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Name and surname: |
Kamil Princ
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Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO MONTENEGRIN + YOUR NATIVE / ENGLISH LANGUAGE ) |
Spavaj slatko, vojniče, kad puk da pogineš veli, Je li metak sjeme što u tlu mesa niče, U ratnom ruletu se oštar naboj vrti. Marš Radeckog svira u svojoj razvratnoj plemenitosti. Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić Spi sladce, vojáku, když pluk ti zemřít velí Je kulka semínkem, jež vzklíčí v půdě masa Ve války ruletě se točí náboj ostrý. Zní Radeckého marš v své zvrhlé noblese. Sleep well, soldier, when the regiment orders you to die Is bullet a seed that sprouts in the soil of flesh In the roulette of war a projectile spins. Radetzky March plays in its depraved nobility. |
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Something special about you! |
I work as a Sales Engineer at a laboratory testing high power equipment, such as switchgear panels, disconnectors, circuit breakers, etc. I am an editor in the Czech Newspaper of the Writers’ Community and a founder of the art magazine “Smrtisyn” for the current Czech neo-decadence movement. I also work as curator of various visual art exhibitions and I write art critics and philosophy essays, mostly focused on the present neo-decadent art influenced by the old “fin de siècle ideas” of Ch. Baudelaire, J. K. Huysmans, A. Schopenhauer, F. Nietzsche and the early works of P. Verlaine (Poemes saturniens). I am a co-founder of the electronic-metal music band “Maldorör Disco” inspired by the aesthetics of Comte de Lautréamont and his book “Les Chants de Maldoror”. I am engaged in translation work of the English, German and French poetry. In my free time I study philosophy and psychology, including the non-conventional topics such as hypnosis and the phenomenon of near-death experience (NDE).
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What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry? |
My country of origin, the Czech Republic, is rather peaceful. We are a small and modest state that experienced many wars and oppressions in the past, so I hope the warfare never returns to our nation again. In my opinion, the peace could be contributed by nourishing the peoples’ passion and love to art in general – not just in poems. The human soul experiencing the magnificence and variety of creative work in musical, visual, literary, and performative forms in all its freedom and diversity can find its inner reconciliation, even though the outside world is often cruel, unfair, and painful. I believe the intellect and the beauty of art in various forms is the antidote to the arrogance and ignorance of the mankind.
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List of the published books: |
1. Sonata for a rusty harp, poetry collection (2011)
2. Using a knife I teach a fish how to scream, poetry collection (2019) 3. Echo of a fish’s yell, poetry collection (2023) |
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Do you expect to win the contest? |
You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page: