Mili Dueli je najpopularniji online balkanski kontest poezije sa sjedištem u bh gradu Jajcu. Kontest je osmišljen i inspirisan idejom Nermina Delića. Kontest se sastoji od pet krugova. Četvrti, pretposljednji, krug se tradicionalno naziva i Polufinale.
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
Ispuni je unutrašnjošću i spoljašnjošću
ispuni je sa bezbroj poljubaca
napuni je bezbrojnim pticama.
Vrapci, znaju to i vrapci
jadikuju kad postaješ
žrtva tragikomedije
lete drugačije
pare se drugačije
neočekivano prođu kroz ta vrata
ka čudnoj eri.
Ona ima dobrotu iznutra, mrtva-mirna
pa se lako obožava
ponovo će naučiti da se smiješi
naučiće abecedu
daj joj još jednu šansu
inače će se motati okolo poput duha
ona te ispunjava, plaši.
Stavi je između izgovorljivog i neizrecivog
pa će te održati živim.
Fill her with the inside and the outside
fill her with countless kisses
fill her with countless birds.
Sparrows, sparrows know it too
they wail when you’re about to become
a victim of a tragicomedy
they fly differently
they mate differently
they pass through that door unexpectedly
towards a strange era.
She has goodness within, dead-calm
so one easily worships
she’ll learn to smile again
she’ll learn the ABCs
give her another chance
or else she hangs around as a ghost
she fills within you, frightens.
Put her between the sayable and unsayable
so she keeps you alive.
Your biography
Elif Sezen is a multidisciplinary artist, bilingual poet/writer, researcher and translator who was born in Melbourne/Australia in 1981 of Turkish parents. She lived both in Izmir (Western Turkey) and Australia since her childhood, settled in Melbourne/Australia 2007. She obtained her PhD in Fine Art from Monash University (2014): In her doctorate she researched how memory can be reconceptualised through symbolic and metaphorical transformations between visual arts and poetry. In her work she speculates upon reconceptualizing memory traces emerging from trauma and loss. This explorative process leads her to a restorative notion of self-construction, desire, love, longing and a sense of homecoming. Her most recent collection of poems ‘A Little Book of Unspoken History’ was published by Puncher & Wattmann (2018). Her previous book ‘Universal Mother’ was published by Gloria SMH Press (2016). She also published a chapbook ‘The Dervish with Wings’ in 2017. Her Turkish translation of Ilya Kaminsky’s acclaimed book ‘Dancing in Odessa’ was published by Artshop Press (2014), and her first collection of experimental mix of short stories and poems ‘Gece Düşüşü’ was published in Turkish by Hayal Press. She was shortlisted for the Avni Olez Poetry Prize 2010 and received Honorable mention award in Yunus Emre Awards Australia 2018 in Literature. Her work has widely appeared nationally and internationally in journals and anthologies. She lives and works in Melbourne. Her website:
A list of published book:
‘A Little Book of Unspoken History’, poetry collection (Published by Puncher & Wattmann, 2018)
‘Universal Mother’, poetry collection (Published by Gloria SMH Press, 2016)
‘The Dervish with Wings’, poetry collection in chapbook format, 2017
‘Gece Düşüşü’, collection of an experimental mix of short stories and poetry (Published by Hayal Press, 2012)
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
I found Mili Dueli to be an important contest because it creates a meeting platform for many poets from various cultural backgrounds, so that they can read each others’ poetry and expand their awareness of different poetic approaches. I believe this alone is a valuable experience.
Do you expect to win the contest?
TIANYU 1994 CHI Taian
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
Viđeno more
Rođeni smo poluumni,
Tupost je bila glavni sadržaj,
čista poput mirnog mora,
Šta je sposobna biti tokom odrastanja?
Jadni rastu talasi pohlepe,
pokazujući osobine što žive unutar
onih koji su sposobni da dišu napolju.
Želim ući u grob
da iskusim smrt verzije:
one koja me zaposijeda;
da se ponovo rodim,
mijenjajući smjer talasa;
da postanem drugo ja,
bolja verzija mora;
tamo gdje uznemirenost blijedi
i sunčev odraz se na kraju vidi.
