Konkurs "Mili Dueli 2019" Mili Dueli 2023 Poezija

Kennie Kay – Pismo zatvorenim vratima (Mili Dueli 2023 – Grand Final)

Name and surname:
Kenneth Kibet Cheruiyot
Poem for the 4th and 5th round (Final / Grand Final): (TRANSLATION INTO MONTENEGRIN + YOUR NATIVE / ENGLISH LANGUAGE )

Draga Zatvorena Vrata,

Pišem ovo iskreno pismo sa neopisivim nemirnim pulsiranjem u meni! Moje srce uvijek kuca zabrinutim sistolom i pesimističnom dijastolom. Svaka kvaka na Vama rasipa moje optimistične nade za tajanstvenim očajem. Kada sunce izlazi na zapadu, moje nade se bude iz sna sa idejama iz Pensilvanije i krstare prema Vama brzinom Vestona, očekujući da ćete se širom otvoriti za moj osmijeh.

Ali, ono što me dočeka je hladnije od ulica Santorinija u Grčkoj. Atmosfera koju prema meni širite puna je lavine odbacivanja. Čak ni slutnja ljeta ne izranja iz Vaše ogrlice i visokih sigurnosnih perli, lokota. Svaki dio Vas izgleda kao Armagedon. Imam bogatije i zelenije ideje od tropskih šuma Amazona, ali ne dobijam šansu da se približim Vašem otvorenom pravougaonom pogledu. Ono što mi odražavate je neproziran kvadrat bez ikakvog signala, osim obližnjeg “nema prolaza”.

Odbili ste mi prijatelje koje sam želio u svom krugu. Umjesto toga, oni su u izolovanim sferama, zaključani u neostvarenim željama i ciljevima. Očigledno, spriječili ste me da se približim brojnim poslovnim prilikama. Sada prevodim kilometre u milje kako bih pokušao da sastavim kraj sa krajem, čak i ako je to samo za nekoliko metara. Želio sam da prođem kroz Vas u prelijepe prostorije izvan vašeg zaključka, ali ste mi uskratili potpuni pristup. Čitam o uspjehu na optimističnim stazama, ali ste odlučili da me skrenete s kursa samo da biste napunili svoje pesimističke rešetke za berzu.

Zašto mi uskraćujete sve dragocjene dragulje svojim teškim igrama? Pustite me unutra i bacite taj lokot za logaritamski uspjeh i sreću.

Vrata su zatvorena,
a okolina zaključana,

Moj prizor je samo mutan,
želim veslati kroz njega bučan

Uspjeh je samo iza tih vrata,
ali moji napori su uzaludni sada,

Otvorite se širom
i pustite me da vozim s mirom,

Nemojte me otpisati,
pustite me Vaše osobolje upoznati.

Translated to Montenegrin by Anđela Turukalo Dabetić

Letter to the Closed Doors.

Dear Closed Door,

I write you this heartfelt letter with indescribable writhe pulsating in
me! My heart is always beating with querulous systole and a pessimistic
diastole. Every knob in you scattles away my optimistic hopes for mystic
forlorn. When the sun rises in the West, my hopes wakes up from its slumber
with Pennsylvania ideas and cruises towards you with a Weston speed
expecting you to open it wide for a winsome smile from me.

But what greets me is colder then the streets of Santorini Greece. The
atmosphere you exude towards me is full of an avalanche of rejection. Not
even a sign of summer beckons from your necklace and high security bead,
the padlock. Every edge of you appears like Armageddon. I have rich and
greener ideas than the tropics of Amazon, but you haven’t given me any
chance to even get close to your open rectangular vision. What you reflect
to me is an opaque quadrate with no signal but a bandage of “no through

You have denied me friends I wanted them to be part of my circle. Instead,
they are just in isolated spheres locked in unfulfilled wishes and targets.
Ostensibly, you have metered me away from a number of job opportunities. I
am now inching kilometres to miles just to try and make my ends meet even
if it is just for a few metres. I have wanted to go past you into the
palatial rooms beyond your lock but you have denied me total access. I read
of success from optimistic trails but you have decided to derail me from
the course just to stock your pessimistic grills for the bourse.

Why are you denying me all the precious gems with your arduous games? Let
me in and throw away that lock for a log of logarithmic success and

The door is closed,
And the vicinity is locked,

My view is just a blur,
I want to row past it with roar,

Success is just beyond the door,
But my efforts are just poor,

Open wide,
And let me in for high end ride,

Don’t write me off,
Let me in so I can meet with your staff.

Something special about you!
I am an avid reader and a Biotechnologist.
What do you think is the main problem of peace in your country? Suggest solutions to us, and how to bring and preserve peace in your country with poetry?
Banditry is a main challenge.

Giving freed education to people in the banditry zones so they get education and knowledge.
Setting up churches for spiritual nourishment.

List of the published books:
Do you expect to win the contest?

You can watch and vote the video posted on Mili Dueli’s official Facebook page:



Mili Dueli 2023 – Fifth Round (Grand final)



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