom


The Perseids fly on by
and trails they leave
in the unfulfilled desires
in front of the crosshairs a child runs by
holding a toy
wanting to play
of rotten flesh
and a failed childhood
the soldier pulls the trigger
a broken toy
laying on the street
by bombs torn asunder
The perseids fly on by
“May it find shoes in Paradise”
he lights a cigarette
it stings his eyes
as he rubs them thinking of the Perseids
they left his wish unfulfilled
to hear the answer “Yes!”
now he lies in the heat
firing at everything in sight
“I want a new toy”
a different child cries out
in a different world
unscathed by the war
of the Perseids


i između Mona Liza i ludih šeširdžija
i između zlatnih bogova i tona LSD-a
i između svirepog apsinta i francuskih cigareta
i između smrti i svih novih slika na zidovima
i između odlaganja neizbježnog
(koje se kotrlja poput pomorandže niz brdo)
i između svijetlih Polokovih platna i apsolutne nježnosti
i između kovrdžavih dlaka koje su sjedjele na tim stolicama
i između razrokih ogledala
i između kraja septembra i početka sljedećeg ljeta
i između knjiga prijatelja i drugih neupotrebljivih marama
i između te plave ptice i njenog već otuđenog jata
i između bola i biljke
koja tako tiho prede tamo u prljavštini
i između dosade i Zenonovih zagonetki:
sjećam se da se ono što jesam
uopšte ne razlikuje od onoga što tražim

jer je potraga završena.
Između sebe i tebe
danas sadim sjeme jabuke.


and between the Mona Lisas and the mad hatters
and between the golden gods and tons of LSD
and between the ferocious absent drink and the French smokes
and between death the all nthe new paintings on the walls
and between posponing the inevitable
(which is rolling like an orange down the hill)
and between the bright Pollok canvases and the absolute tenderness
and between the curly hairs sitting on both of those chairs
and between the crosseyed pastoral mirror
and between the end of September and the beginning of the next summer
and between friends’ books and other unusable scarves
and between that blue bird and its already alien flock
and between the pain and the herb
which pur so quietly right there in the dirt
and between the boredom and Zenon’s puzzles.
I do remember that what I am
is not different at all from what I search for.

because the quest is over.
between myself and you
today I plant and apple seed.



Novembar se raspada
Nekad je to bila moja tvrđava
Voljela sam veo magle koji mi prekriva dušu

Sad je to samo činija kostiju

Ja to zovem “proces tranzicije”
Ali i dalje sam zaglavljena u statusu kvo
Čekajući savršenu oluju

Osjećam miris cigare svog pretka
Obećao mi je budućnost
Trebalo je da znam da vrijeme nije svojina

Čujem kako detlić uništava moju prošlost
Zamolio me je da se ne krijem
Trebala sam znati da uspomene nisu drveće

Osjećam duh promjene
Govori mi: „Nisi ti kriva, draga.
To se samo vaša generacija iz ’92.
i dalje skriva iza gvozdene zavjese “.


November is falling apart
It used to be my fortress
I loved the veil of the fog covering my soul

Now it’s just a bowl of bones

I call it “the transition process”
But I’m still stuck in the status quo
Waiting for the perfect storm

I can smell the cigar of my ancestor
He promised me the future
I should have known that time is not property

I can hear the woodpecker destroying my past
He asked me not to hide
I should have known that memories are not trees

I can feel the spirit of change
It tells me: “It’s not your fault, darling.
It’s just your ’92 generation
still hiding behind the iron curtain.”


Pogledaj nas –
u Božanskom algoritmu,
i nalazimo
anonimnu istinu
u zvijezdama,
u srcima
bez logičkog dokaza.

Pogledaj nas –
dnevnog reda,
u rimama
samo da bi imali osjećaj
da vrijedimo.
i ranjeni
jedva bismo se mogli predati –
i umiremo,
rastajući se,
da budemo zajedno
u preporodu.

Pogledaj nas –
ispod mišića i kose,
naša vrsta
je postojala
da ne uspije.
Pogledaj nas –
i stepenica …
da ukloniš


Look at us –
in Divine algorithm,
to find
the anonymous truth,
in stars,
in hearts
with no logical proof.

Look at us –
of else’s agenda,
in rhymes
just to have sense
of worth.
and scarred,
we could hardly surrender –
and dying,
we part,
to be whole
in rebirth.

Look at us –
under muscles and hair,
our kind
was intended
to fail.
Look at us –
of cycles
and stairs…
to uncover
the veil.


Večeras ćeš završiti moj portret
i pogledati njegove osobine –
on je lijep, ja sam bila ljepša samo u tvom snu.
Baci to, to nisam ja!
Neka kiša zamuti linije,
i neka povuče talas
koji ujutro tiho budi čamce,
a noću ih drobi u stijenama,
da uhvati ruku vjetra.
Crtaj, dok noću
ona željno traži obalu,
a ujutro se ponosno strese
i zamućuje njegove osobine.
Uvuci joj dah,
prilikom trke u oluji.
Možeš li, ili bolje kiša
da završi moj portret?


Тази вечер завършваш портрета ми
и се вглеждаш в чертите му –
Красив е, по красива бях само в съня ти.
Изхвърли го, това не съм аз!
Нека дъждът да размие чертите,
а ти нарисувай вълна,
която сутрин буди лодките тихо,
а нощем в скалите разбива ги,
за да хване ръката на вятъра.
Нарисувай как вечер
тя жадно търси брега,
а сутрин гордо отръпва се
и размива чертите му.
Нарисувай дъха й,
когато препуска сред бурята.
Можеш ли, или по-добре дъждът
да довърши портрета ми?


Vrijeme trči li, trči;
a mi trčimo za njim
kao naivna djeca
nakon puštanja zmaja.

Zmaj se zapleo u grane,
spotičemo se o korijenje,
i na ivici vode
da se ne okliznemo
kako ne bi pale na obalu,
kao jato pataka,
naše istine.

Trčimo, trčimo
i mali list
vinove loze pada pred nas,
da nas prate
čuvari uspomena,
koji nas nikada neće


Времето бяга ли, бяга,
а ние тичаме след него
като наивни деца след
пясъчно хвърчило.

Заплита се хвърчилото в клоните,
спъваме се в корени,
а край ръба на водата
внимаваме да не се
за да не изскочат на брега
като ято патици
истините ни.

Бягаме, бягаме и малък
лозов лист пада пред нас,
за да разберем,
че след нас вървят
гвардии от спомени,
които никога няма да
ни изоставят.


Ni vazduha nema u dvosmislenoj tišini.
Gasi me ta odvratna surovost.
Raspad opake zemlje
rastrgan je u zastrašujućem osmijehu.
Sočiva mojih očiju su popucala
u požarima svake Amazonije.
Odvratno su mi slomile karakter
zarđale rešetke života.
Jednom sam posegnuo za suvišnim
zvijezdama, digao se u ništa.
Nazad te vuče
iskonska privlačnost
do zalaska sunca tvoje zemaljske močvare.
Volio sam kanonadu i motku
bilo koje višekrvne prljavštine.
Padam u svoj bezdan bez dna,
jer je ugodno umrijeti.


Без въздух в многозначна тишина
угасвам с отвратителна жестокост.
Разпадът на порочната земя
разкъсва се в усмивката си грозна.
Стъклата на очите ми са спукани
в пожарите на всяка Амазония.
Премазаха характера ми гнусните
ръждясали решетки на живота.
Веднъж посегнал към излишните
звезди,въздигаш се до нищото. Обратно
притегля те изконното привличане
към залеза на земното ти блато.
Обикнал канонадата и полюса
на всяка многокръвна мръстотия
пропадам във бездънната си пропаст,
защото е комфортно да умираш.