We were born half minded ,
Under differentiated ,
bluntness was the main contain
As pure as a calm sea ,
So deceiving !
What it is capable to be when growing up
POr growing waves of greed
Showing the true features living inside
Those who are capable to breathe outside
I want to enter a grave
To experience the death of a version
The one That possessed me
To be reborn again,
Changing directions of the waves
To become another me
A better version of the sea
Where the agitation fades
And the sun’s reflection is eventually seen .
Your biography
A passionate young leader medical student from Iraq
A list of published book:
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
Do you expect to win the contest?
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
Sadio sam noći, sadio tuge.
Ja sam čovjek koji se danju smije.
Nazli će biti očarana sjutra,
dok budem pio vino ovim usnama.
Grijeh od glave do pete, grijeh.
Ja sam čovjek istine i grijeha.
Izgubljen u grijesima,
onaj sam što bira mračne puteve.
Iz izvora popih grijeh
i umrijeh zbog ljubavi,
odabirajući jedan grijeh među hiljadu nagrada:
ja sam osoba koja postupa iz srca.
Mən gecələr, kədər əkib,qəm əkib,
Gündüzləri gülüş biçən adamam.
Nazlı yarın ayağına məst çəkib,
Dodağında şərab içən adamam.
Təpədən dırnağa günaham,günah,
Mən haqdan ,günaha keçən adamam.
Günahlar içində yolunu azan,
Qaranlıq yolları seçən adamam.
Günah bulaqların suyundan içib,
Sevgisi uğruna canından keçib,
Min savab içindən bir günah seçib,
Ürəkdən-ürəyə köçən adamam.
JOAN LIM (Teng Lim) 1985 MYS Penang
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
Krvarenje i Začin
Krvarenje nije lako
Približava smrt
Još uvek se miješam
Smrt preokreće svoj život
Moram reći disanju
Duša će uskoro znati da odlazi
Začin gleda na krvarenje
Dobrodošao sam
Dok ljudi zaboravljaju tvoje postojanje
Krvarenje plače
Želim ostaviti žive životinje
Možeš ostaviti mrtve životinje
Začin njuši svoju oštrinu
Ljudi me zloupotrebljavaju
Možda neću napustiti njihovu silu
Ljudi se oslanjaju na začin
Zanemaruju krvarenje
Savjest bi trebalo biti viđenje
Molim te, prepoznaj situaciju
Osjećaj kaže
Agonija postaje očigledna
Krvarenje je vidljivo
Nekima od njih neće se dogoditi krvarenje
Ali oni umiru
U groznom klanju
Vrisak krvari
Da moram prestati
Bleeding And Seasoning~
Bleeding is not easy
It nears a death
I am still stirring
It says
Death turns its own living
I have to tell the breathing
A soul will know its leaving soon
A seasoning gazes at bleeding
I am welcome
As people forget your existence
Bleeding weeps
I wish to leave alive animals
You can leave dead animals
Seasoning smells its sharpness
People misuse me
I may not leave their force
People rely on seasoning
They ignore bleeding
Conscience should be a seeing
Please know a situation
Feeling says
Agonies exist evidently
Bleeding is visible
Bleeding will not happen to some of them
But they die
In atrocious slaughter
Bleeding screams
I should cease
Your biography
My name is Joan Lim.
I was born in 1985.
I am Chinese .
I am Malaysian.
I am a lyricist in vegan music .
A list of published book:
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
Good .
Do you expect to win the contest?
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
Jedini si jesenji list što ne žuti.
Kao dijete, držah se za život na njenim veludnim grudima.
Presuda spasenja iz tamničke noći je na mom vratu.
Lanci klize sa tijela kao zmijska koža…
Nakon što sunce izađe u gradovima u kojima zalazi,
uzmi sav bol i prospi ga na zemlju:
pred koljena umornog čovjeka.
Oštri vjetre što duvaš sa moje lijeve strane, ovo je tvoj zadnji udar.
Sunce što mi nikad ne silaziš sa glave, ovo ti je zadnje što me pečeš.
Žene i djeca što čekaju na liniji za pomoć, razumiju me…
Shvatite, ovo je moja zadnja molba
dok dani umiru među palmama.
