Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Mustafa Gökçek – Ostaju hladna srca (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Name and surname:
Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO MONTENEGRIN + YOUR NATIVE / ENGLISH LANGUAGE )


Pogledao sam u ogledalo i čovjek se pojavio u njemu
Gledao me je suzama koje polako potekoše iz očiju
Suzama i nepopravljivim ranama koje kliču u duši
I sve što ostade je blijedo srce

Otišli su, nikada se više neće vratiti
Može li duša umrijeti dok živi? Bezvremenski
Ne dozvoli mi da plačem u čudno veče, dovoljan je klarinet
Raspršen sam poput vode u olujnom vjetru

Mjehur si od sapunice, ne diraj mi srce
Je li tvoje razočarano? Slomljena ogledala
Nemoj sada ići, ostani sa mnom uz klarinet, počinje kiša
Hajde, valjani duvan može biti predjelo za rakiju…

Svijet bez boje, blijed i toplo svijetlo
Sjećanja, sjećanja… Ona koja ostaju u umu
Jesi li ikada pogledala u ogledalo dok ti je srce puno bola?
Blijeda srca ne pišu na nadgrobnim spomenicima

Duša ne umire, ostaje u ogledalu, mnoge sam vidio
Gledao sam u nebo i vidio zvijezde, usamljene
Jesi li ikada ležala i gledala u nebo?
Blijedo i umorno srce ostalo je pored zvijezda…

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić

Something special about you!
Aynaya baktım aynadan bir adam
Baktı yüzüme usulca gözünden akan
Tomurcuk yaşlarla ve ruhunda onmaz yaralarla
Ve geriye kalan solgun bir yürek

Gittiler, gittiler dönmemecesine
Ruh, yaşarken ölebilir mi? Zamansız
Tuhaf bir akşam ağlatma klarnet yeter
Su misali fırtınaların rüzgârında savruldum

Sabunun köpüğü gibisin değme yüreğime
Hüsran oldu mu yüreğiniz? Kırılmış aynalar
Gitme artık klarnet bende kal yağmur başladı
Gel tütün sar, rakıya meze olur ve belki…

Renksiz bir dünya solgun ve ılık aydınlık
Anılar, anılar… Hatıralarda geriye kalanlar
Elem dolu yüreğinizle hiç aynaya baktınız mı?
Mezar taşlarında yazmaz solgun yürekler

Ruh ölmez aynada kalır nicelerini gördüm
Gökyüzüne baktım yıldızları gördüm, yalnızlar
Toprağa uzanıp gökyüzüne baktınız mı?
Yıldızların yanında geriye solgun ve yorgun bir yürek kaldı…



I looked in the mirror and a man appeared in the mirror
He looked at my face with tears slowly flowing from his eyes.
With tears and irreparable wounds sprouting in your soul
And all that’s left is a pale heart

They left, never to return again
Can the soul die while living? Untimely
Don’t make me cry on a strange evening, clarinet is enough
I’m blown away like water in a storm wind

You’re like a soap bubble, don’t touch my heart
Is your heart disappointed? broken mirrors
Don’t go now, stay with me for the clarinet, it’s starting to rain
Come on, the rolled tobacco may be an appetizer for raki…

A world colorless, pale and warmly bright
Memories, memories… Those that remain in memories
Have you ever looked in the mirror when your heart was full of pain?
Pale hearts don’t write on tombstones

The soul does not die, it remains in the mirror, I have seen it many times
I looked at the sky and saw the stars, they were alone
Have you ever laid down and looked at the sky?
A pale and tired heart remained next to the stars…

What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry?
Hello, I am a university literature teacher. I start lessons with poetry. However, for some reason poetry is rarely read in my country. Yes, there are many writers of poetry, but very few of the lyrical genre… The world becomes more beautiful with art and artistic movements.Everything in life is based on economy. However, they continue their budget or work that does not change during the war, reducing people’s standard of living.For example; A pair of forest lakes are humming in the corner of your forehead. Do we hear about marble? Can we understand what he is whispering? Does the phrase “don’t forget me, don’t forget me” find us coming out of the piles of stones and through the museum doors? Who were they, what were they, what were they? …

I think you should think about these a little…

List of the published books:
Mustafa Gökçek was born on 02.10.1953 in Gaziantep. He completed his primary education in the city where he was born and his secondary and high school education in İzmir, where he continued his education and life. Writer/Poet/Playwright and theater trainer-director Mustafa Gökçek completed his high school education at DTCF in Ankara after these studies. His literary life, which started with poetry at the age of 12, 13, like some writers, continued his literary life with the publication of his first story in various newspapers and magazines from the age of 16:


