Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Bogdana Găgeanu – Bjegunac (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Name and surname:
Găgeanu Bogdana
Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO BOSNIAN + ROMANIAN/ENGLISH LANGUAGE )


Uvijek sam bila bjegunac
Cijeli svoj život
Bježeći od svoje prošlosti
Ne imajući čak ni hrabrosti
Da razmišljam o svojoj budućnosti
Nahranjena samo sa nekoliko gutljaja
Sadašnjosti koju imam.

Uvijek sam bila bjegunac
Željela sam da izbrišem uspomene koje sam imala
Da zaboravim najljepše pjesme
Koje me sada bole
Da oslobodim sve ljude
Od veze koju su imali sa mnom
Da presječem vrpcu između nas.

Za njih sam samo bjegunac
Zašto bi to bilo važno?
Kažu da nemam zemlju
Ali nebo nije njihovo
Tamo, na nebu, bjegunci
Imaju dozvolu da dođu
Bjegunci su tamo legalni.

Kažu da nemam dom
Ni ne treba mi
Hodajući bosa po šumi
Oslobađam se i slušam
Duhove prirode
Koji su, takođe, bjegunci
Jer ljudi više ne vjeruju u legende.

Kažu da sam previše bučna
Ali ta dolina me je pozvala
Da iz sveg glasa viknem svoju tugu
I svoju pobjedu
Poput balade onih
Koji nisu imali petlju
Da se zalažu za sebe.

Možda sam bjegunac za njih
Ali ne za moje novine
Ne za moju suhu i hemijsku olovku.
Pravim tim sa ovim predmetima
Jer me društvo odbacilo
A samo pisanje nema granicu
I može me natjerati da se ponovo vratim.

Bila sam u bjekstvu
Ne znajući ni ko sam bila
Sad, napisala sam svoju knjigu
I oni su postali bjegunci
Plašeći se da razotkriju svoja prava osećanja.
Nikada neće ni prestati trčati
Sve dok su kopije, a ne originali.

Ne stidim se
Trčala sam… i sad… odmaram se.

Translated to Bosnian by Nermin Delić

The fugitive

I have always been a fugitive
My entire life
Running away from my past
Not even having the courage
To think at my own future
Just nourishing with few sips
From the present I have.

I have always been a fugitive
Wanting to delete the memories that I had
To forget the most beautiful songs
That now are hurting me
To release all the people
From the connection they had with me
To cut the bond between us.

For them, I am just a fugitive
Why should that matter?
They say I have no ground
But the sky is not theirs
There, in the sky, the fugitives
Have permission to come
The fugitives are legal.

They say I have no home
I don’t need it
Walking barefoot in the forest
Makes me free and makes me hear
The spirits of the nature
Who are also fugitives
Because people don’t believe in legends anymore.

They say I am too noisy
But that valley invited me
To shout outloud my grief
And my victory
As a ballad of the ones
Who did not have the gut
To stand for themselves.

I may be a fugitive for them
But not for my paper
Not for my pen or pencil.
I make a team with these instruments
Because I was expelled by the society
And only writing has no borders
And can make me bring myself back again.

I was a fugitive
Not knowing who I was
Now, I wrote a book
And they have become fugitives
Being afraid to expose their true feelings.
They will never stop running
As long as they are copies and not originals.

I am not ashamed
I ran…and now…I rest.

Bogdana Găgeanu

Something special about you!
I like to work with children
I am passionate about photography, theater, writing
I created a script for a short Romanian movie called ‘GPS ‘ , which was presented at a movie festival in France in 2021
I was part of the technical team of a Romanian theater project called ‘King Lear” that participated at International Shakespeare Festival in Craiova, Romania in 2019.
What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry?
The problem with peace in my country is that now, we are near the border of Ukraine, a country that is in war conflict.The risk of extension of war is big.
The poetry has the mission to awake the humanity in all people, no matter the country.
Through poetry, I can connect with different people from the globe, trying to convince them that the political leadership is wrong and brings nothing but destruction. The war is killing lives, the art is not killing anybody.
List of the published books:
1.’My soul pyramid” – poetry in English (2022)
2. ‘The soul from the ink pot – poetry in Romanian (2023)

You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:



Mili Dueli 2023 – Peti krug (Veliko finale)



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