Poslednja si rana od metka na koži, draga moja;
rana koja je ostala od nepovratnih prognanika.
Lice mi je okrenuto planinama, daleko sam od grada,
moje lice je presahlo tlo što čezne za kišom,
Prorokov pečat mi je na leđima, pjesme iz Kurejša u ruci.
Ja sam iz grada u koji niko nije kročio.
Sonbaharın sararmayan tek yaprağısın sen
Bir çocuk gibi tutundum hayata velud memelerinden
Boynumda bir zindan gecesinden kurtuluş hükmü
Zincirler yılan giysisi gibi sıyrılıyor bedenimden
Güneşin battığı kentlerde gün doğumusun sonra
Tüm sızıları alıp toprağa salıverensin
Yorgun düşmüş bir adamın dizlerinden
Sol yanımdan esen keskin rüzgar, bu senin son çırpınışın
Başımdan hiç gitmeyen güneş, beni bu son yakışın
Yardım kuyruklarında bekleyen kadınlar ve çocuklar/ anlayın beni
Anlayın beni bu size son yakarışım
Palmiyeler arasında günler can verirken
Tenimdeki son kurşun yarası sensin sevdiğim
Geri dönülmeyen sürgünlerden kalan bir yara
Yüzüm dağlara dönük uzaktayım şehirden
Yüzüm kurumuş bir toprak yağmura dönük
Sırtımda bir Peygamber mührü, elimde Kureyş’ten şiirler
Kimsenin ayak basmadığı bir şehirdenim ben
Your biography
1966 Tarsus/ Mersin/ Türkiye doğumluyum.
Edebiyat öğretmeniyim
Dört şiir kitabım, üç romanım, uzun metraj senaryolarım var
Evli ve üç çocuk babasıyım
A list of published book:
Tanrıyla Konuşmalar- Şiir Kitabı
Yorgun Elbiseler- Şiir Kitabı
Kapı Korkuları- Şiir Kitabı
Acılar Coğrafyası- Şiir Kitabı
İçimde Konuşmalar- Roman
Şehrin İçinde- Roman
Galata’nın Esrarı- Roman
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
Harika bir çalışma
Do you expect to win the contest?
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
GILI HAIMOVICH 1974 ISR Giv’atayim
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
Promatranje ptica
Naš svijet je molio za postojanje.
Tajno smo nosili svoju hrabrost
Nema svjedoka za naše trijumfe
Za prevladavanje drugog dana.
Ne mogavši spasiti ni sebe,
Spustili smo se na krevet
Kao da smo izgubili bitku.
Ujutro smo se topili
Od spavanja kao kamenje
U plutajućim tijelima u praznini.
Gledali smo ptice
S našeg travnjaka od četiri metra i njegovali smo
Ne samo njihovo kretanje –
Već njihov dar dolaska iz različitih svjetova –
Želeći da se naša lična sposobnost rasta,
Stojeći, stojeći tako
Our world begged for existence.
We carried our valor secretly
No witnesses for our triumphs
For overcoming another day.
Not being able to save even ourselves,
We dropped on the bed
As if we’d lost a battle.
In the mornings we melted back
From sleeping like rocks
Into floating bodies in a void.
We watched the birds
From our square-foot lawn and cherished
Not just their movement –
Their gift of coming from different worlds –
But our own growing ability,
While standing up, standing still
To notice them.
Your biography
Gili Haimovich, bilingual Israeli poet, translator, and photographer. Born in Jerusalem and lived in Canada as well for some years. Have background in writing focused arts therapy and teaches writing through this method. The author of ten poetry books, four in English and six in Hebrew as well as a multilingual book of her poem Note, (2019). My most recent books are my new book in French translation, Hesitant Sun, (Soleil hesitant, 2021), Promised Lands (2020) and the collection Lullaby (2021). My poems won the international Italian poetry competitions I colori dell’anima (2020) and Ossi di Seppia (2019) for best foreign poet, a grant for excellency by the Ministry of Culture of Israel (2015) among other prizes. Both of her last Hebrew books, Landing Lights (Orot Nechita, 2017) and Baby Girl (Tinoket, 2014), won grants from The Acum Association of Authors, and her second book, Reflected Like Joy (Mishtakefect Kmo Osher, 2002), won The Pais Grant for Culture. My poems are translated into 30 languages and featured in anthologies and journals worldwide such as: World Literature Today, Poetry International, International Poetry Review, The Literary Review of Canada, 101Jewish Poems for the Third Millennium, Tok – Writing the New Toronto and festivals in Canada, Hong Kong, India, Romania, Mexico, Mongolia and more. And my publications in Israel include all major literary journals and seminal anthologies such as the anthologies The Most Beautiful Poems in Hebrew – A Hundred Years of Israeli Poetry, A Naked Queen – An Anthology of Israeli Social Protest Poetry and more.
