Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Ewith Bahar – Široki prostor u srcu (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Name and surname:
Ewith Bahar
Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO MONTENEGRIN + YOUR NATIVE / ENGLISH LANGUAGE )
Grand Final (Montenegrin)


U mom srcu samo jedno godišnje doba stoji za tebe i mene,
uz lijepo vrijeme koje nam omogućava da svakodnevno beremo ruže,
da ružičastim laticama obuče trijem gdje sjedimo sami.
Dvije drvene stolice drže nam loša i dobra vremena.

Kao trijem, starili smo, nesvjesno,
jer vrijeme – lopov koji je oteo našu mladost
krećući se bešumno – izvukao je iz nas mnogo
snage, izdržljivosti, stabilnosti, ljepote.

Rastemo u tami i u svjetlosti,
kroz smijeh i suze, razdvojeni i ponovo povezani,
ali nikada se zaista ne napuštamo.
Široki prostor u našim srcima, gdje su luda sjećanja,
privući će nas da ponovo dođemo,
slaveći svaki pedalj ovog života.

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić

Grand Final (English)

In my heart, only one season stays for you and me
With fair weather enabling us to pick roses everyday
to dress the porch where we sit alone cozily with the rosy petals
two wooden chairs accommodate our bad and good times

like the porch, we aged, unawaringly
because time, a thief that kidnapped our youth
moving noiselessly, brought from us many
strength, endurance, stability, beauty

we grow in darkness and in light
laughter and tears, separated and reconnected
but we never really leave each other
a broad room in our hearts where the crazy memories are
draw us to come again,
celebrating each and every inch of this life.
(copyright by Ewith Bahar)

Final (Montenegrin)

bješe mrkli mrak
u prostoriji otvorenih prozora punoj tajni
bez šanse da se svijeća upali
osvjetljavajući tamne noćne tunele u glavi

svaki put kad bi se svijeća upalila
hladan vjetar bi duvao sa vanjske strane
ljubeći sjenu svjetlosti, gasio bi je
i tama se činila beskrajnom

ali vjera je neumorno vjerovala
da će zrak svjetlosti na kraju zasjati
jer ništa ne može izdati upornost
ništa ne može pobijediti snažnu izdržljivost
prigušeno svjetlo nakon rata i bitaka
je najslađa pobjeda.

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić

Final (English)

It was pitch-dark there
In an open window chamber full of secrets
With no chance to let the candle
illuminating the blackened night tunnels in head

every time the candle was lit
cold wind ran from outside
kissing the shade of light, extinguished it
and darkness seemed endless

but faith tirelessly believed
the ray of brightness eventually shines
‘Cause nothing can betray the persistence
nothing can defeat the strong endurance
the dim light after the war and battles
is the sweetest victory.
(Copyright by Ewith Bahar)

A poet, novelist, translator, editor and essayist from Indonesia, Ewith Bahar, is a multi-award winning author in Indonesia and abroad. She had a long time career in a mass communication field (radio and television industry), as a host, interviewer, scriptwriter, producer and professional voice over artist. Prior to joining RCTI (The biggest private TV station in Indonesia) in 2004, she was joining TVRI (Indonesian government TV station), hosting several musical and cultural programs. This complements her passion who loves music, culture, psychology, philosophy and history greatly.
Ewith has published ten books, in all genres: poetry, novel, short stories, and essays. Hundreds of her poems were eternalized in many newspapers, journals and online medias, home and abroad. Her works also can be found in approximately more than 90 poetry anthologies in Indonesia and in many international anthologies. She herself once organized Indonesian poets to publish their works into ten poetry anthologies since 2014. And starting 2024, she plans to manage another poetry anthology project that will be joined by many world poets from five continents. In 2019, one of her poetry books, Sonata Borobudur, got a prestigious prize from Indonesian National Library as The Best Five Indonesian Poetry Books 2019. In November 2021, her single poem, “Imigran Digital” won the third place in a poetry writing competition, related to outstanding yearly Indonesian Poetry Day celebration, organized by Yayasan Hari Puisi (Poetry Day Foundation). A year later, her two essays, both won the third place in national essay contest, the first on Insurance, titled “Insurance for Writers” was determined as the third best by Indonesian Insurance Writers Community regarding 2022 National Insurance Day; the second one, essay about the most famous ndonesian poet Chairil Anwar, organized by Taman Inspirasi Sastra Indonesia in celebrating Indonesia Poetry Day. Still in 2022, her poetry manuscript, The Blue Note, was chosen as The Best Twenty by the committee of International Aco Karamanov Poetry Award (Macedonia) among almost 200 submissions. And this year (2023), her another poetry book, Impromptu Terzina, won the grand literary prize “Anugerah Buku Puisi Terbaik” (The Best Poetry Book) from Indonesia Poetry Day Foundation.