(Tako je kako je- sa francuskog)

Zaista volim post-punk, jer je protest gotov.
Postojanje se odvija između trzaja i zvuka.
Ne mogu nauditi ljudima
dok sanjam o tome da vodim ljubav sa njima.
Pošalji mi jastuk nakon što ga udaviš u suzama
i napisaću ti najljepšu pjesmu.
Nikad je nećeš dobiti,
ulagaću u mnoge akcije i zaboraviću na svoje riječi.
Ali ti nećeš. Ne možeš.
Iako neviđenu, mi pravimo razliku.
Nikad poslate pjesme nepoznatom ljubavniku.
Znam. Znam.

Ja sam Ahilej svog vremena: nepobjediv, ali smrtan.

Žudim samo za inspiracijom i postojim samo kad mislim na tebe,
ali ljubav je koncept mrtvih za mrtve.
Razgovarajmo o nečemu boljem.
Juče sam čuo da će uskoro u ovom dijelu grada biti izgrađen mauzolej.
Oh, užas.
Koliko će ptica zaustaviti let?
Koliko pljačkaša će odnijeti našu noć?

Koliko će bogati biti bogatiji u zoru?
Nemam jasnu ideju.

Pitanje je šta je čovjeku električna energija – stalna smrt.
Ne želim da umrem od nečeg tako poznatog.

Želim da iskusim ono što je metamaterijalno i apriori dobronamjerno.

Sve što želim je da se nasmijem prije pada,
a ne da se smiješim dok padam.

(it is like that from French)

I really like post-punk because the protest is over.
Existence takes place between the upstroke and the sound.
I cannot harm people when I dream about making love to them.
Send me your pillow after you are done with the tears and I shall write
the most beautiful poem.
You will never receive it, I will invest in many stocks and then I shall forget about my words. But you will not. you cannot.
Although never seen, we make a difference.
We are unsent poems to an unknown lover.
I know. I know.

I am the Achilles of my time, invincible but mortal.

I crave only inspiration and I exist only when I think of you.
But love is a concept by the dead for the dead.
Let us talk about something better.
Yesterday I heard that someday soon in this part of town a mausoleum shall be built. Oh, the horror.
How many birds shall stop their flight?
How many looters shall carress our night?

How much richer will the richer be at dawn?
I have not a vague idea.

Questions are what electricity is to man – a constant death.
I don’t want to die from something so familiar.

I want to experience what is metamaterial and apriori benevolent.

All I want is to smile before thе fall,
not to smile as I’m falling.



vrijeme me izbjegava
ostavio sam sve što volim
na nebu

svaki dan prolazi
bez pozdrava

sloboda je smrt
tvoje ime je objašnjenje u samoći


vrijeme prolazi kroz nas
oponašam ga
i anđeli me sanjaju

tražim te u svojoj sjenci
došao je strah
i nikad me nisi napustila


vrijeme je spomenik
svih izgubljenih
noć te proganja
i opušta se u tvojim rukama

grad u kome si rođena
raspada se na površini
kao poslije rata

ostarićemo zajedno
u različitim pravcima



time avoids me
I left everything I love
in the sky

every day passes
without saying goodbye

freedom is death
your name is a confession in solitude


time will pass through us
I imitate it
and angels dream of me

I seek you in my shadow
then fear came
and you never left me


time is a monument
of everything lost
the night haunts you
and relaxes in your hands

the city where you are born
disintegrates on the surface
as if after the war

we grow old together
in separate directions



времето ме отбягва
оставих всичко което обичам
на небето

всеки ден минава
без да ти кажа сбогом

свободата е смърт
името ти е обяснение в самота


времето ще мине през нас
имитирам го
и ангели ме сънуват

търся те в сянката си
страхът дойде
и ти никога не ме изостави


времето е паметник
на всичко загубено
нощта те преследва
и се отпуска в ръцете ти