A list of published book:
– Soleil hesitant (Hesitant Sun), poetry collection translated into French (2021)
– Lullaby, poetry collection, (2021)
– Promised Lands, poetry collection (2020)
– Note, multilingual book of Gili’s poem Note, (1st edition in 21 langueges, 2nd in 27 languges), (2019)
– Sideways Roots, (short poetry collection), (2017 -1st ed., 2018 – 2nd ed.)
– Beleška (Notes), poetry collection translated into Serbian, Serbia, 2017
– Orot Nechita (Landing Lights),poetry collection in Hebrew, (2017)
– Tinoket (Baby Girl) poetry collection in Hebrew, (2014)
– Onat Hamoch (Lint Season), poetry collection in Hebrew poems, (2011)
– Living on a Blank Page, poetry collection and photography, (2007 – 1st ed., 2008 – 2nd ed.)
– Esh Kochotay (My Forces’ Fire), poetry collection in Hebrew, (2007)
– Mishtakefet Kmo Osher (Reflected Like Joy), poetry collection in Hebrew, (2002)
– Devek Maga (Contact Glue), poetry collection in Hebrew, (2001)
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
The organizer is particularly nice and welcoming. The competitive nature of it is a bot foreign to me.
Do you expect to win the contest?
RUSSEL EDLES 1987 PHI General MacArthur
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
TAJNI VRT # Anadiploza
Leptir: Nikad nisam vidio takvu ljepotu da cvjeta u bašti očiju; Umirujući način da se iskuse MISTERIJA I ČUDO.
Ruža: MISTERIJA I ČUDA su redefinisani vremenom i beskrajnim godišnjim dobima; Životnim ciklusom koji je odredio MOJ STVORITELJ.
Leptir: MOJ STVORITELJ mi je dao krila i boje iznad svega; Da stignem tamo gdje moram, a ipak, predodređen da budem sa TOBOM.
Ruža: TI si mi natjerao srce da pjeva, ali sam i dalje držala jezik ukroćenim; Svojevrsna melodija koju obično svaki leptir DONOSI.
Leptir: OBIČNO DONOSI, ali neobično leti, na romantičan način, pa reci šta je naša ljubav trebala biti; Svrha mene i prelijepe tebe postaje TI I JA.
Ruža: TI I JA smo proliveni sa dva različita neba, moram biti ovdje i moraš letjeti svuda; Poljubi me danas jer još jedan cvijet čeka KAO PLIJEN.
Leptir: KAO PLIJEN za kojim sam čeznuo i molio se, divlja ruža je uz mene; Kakav čudan put prirode u vrijeme LjETA I PROLjEĆA?
Ruža: LjETO I PROLjEĆE, zima ili jesen; je li bitno? Ako si došao samo da pijuckaš, poljubi me sad i odlazi; kroz zadnje sjećanje na vječnu jednokratnu ljubav.
SECRET GARDEN #Anadiplosis
Butterfly: I’ve never seen such beauty blossoms in the garden of my eyes; A soothing way to experience THE MYSTERY AND WONDERS.
Rose: THE MYSTERY AND WONDERS are redefined by time and endless seasons; A cycle of life ordained by MY CREATOR.
Butterfly: MY CREATOR gave me wings and so colours beyond anything; To reach where I must go and yet, destined to be with YOU.
Rose: YOU made my heart sing but still I kept my tongue tame; A kind of melody often all butterfly USUALLY BRINGS.
Butterfly: USUALLY BRINGS but unusually flings, a romantic way so say what our love was meant to be; A purpose of I and a beautiful you becomes YOU AND I.