– “Essays – 1 (two editions)” (1973 / 1985 influence)
– “The Trials – 2 (From the Pain of Life…)” (1991-effect)
– “Essays- 3 (Cheap Words…) (1993- Çağrı Publishing House)

The author, who entered the world of literature with his book “Demeler (2 Editions)” published in the 1970s, as a result of retouching the stories and novels he wrote in previous dates;


– “Gain” (1999 – Yom)
– “Humpback Kati” (1989 – University Publishing. Bookstore)
– “The Furious World” (1980 – University Press. Bookstore
– “The Apprentice” (1995 – Yom)
– “The Bus” (2000)
– “Murtaza” (1999)
– “It’s Spring Outside” (3 Editions), (1989 – Cem)
– “The Last Claps – Youth Novel” (2001)
– “A Free Call – Volume 1” (2002)
– “A Free Call – Volume 2” (2003)
– “Great Sorrow” (2016 – Messenger, Doğu Kitapevi)
– “Coat Sea” (2021 – Messenger, Doğu Bookstore)
– “Times in the Days of Corona” (2021- Messenger, Doğu Bookstore)


– “Facts, 11 Stories” (1979 – University)
– “The Sun on the Horizon, 10 Stories” (University)
– “My Shadow Has Fallen into Water” (1996 – Leyal Publishing House / Hürriyet Newspaper Sedat Simavi Foundation Short Story Award)
– “Good Will (Haldun Taner Short Story Award)” (2000)
– “Compass (published in France)” (2001)


– “Mektephane, two acts (Experimental theater)” (Staged and published by the University / 2000)


– “Stay here, don’t go” (2000)
– “Far Lands…” (2001)
– “I’m Here” (2003)
– The game “Pavement Engineer” was filmed as a series. (2004)


– “First” (2002 – Impact)
– “Red Dawns Flowing From My Mountains” (1985 – Icarus)
– “The Pain of Life” (1990)
– “Lonely Trees” (1980 – yom)
– “My Age is in the Siege – Madimak is Burning” (2000 – Impact)
– “Amber, Efkar, Longing” (2004 – Impact)
– “My Old Friends” (2006)

INTERPRETATION AS BOOK REVIEW AND CRITICAL (Journal and newspaper articles);

– “Hours of Interpretation- 1” (2015)
– “Hours of Interpretation- 2” (2016)
– “Hours of Interpretation-3” (2017)
– “Hours of Interpretation-4” (2018)
– “Hours of Interpretation-5” (2019)
– “Hours of Interpretation-6” (2020)
– “Hours of Interpretation-7” (2021)


– “Theatre Education” (1994 / University Publication.)
– “Diction-Phonetics” (1996 / Textbook, University Publication)
– “Pronunciation Trainings” (1997 – University Publication)
– “On Coffee” (2001 / World, General Release to All Countries)
– “Being Enlightened” ( 2003 – University / Universal Journal – Partner)

– “The Place and Importance of Theater in Contemporary Society” (Universal Magazine publication)
– “Political Literature” (columns published in Haber Hürriyet Newspaper)
– Newspaper columns (article type); Since 1987…
– A total of 85/95 scientific articles

In total as publications; He has over 50 publications…

In addition to the books published with their names, some of the poems and books of the author were published in Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, England and Russia. One of his short stories was published in France and he collaborated in Russia and and Mexico, Korea, Greece, America, Japan, Azerbaijan, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tatarstan, England, Sarajevo, Albania, Croatia… And many more! . An award from the Sedat Simavi Foundation of Turkey and a Haldun Taner short story award, a medal for one of his short stories from France (Puslu Ayna) and an award from Ankara University. And right now (covid-19 days due to the flow of life); He is preparing a historical novel with a novel titled “Times in the Days of Corona”. Also on behalf of; In Seferihisar-Ürkmez Youth Center, a Memorial and Study Room and a Library were opened in his name… A few of my poems were translated into English and Spanish on Mexican radio and performed there as well.

Author, TYS (Turkish Writers’ Union), PEN (International Writers’ Union), TÜRKGEB (Founder of Young Writers’ Union of Turkey), İZMES (Founder-President of İzmir Literature-Art Group) TÜRKYES (Turkey Publishing, Literature, Art – Founder, Honorary President) is a member of İZSES (Founder of İzmir Art and Literature Conversations) and the International Union of Activist Artists, and currently continues to write in the newspaper “Haber Hürriyet” and the website-newspaper www.haberhü

Do you expect to win the contest?

You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:



Mili Dueli 2023 – Fifth Round (Grand final)



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