Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Juan Esteban Londoño – 54 (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Name and surname:
Juan Esteban Londoño
Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO MONTENEGRIN + YOUR NATIVE / ENGLISH LANGUAGE )

Dvije gole mlade žene
plešu uz pagansku pjesmu. Drže
jedna drugu za ruke i kruže unaokolo.
Njihove dojke gore-dolje se kreću.

Zakon sela nalaže da niko
ne smije gledati ceremoniju.
I ipak, ja se krijem
iza breze i gledam.

Dunav nosi muziku.
Ritam lupam rukama.

Žene me primijete;
smiju se i nastavljaju plesati.
Uprkos mom obećanju,
posvećujem se ovom zanosu.

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić


Dos jóvenes bailan desnudas
una canción pagana.
Se toman de gancho y giran.
Sus pechos tambalean.

La ley de la aldea decreta que nadie
puede mirar la ceremonia.
Yo, sin embargo, me amparo
detrás de un abedul y observo.

El Danubio lleva la música.
Mis palmas hacen el ritmo.

Las mujeres me descubren,
sonríen y danzan.
A pesar de mi voto
me consagro a este ardor.



Two naked young women
Dance to a pagan song. They grab
Each other’s arms and go round and round.
Their breasts move up and down.

The village law ordains that no one
Be allowed to watch the ceremony.
And yet, I take shelter
Behind a birch tree and watch.

The Danube carries the music.
I clap out the rhythm.

The women find me out;
They smile and keep on dancing.
Despite my vow,
I devote myself to this fervor.

Something special about you!
I am a Philosophy and Theology Professor. I love to walk my dogs in the forest.
What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry?
To understand each other we need to establish posibilities for dialog among parties, in which people can express their situations of exclusion and build New identities.
List of the published books:
Evangelio de arena, Sílaba (2018)
Hugo Mujica: el pensar de un poeta en la poesía de un pensador, Alción (2019)
El país de las palabras rotas / The land of broken words, New York Poetry Press (2019)
Oráculos de Jezabel, Sílaba (2022).
Do you expect to win the contest?


You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:

FacebookVideo (click here to watch)



Mili Dueli 2023 – Fifth Round (Grand final)



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