Rose: YOU AND I, are shed of two different skies, I am meant to be here and you must fly everywhere; Kiss me today for another flower awaits LIKE A PREY.
Butterfly: LIKE A PREY that I longed and prayed, a wild rose in edge of me; What a strange way of nature in a time of SUMMER AND SPRING?
Rose: SUMMER AND SPRING, winter or autumn does it matter? If you only came to sip and cling, kiss me now and be gone; In the last memory of everlasting one time love.
Your biography
Russel Edles is a woman of many skills and talents. She is a writer of numerous poems with varied themes and at the same time an entrepreneur, an artist, and whose hobbies are gardening and landscaping.
She was born on January 29, 1987, and was raised in Gen. MacArthur, Eastern Samar.
She is an ever – active and a proud member of Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo). Aside from being one of the choir members in her church, she is actually the current Head of the Children’s Worship Service and of the KADIWA “Youth” Organization. Nevertheless, she is not just a woman who walks with faith, she also lives by the Philosophy: “To open a book brings a profit.” Profit in the sense of limitless knowledge and vicarious experiences —- that is what her poems can offer.
A list of published book:
1. Isle of Words and Colors
First Edition
Vol. 1The Footprints From Every Walk of Life
2. Isle of Words and Colors
First Edition
Vol. 2 Journey To The New Horizon
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
Mili Dueli can be wonderful opportunities for those who dream and aspire to become writers and further hone their writing skills.
Mili Dueli – the most prestigious poetry contest
Do you expect to win the contest?
Mentor: Anđela Turukalo
Počast Vremenu
(U novogodišnjoj noći)
Oh, pragmatizmu vremena
Ponekad ostanem zapanjen
tvojom svestranom stvarnošću
Kako se igraš i premotavaš
carstva života i prostora
Prvo se iskidaš
u djelove kalendara
Onda razvlačiš komade
ogromnom pozornicom svemira
i polažeš tepih za život
da nastavi polako, polako
Čak te i više cijenim
dok vučeš svoje komade
životu pod stopala
nakon nježnog, ali blistavog dodira
Nikad ne dozvoljavaš životu
da ti ljubi jedan djelić dva puta
Ipak te život cijeni
za to sićušno priznanje
na putovanju u vječnost
Venerating Time
(On new Year Eve)
O pragmatism of time
Sometime I get stunned
On versatile realities of you
How you Play and replay
With the realms of life and space
First you cut thyself
Into pieces of calendar
Then you stretch those pieces
On the vast stage of space
And lay a carpet for life
To amble on, slowly slowly
Even I Cherish you more
when you drag your pieces
Beneath the feet of life
After a gentle but glint touch
You never allow life
To kiss your one piece twice
Yet life appreciates you
For your tiny accolade
On her voyage to eternity
Your biography
Poet, translator and writer Muhammad Azram hails from Haripur, Pakistan. He is an autodidact and a self-styled philosopher. In his literary work, Azram opens himself to a multitude of subjects that vary from traditional themes of love and relationships to the time, space and life-trio, and to more challenging focal points like life and death and beyond the known and unknown. While he pens down his own intellectual interests, he also translates powerful voices from the Urdu literature.
Muhammad Azram has been recognized with numerous awards and honors by various international literary organizations. His contributions to anthologies of global acclaim and solo books continue to be published worldwide. A selection of his work has been translated into many languages, including Spanish, French, Italian, Serbian, Bengali and Arabic, and have appeared in prestigious publications. His book ‘Fleeting Murmurs’ has been translated into French.
A list of published book:
1. Fleeting Murmurs, Poetry Collection (2016)
2. Murmures Fugaces, French Edition of Fleeting Murmurs (2021)
3. The Maverick, Poetry Collection, (2018)
4. Death’s Rehearsals, Poetry Translations from Urdu (2021)
5. The Canvas, Poetry Collection (Coming Soon)
6. Songs Of Solitude, Poetry Collection (Coming Soon)
Your opinion about our contest – Mili Dueli?
It is great contest. Best wishes
Do you expect to win the contest?
More about organization of the Semi-Final round (4th Round):