градът в който се раждаш
се разпада на повърхността
като след война

остаряваме заедно
в различни посоки


Iza zatvorenih vrata pakla
uvlači se krvava svjetlost.
Nada naglo isparava,
a leš ostaje da leži i spava.
Nakon otvaranja oluje metaka,
vojnici djeluju arogantno i krivo,
jedan se smije – drugi je prljav.
Vrata su širom otvorena i prazna,
tijelo mladog Jevrejina je još uvijek tamo:
crveno, sivo i hladno- izgubljen sjaj.
Tamo nikad ne bješe tako:
vrata su vodila do porodice Gomez.
Bili su srećni i dobri, šareni i ljubazni;
i sada, nakon koncentracionih logora, jedini preživjeli-
doletio je svojoj ženi i djetetu.
Zvuči li ova sudbina tužno?
Iza nekih vrata neispričana je drama,
koja neće biti spomenuta,
i dobri nacistički vojnici –
biće zauvijek u istoriji, otvorenih vrata.


Зад затворените врати на ада
се промъква кървавата светлина.
Надеждата се изпарява мигновено,
а трупът остава да лежи и спи.
След бурята от куршуми се отварят,
излизат войници наперени и криви,
един засмян – друг изцапан.
Вратите стоят широко отворени и празни,
тялото на младия евреин още е там,
червено,сиво и студено,загубило блясък.
Някога не бе така там,
вратите водеха към семейство Гомез.
Те бяха щастливи и добри,цветни и мили,
а сега след концлагерите единственият оцелял –
бе полетял при неговата жена и дете.
Тъжно ли звучи таз съдба?
Зад едни врати една неразказана драма,
която няма и да бъде спомената,
а войниците добри нацистки –
ще бъдат вечно в историята на отворените врати.

DONKO NAYDENOV 1980 BUL Belogradchik

Ukrašena sitnim komadima snijega,
tiha- usred zavijanja vjetrova,
ona ponosno se diže:
sama, nedostižna za magiju.

Danju, turisti polako hodaju
uz strme staze- do vrhova;
a sunce, sa svojim zlatnim zracima,
pjeva uz glasove životinja.

U mraku, mistični planinski prostor
na mjesečini blista kao srebro
i životinjski ludi, noćni hor
odzvanja uz predivna zvona staze.

Ujutro, vezana snijegom,
nijema- kao ogromna tvrđava,
ponosno se diže
u iščekivanju sunčevog plamena.


Затрупана с отломки от снега,
замлъкваща всред воя на стихиите,
тя гордо е издигнала снага
сама, недостижима за магиите.

Денем туристи тромаво пълзят
по стръмните пътеки към върхарите,
а слънцето в златистия си цвят
припява редом с песните на тварите.

По тъмно дивният горист простор
белее в клопката на месечината
и тварите в безумен нощен хор
огласят в звънка пъстрота пъртините.

На сутринта, скована от снега,
притихнала като гигантски замък,
тя гордо е издигнала снага,
в очакване на слънчевия пламък.


Zatrupana s otlomki ot snega,
zamlŭknala vsred voya na stikhiite,
tya gordo e izdignala snaga
sama, nedostizhima za magiite.

Denem turisti tromavo pŭlzyat
po strŭmnite pŭteki kŭm vŭrkharite,
a slŭntseto v zlatistiya si tsvyat
pripyava redom s pesnite na tvarite.

Po tŭmno divniyat gorist prostor
belee v klopkata na mesechinata
I tvarite v bezumen noshten khor
oglasyat v zvŭnka pŭstrota pŭrtinite.

Na sutrinta, skovana ot slana,
zamlŭknala kato gigantski zamŭk,
tya gordo e izdignala snaga,
v ochakvane na slŭncheviya plamŭk.


Možeš li zamisliti život kao restoran,
gdje svako od nas ostaje neko vrijeme?
Zamisli milione gladnih srca,
koja su zaboravila kako se govori.
Oni ne čitaju meni, jer osjećanja nemaju oči.
Srca poštuju samo želje duše.

Hajde, zamisli kako svako od ovih srca naručuje
veliku porciju radosti, sreće i ljubavi za doručak.
Ali, ponekad tanjira nema dovoljno.
Zbog toga narudžba kasni
i osjećamo se kao žrtve života:
opljačkani i nepravedno kažnjeni.