Ewith Bahar’s poetical works have been translated into many foreign languages, such as English, French, Spanish, Indian, Nepali, Bengali, Serbian, Bulgarian, Armenian, Uzbek, Tajik, Italian, Arabian, Albanian, Chinese, Montenegrin, Macedonian and Korean. Besides as a writer, Ewith was also known as a teacher at communication institutions, Interstudi and LEPPKINDO. Fulfilling her passion in educational field, several years ago she was once run a public speaking course for children and teens. She is now active in KaBi (Kanal Buku Indonesia – Indonesian Book Channel) and as a public speaker for creative writing, communication matters and bibliotherapy.

Something special about you!
poet, novelist, translator, editor and essayist from Indonesia, Ewith Bahar, is a multi-award winning author in Indonesia and abroad. She had a long time career in a mass communication field (radio and television industry), as a host, interviewer, scriptwriter, producer and professional voice over artist. Prior to joining RCTI (The biggest private TV station in Indonesia) in 2004, she was joining TVRI (Indonesian government TV station), hosting several musical and cultural programs. This complements her passion who loves music, culture, psychology, philosophy and history greatly.
Ewith has published ten books, in all genres: poetry, novel, short stories, and essays. Hundreds of her poems were eternalized in many newspapers, journals and online medias, home and abroad. Her works also can be found in approximately more than 90 poetry anthologies in Indonesia and in many international anthologies. She herself once organized Indonesian poets to publish their works into ten poetry anthologies since 2014. And starting 2024, she plans to manage another poetry anthology project that will be joined by many world poets from five continents. In 2019, one of her poetry books, Sonata Borobudur, got a prestigious prize from Indonesian National Library as The Best Five Indonesian Poetry Books 2019. In November 2021, her single poem, “Imigran Digital” won the third place in a poetry writing competition, related to outstanding yearly Indonesian Poetry Day celebration, organized by Yayasan Hari Puisi (Poetry Day Foundation). A year later, her two essays, both won the third place in national essay contest, the first on Insurance, titled “Insurance for Writers” was determined as the third best by Indonesian Insurance Writers Community regarding 2022 National Insurance Day; the second one, essay about the most famous ndonesian poet Chairil Anwar, organized by Taman Inspirasi Sastra Indonesia in celebrating Indonesia Poetry Day. Still in 2022, her poetry manuscript, The Blue Note, was chosen as The Best Twenty by the committee of International Aco Karamanov Poetry Award (Macedonia) among almost 200 submissions. And this year (2023), her another poetry book, Impromptu Terzina, won the grand literary prize “Anugerah Buku Puisi Terbaik” (The Best Poetry Book) from Indonesia Poetry Day Foundation.

Ewith Bahar’s poetical works have been translated into many foreign languages, such as English, French, Spanish, Indian, Nepali, Bengali, Serbian, Bulgarian, Armenian, Uzbek, Tajik, Italian, Arabian, Albanian, Chinese, Montenegrin, Macedonian and Korean. Besides as a writer, Ewith was also known as a teacher at communication institutions, Interstudi and LEPPKINDO. Fulfilling her passion in educational field, several years ago she was once run a public speaking course for children and teens. She is now active in KaBi (Kanal Buku Indonesia – Indonesian Book Channel) and as a public speaker for creative writing, communication matters and bibliotherapy.

What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry?
The main problem of peace in my country nowadays?
Political instability and corruption scandals I think. These two things cause trouble in many sectors of life, say public health services, education, and public welfare, to name a few.
The solution for this surely will take time, and need people support for recovering. And the process now is in progress.
In Indonesia poetry is important, and has lived very long as a part of our tradition and culture. Regarding national problems like above mentioned case, we used poetry as a tool of campaign, for instance. But unfortunately, I should honestly say, it doesn’t work well so far. It gives impact, but not much.
List of the published books:
List of the published books:
1. Serenada Kalbu, poetry collection (2013)
2. Cinta Tujuh Hari, short stories (2014)
3. An: Mars & Venus, poetry collection (2014)
4. Dari Firenze ke Jakarta, novel (2015)
5. Jatuh Cinta Pada Haiku, haiku collection (2015)
6. Kidung Kawidaren, poetry collection (2016)
7. Kantata Untuk Pujangga, poetry collection (2017)
8. Sonata Borobudur, poetry collection (2018)
9. Chairil Anwar, Hidup Mati Untuk Puisi, an essay (2020)
10. Impromptu Terzina, poetry collection (2021)
Do you expect to win the contest?

You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:




Mili Dueli 2023 – Fifth Round (Grand final)



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