Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Taro Hokkyo – Tišina vremena (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Name and surname:
Taro Hokkyo
Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO MONTENEGRIN + YOUR NATIVE / ENGLISH LANGUAGE )
Tišina Vremena

Na jutarnjem svjetlu, platinasti ručni sat, već beskoristan, bačen je u plavo jezero. Sat je polako plesao kroz vodu i pao na dno jezera. Dok se smirivao na dnu jezera, podigao je blagi oblak prašine.

Ljudi su kašljali, a sivi šapati o drugima nagovještavali su zlu namjeru. Mane onih koji laskaju pobjednicima i zlostavljaju gubitnike nikada ne prestaju.

Sa nevidljivom crnom mržnjom u srcima, pripremali su se izaći ravnodušnog lica. U svojoj žurbi da stignu na vrijeme, nisu imali izbora osim da posrču hladnu supu rđavom željeznom kašikom i pojedu je. Blagi vrisak ludog konja mogao se čuti iz daljine kroz prozor.

U supi je ostalo nekoliko školjki, a tanjir je ostao na bijelom stolnjaku neopran. Sama borba bila je na korak do kraja ovom uzaludnom tučom. Bez pobjede ili poraza, zemlja je ugušena, a blistavo azurno nebo pokriveno je tamom.

Ili smo napravili grešku u načinu življenja, ili nas je neizbježnost natjerala da to uradimo. Svi su ostali nijemi, samo zupčanici ručnog sata koji je potonuo na dno jezera nastavili su se okretati u blatnjavom tlu.

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić

Silence of Time

In the morning light, a platinum wristwatch, no longer useful, was discarded into a blue lake. The watch slowly danced in the water and fell to the bottom of the lake. As it settled to the bottom of the lake, it emitted a slight cloud of dust.

People coughed, and grey whispers about others hinted at malice. The vices of those who flatter the winners and abuse the losers never cease.

With invisible black hatred in their hearts toward others, they prepared to go out with an indifferent face. In their haste to be on time, they had no choice but to slurp up the cold soup with a rusty iron spoon and eat it. The pale scream of a mad horse could be heard from the distance through the window.

A few clam shells remained in the soup, and the plate was left on the white tablecloth without being washed. The battle itself was about to end with this futile fight. Without victory or defeat, the earth was smothered and the dazzling azure sky was closed in gloom.

Either we had made a mistake in our way of life, or our inevitability had made us do it. Everyone remained silent, only the gears of the wristwatch that had sunk to the bottom of the lake continued to turn in the muddy soil.

Something special about you!
Nothing. A poet just writes poetry
What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry?
I think our country is relatively peaceful, although there are some problems
List of the published books:
The Boat on the Mountain (1998)
The Book of Souls / The Cripple of My Soul (2001)
Poem to the Fools (2006)
Tower of Eternity (2017)
All in Japanese only
Do you expect to win the contest?

You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:



Mili Dueli 2023 – Fifth Round (Grand final)



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