A niko nam ne govori
da sve što od početka dolazi vrlo lako
-poput mokrog hljeba je, koji zadovolji na kratko,
ali te zapravo ne hrani.

Kad je u životu sve slatko kao med
ne možeš razumjeti ukus soli,
i to je pravi ukus mudrosti.
Samo onaj ko je bio gladan ljubavi
i mnogo plakao iznutra,
u stanju je progutati težak zalogaj života.

Svakako, najbolje u ovom restoranu
je to što nema radnog vremena.
Uvijek možeš da sjedneš,
kada osjetiš glad za nekim osjećajem.
Ne plaši se ako je nešto sporo u životu.
Ima hrane za sve nas…

Pa … ako sada sjediš za stolom
i raduješ se naručenom Životu,
kaži mi …
da li si zadovoljan onim što si naručio?


Can you imagine life as a restaurant
In which each of us stays for a while
Imagine millions of hungry hearts
Who have forgotten how to speak.
They don’t look at the menu because the feeling have no eyes
hearts respect only the desires of the soul.

Come on, imagine how each of these hearts orders
а big portion of joy, luck and love for breakfast.
But sometimes the plates aren’t enough for everyone.
That’s why the order is delayed
and we feel like victims of life
robbed and unjustly punished.

But no one tells us
from the beginning everything comes very easily
is like wet bread that satisfies for a short time
but it doesn’t really feed you.

Because when everything in life is as sweet as honey
you can’t really understand the taste of salt
and this is the true taste of wisdom.
Because only the one who was hungry for love
and cried a lot inside
is able to swallow even a difficult bite of food.

Certainly the best thing about this restaurant
is that there are no working hours
you can always sit down
when you feel hungry for a feeling.
Don’t be afraid if something in your life is coming slow
there is food for all of us.

So … if you’re sitting at a table now
and you are looking forward to the orders of Life
Tell me …
Are you happy with what you ordered?


Можеш ли да си представиш живота като ресторант,
в който всеки от нас отсяда за малко.
Представи си милиони гладни сърца,
които са забравили как се говори
Те не гледат менюто, защото чувствата нямат очи
Сърцата зачитат само желанията на душата.

Хайде, представи си как всяко от тези сърца си поръчва
голяма порция радост, късмет и любов за закуска.
Но понякога чиниите не стигат за всички
за това поръчаното се бави
и ние се чувстваме като жертви на живота
ограбени и несправедливо наказани.

Но никой не ни казва
още в началото, че всичко, което идва много лесно
е като мокър хляб, който те засища за кратко,
но всъщност не те храни наистина.

Защото когато всичко в живота е сладко като мед
не можеш да разбереш вкуса на солта,
а това е истинският вкус на мъдростта.
Защото само този, който е бил гладен за обич
и е плакал много отвътре
е способен и трудната хапка живот да преглътне.

Със сигурност най-хубавото на този ресторант
Е това че няма работно време
може да седнеш винаги
когато почувстваш глад за някакво чувство.
Не се страхувай, ако нещо в живота ти бави се
храна има за всички ни.

Затова … ако сега си седнал на някоя маса
и чакаш нетърпеливо поръчките от Живота
Кажи ми …
Доволен ли си от това, което поръча?


Ljubav! Najlakše je voljeti,
čak i ako si patio od laži.
Zatvori oči, stvaraj,
nadaj se talasu ljubavi što leti kroz tebe.

Put do snova je najvažniji.
Cilj je misao, mi idemo s njom.
A kraj nas ne stiže naučiti
kako se izgraditi kroz neuspjeh.

Težnje – energiju strasti
stavi u obojen balon i zaveži.
Neka se vinu beskrajno
i u tebi će se roditi sreća.

Ljubavi, nije teško voljeti.
Ravnoteža je stvorena dobrotom.
Najvrednije je vidjeti kroz vjeru
šta su haos, ego i sujeta.

Otkrij u sebi šta je vrijedno,
ravnoteža pati kad izgubimo.
Kad težiš nečemu smrtnom:
čak i ako omaneš , ti si važan.


Обичай! Най е лесно да обичаш,
дори да си изстрадал от лъжи.
Очите затвори си, сътвори си
надежда с обич как чрез теб лети.

Той пътят към мечтите най е важен.
Целта е мисъл, с нея ний вървим.
И краят не постигнат нас ни учи,
че можем чрез провала да градим.

Стремежите – енергия от страсти
в балон от цвят сложи и завържи.
Пусни го да се рее необятно
и щастието в теб ще се роди.

Обичай, не е трудно да обичаш.
Балансът сътвори чрез добрина.
Най-ценно е чрез вярата да видиш
как хаосът е его, суета.

Във себе си открии какво е ценно,
балансът щом загубим ни боли.
Когато се стремим към нещо тленно
и да не стане, важен си си ти.


Dva užeta
upletena u čvor.

Vidim ti um:
čitam misli,
ti znaš moju dušu
i pjege na njoj-
crno i bijelo.
Nisam vidjela
boju tvojih očiju,
ali znam ukus tvoje krvi.
Čuješ kako
srce mi kuca:
možeš ga stisnuti
i promijeniti ritam
u kojem pulsira.
Nalazim te u mraku,
gdje kriješ suze –
Želim da ih izbrišem.
Da odlutam…

Dva užeta isprepletena,
a krajevi idu
u različitim pravcima.


две въжета оплетени
на възел завързани

аз виждам в ума ти
чета мисълта ти
ти познаваш душата ми
и петната по нея –
черните и белите
не съм виждала
цвета на очите ти,
но зная вкуса на кръвта ти
ти чуваш как
бие сърцето ми
можеш да го стиснеш
в дланта си
и да избереш ритъма,
в който то да пулсира.
намирам те в тъмното
където криеш сълзите си –
искам да ги изтрия
отдалечавам се

две въжета преплетени,
а краищата отиват
в различни посоки


two ropes intertwined
in a knot tied

I see in your mind
I read your thoughts
You’ve known my soul
with all of its stains –
the dark and the light
I haven’t seen the color of your eyes,
but I know the taste of your blood
You hear the beat of my heart
you can squeeze it
in the palm of your hand
and choose the rhythm
in which it pulsates
I find you in the dark,
where you hide your tears –
those of a man.
I want to wipe them away…
I drift away

two ropes intertwined
in a snare,
yet the ends pull
in different directions.


Imam opet te misli:
da li se sjećaš
Slike su sve šarenije,
vrište glasovi u glavi,
neke ruke me vuku za kosu,
zatim ljušte kožu.
Ne boli.
Ne mičem se.
Koje lice nositi danas?
Ja sam unakažena ispod maske,
moj osmijeh nije za radost.
One su opet ovdje,
nameću se drsko,
trudim se da ih ne vidim:
klovnovi crvenih noseva.
Slomljen zadnji pokušaj,
zarobljen između čaršafa.
Imam klaustrofobiju:
panika se uvlači pod kožu,
mahniti strah,
mračno kao u materici,
šizofreni smijeh.
Samo bog
čuje moj tihi glas.


имам от онези мисли
сещаш ли се
картините са все по-цветни
гласовете в главата ми крещят
някакви ръце скубят косите ми
после дерат кожата
не ме боли
не помръдвам
кое лице да си сложа днес
обезобразена съм под маската
усмивката ми не е за радост
те пак са тук
натрапват се нахално
опитвам се да не ги виждам
клоуните с червени носове
смачкват последния опит
заклещена между чаршафите
имам клаустрофобия
паниката полазва подкожно
неистов страх
тъмно като в утроба
шизофреничен смях
само Господ
чува тихия ми глас

GENO NEDYALKOV 1971 BUL Stara Zagora

Vrijeme je usamljeno
kao pas lutalica.
Zaboravljeni radio sipa
muziku za samce,
priče drugog vremena.
Usamljeno vrijeme
je na dva mjesta –
tu i negdje tamo, daleko,
mimo obaveznih želja.
Ja sam ovdje –
iz nepoznatih razloga,
na nepoznate načine.
Tamo, daleko sam –
iz nekog razloga,
samo zbog svoje slamke.
Kao komad okvira
na žutoj slici
ekološke normalnosti.




Самотно е времето
като бездомно куче.
Забравено радио излива
музика за единаци,
разказва за друго време.
Самотното време
е на две места –
тук и там, далеч,
отвъд задължителните желания.
Тук съм –
по неведоми причини,
по неведоми пътища.
Там, далече, съм –
Заради някаква
единствено моя сламка.
Като парче от рамка
върху жълтата картина
на околната нормалност.


Geografija nas je lagala. Sve.
Koliko ih je znalo
da na Zemlji
ima više vode
nego tla?
Zašto se onda zove Zemlja,
a ne More ili Okean?
Ko ju je tako krstio i izdao?
A zašto se ne pobuniš?!
A ti imaš snage; bijesa i gnijeva takođe,
ponekad ih manifestuješ neizmjerno.
Razumijem. Stariji popušta.
A ti si gospodin, zar ne?

Bar mi priznaj,
ti ponekad
sanjaš o svojoj planeti,
plavljoj od svemirskih fotografija.
Ali, zaprepastio si se i povukao plimu,
plašiš se da te nehotice ne zaboli
jedina obala
kroz koju možeš
shvatiti da si zaista tu.


Географията ни излъга. Всичките.
Колцина знаеха, че на Земята
има повече вода
отколкото е сушата?
Защо тогава казва се Земя,
а не Море или пък Океан?
Кой кръсти я така и те предаде?
А пък и ти… защо не се бунтува?!
И сила имаш; гняв и ярост също
понякога безмерни проявяваш.
Разбирам те. По-древният отстъпва.
А си и кавалер, нали така?…

Поне пред мен признай си,
че понякога
сънуваш своя собствена планета,
по-синя от космическите снимки.
Но стряскаш се и прилива отдръпваш,
уплашен, че неволно нараняваш
единствения бряг,
чрез който можеш
да разбереш, че истински те има.

RUZHA VELCHEVA 1946 BUL Veliko Trnovo

Usamljeni vrh,
ispružen prema suncu.

Šaka zemlje,
bačena usred okeana.

u kojem sam i sama bog.

Ovdje su svi putevi
i završili
na obali.

A horizont je
rastegnut do pucanja
jedra sa jedrenjaka.

Nedaleko od obale
topli grebeni,
ali mudri
i iskusni znaju
koliko može koštati
ova živopisna ljepota.

Čeznem da pređem

Ali, to je moja duša:
na ovoj obali.


Самотен връх,
протегнал се към слънцето.

Шепа земя,
захвърлена сред океана.

в което бог съм аз самата.

Тук всички пътища
и завършват
на брега.

А хоризонтът е
опънато до скъсване
платно от ветроход.

На мили от брега
топли рифове,
но мъдрите
и патилите знаят
колко може да ти струва
тази пъсроцветна красота.

Жадувам да прекрача

А душата ми е
на този бряг.


Lonely peak,
Stretched toward the sun.

Hollow earth,
Abandoned in the middle of the Ocean=

In which I’m a God.

There all ways
And end
On the coast.

And the horizon is
Streched to rupture
Sail of sailing boat.

Not far of the coast
Warm reefes.
But the wises
And the experienced know
How much costs
This gay beauty.

I’m thirsty to cross
The horizon.

But my soul is
A flag
At this coast.


See more about the organization of the Third Round here:

Mili Dueli 2020: Third Round Organization

Mili Dueli
Mili Dueli Copyrights


Made in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Nermin Delić

Europe / Balkan Peninsula
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Central Bosnia Canton
Jajce Town 70202

Sva prava zadržana. // All rights reserved.



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